u wamt:4x Brutal Hordechief 4x Palace Siege 4x Mardu Shadowspear 4x Bloodsoaked Champion 2x Stab Wound 4x Soldier of the Pantheon.u dont want:Ornithopter Servant of Tymaret Sungrace Pegasus Typhoid Rats Wall of Essence Wall of Limbs.
February 5, 2015 6:45 a.m.
You have to trade out your rats for Ruthless Ripper She gives you more life-drain mid-late game for 3 mