
Phyrexian Obliterator.

Basic Deck Strategy: Disrupt your opponent in the early game until you are able to land a Liliana and then play protect the queen with Phyrexian Obliterator and Gifted Aetherborn. The goal is to stall out their game plan, get them hellbent, and start grinding.

Some Pointers on How to Play the Deck: In game G1 is it really important to have T1 discard in your opening hand. This allows you to see their hand and develop your game play to be as disruptive as possible. The two possible play lines include: keeping your opponent off their game plan or developing your own board state. The matchup, the contents of your starting hand and the contents of your opponent’s starting hand are what determine which path is optimal. T1 discard allows you to choose the correct path at the beginning of the game. Ideal starting hands include either two discard and a removal spell or two removal spells and a discard spell. Starting hands with three lands are most desirable. You always want to be able to cast a Liliana on curve. Even two land starting hands can be mulligans. The first two turns are spent with casting discard, removal, or a Gifted Aetherborn to protect a T3 Liliana. Ideally, Liliana curves into Obliterator. This deck can gain a lot of life which is great against decks that win through dealing damage. Obliterator is great against decks that rely on damage based removal. Something of note: I have found that this deck can struggle against resolved planeswalkers, ie: Tron and W6.

Thoughts on MD Cards I have Tried:

Force of Despair: This is not a modern playable card. It was terrible evert time I drew it. A Fatal Push or Path to Exile would have been better in every circumstance I drew it except for one. I have included the fourth Fatal Push in this place.

Gray Merchant of Asphodel: This is going to be cut. I never cast this card in the eight rounds of the MCQ. It was my out in one game against mill where I was locked behind an Ensnaring Bridge but I never drew it. Gary was always scryed to the bottom in opening hands or discarded to LotV or Collective Brutality. A deck that wants to be upticking LotV on turn three doesn’t want to be playing five drops like Gary. I’m also playing Lingering Souls mainboard over cards like Geralf's Messenger so I just don’t think Gary has a place in the 75.

Phyrexian Obliterator: So many decks have no way to get rid or an Obliterator. Once it lands it can effectively be a Moat with 5/5 and unblockable. I would play five or six if I could. It is at it’s best against decks that use damage based removal (red decks). However, Obliterator is less good against decks that play Path to Exile, Assassin's Trophy, and Maelstrom Pulse.

Collective Brutality: Going into the tournament I was skeptical of two of these main. They were actually amazing every time I cast them. They have the ability to hit a creature and take CoCo or a Path out of my opponent’s hand for the mere cost of two mana. This is also great in the burn matchup.

Nihil Spellbomb: I put this in as filler and it worked great. Worst case it is a two mana cantrip. I can see replacing it with something else after the Hogaak and Looting ban.

Phyrexian Arena: This card will just straight up win games on it’s own. I want to go up to two in the main. It’s good in mid to long games where your life total isn’t being pressured, ie: Tron, control, and midrange decks.

Leechridden Swamp: I had high hopes for this card. It is fetchable and can get in for one point of damage a turn. However, I found that it just doesn't do enough. Also, coming into play tapped is a relevant drawback in a high curve deck. I'm trying out a Shambling Vent in this spot.

Shambling Vent: I like this as a two of. Coming into play tapped hasn’t been an issue and I have been able to play around the ETB tapped effect. Fixes mana, does damage, gains life, good stuff.

Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet: This deserves to be main deck. The exile clause is relevant and the lifelink helps stabilize. I am already playing a lot of high CMC spells, so I would hesitate to have more than one of these main.

Lingering Souls: Discarding them to LotV and Collective Brutality is great. Great blockers and a good end game threat. Many decks have a hard time dealing with it but watch out for Plague Engineer. Depending on how much play Engineer sees, this could go to three copies main.

Kitesail Freebooter: Great card. It’s like Thoughtseize on a flying stick. This is a flex spot but I could see this going up to two in the main. It’s great against Tron.

Plague Engineer: I tried this card out in a flex spot. Having another deathtouch body was really nice.

Blast Zone: Won me a few games on it’s own. I don’t play any one drop permanents in the mainboard so this is a free removal spell. It’s a must include as a one of main and I could see it as a two of.

Thoughts on SB Cards I have Tried:

Kaya, Orzhov Usurper: When she is good she is REALLY good. However, I don’t think it makes sense to play two in the side.

Damnation: I think this deserves to be in the 75. However, it just doesn't feel right in the main.

Blood Baron of Vizkopa: One of my pet cards. He is very difficult for a lot of decks to deal with and the lifelink is relevant. I bring it in against decks that quickly pressure my life total or decks that play black or white. He has been great every time I cast him.

Rest in Peace/Leyline of the Void: There is an argument that with Kaya, Orzhov Usurper in the side that RIP is better than Leyline. I’m currently playing two RIP.

Damping Sphere: I think that two Fulminator Mage is better in this spot. However, I could see playing one of these in the side.

Fulminator Mage: Tron is a really rough matchup. I’m thinking of ways to fit a third one into the side.

Pithing Needle: With all the targeted discard, this is effectively a Sorceress Spyglass but for one mana. This is a high skill card that I love playing. Bring it in against Tron or decks that play pesky planeswalkers like Wrenn and Six.

8-4-2019 MCQ (5-3) matches, (9-8) games, 33 out of 184

Thoughts: I went into this tournament expecting to jam Obliterators for three rounds before dropping at 0-3. I ended up playing all eight rounds after starting 3-0. The deck actually feels good and I think I would have finished 6-2 had I not misplayed in all three games of round four.

Round 1: Mardu Shadow (2-0) G1 on the play. G1 I have LotV and an Obliterator out and he scoops to a Liliana, the Last Hope ultimate. G2 I beat in with Gifted Aetherborn while he is stuck on two BW Canopy lands. He scoops at 8 life when I land a LotV.

Round 2: Bant Spirits (2-1) G1 on the play. G1 I Inquisition him T1 and see the he kept a two land hand with a Hierarch. I take a spirit with Inquisition and pass the turn. T2 I push his Noble Hierarch and he is stuck on two land for most of the rest of the game. I get out eight souls tokens and win the game. G2 I loose to a flood of spirits with my opponent at seven life. G3 I grind him out while he is stuck on three lands.

Round 3: UB Mill (2-1) My opponent is given a G1 loss after a deck check. G2 I get stuck behind two bridges with an Obliterator and a billion souls tokens on the field. My outs are Gary and a LotV ultimate but I don’t draw either. G3 targeted discard spells and a LotV keep him off of his game plan.

Round 4: Titan Breach (0-2) G1 I try to keep him in check with discard. He casts Primetime and fetches two Valakuts. My board is Aetherborn, Kalitas, and Obliterator. I attack with the Aetherborn to put my life total to 23. I didn’t do the Valakut math and it was a mistake to not also attack with the Kalitas which would have put my life total to 26. On his turn, he casts a second top decked Titan, fetching the last two Valakuts, and attacks with the other titan fetching two mountains sending 24 damage in Valakut triggers at my face. If I had attached with the Kalitas, my life total would have been 26 and I would have survived the Valakut triggers to block with Obliterator forcing him to sack five permanents preventing any future Valakut triggers. G2 I try to keep him at bay with three discard spells, but he Through the Breechs a Titan my EOT and then casts Scapeshift on his turn. I didn’t have any relevant sideboard for this matchup. I think that Ashiok, Dream Render might be a good addition to the side.

Round 5: Counters Company (1-2) I had gross misplays in all three of the games in this match. I am fairly confidant that I could have won the match without the poor play. G1 my opponent had infinite mana on the board and one card in hand which I knew was a Finale of Devastation. I scooped on my turn with four mana and a LotV in hand. Ouch. G2 I forgot to play my T2 land drop but won the game anyway. G2 I cast Pithing Needle naming Duskwatch Recruiter  . Why I didn’t name Devoted Druid, I don’t know. We grind while he has infinite mana on board and I am beginning to turn the corner. He finally top decks what he needs for the win.

Round 6: My opponent no shows

Round 7: Grixis Shadow (2-0) G1 my opponent gets me to six life with a Temur Battlerage on Gurmag Anger but I am able beat him down with souls tokens. G2 I start the game with a Leyline inplay and I am able to grind him out with LotV.

Round 8: Elves (0-2) G1 I don’t know what he is on and I am forced to mull to six and keep a mediocre hand. He has an explosive start and casts Craterhoof on T4 to swing for a ton. G2 He casts five elves on his T2 off of a Hertiage Druid. EOT I Force of Despair leaving him with one elf in play and two cards in hand. I have LotV and Last hope in hand so all I need to do is top deck a third land in the next two or three turns and I’ve won the game. I don’t see another land for the rest of the game and he is able to rebuild and kill me with three Elvish Archdruid in play.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 5 Mythic Rares

23 - 8 Rares

17 - 2 Uncommons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.33
Tokens Emblem Liliana, the Last Hope, Spirit 1/1 W, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders asdf
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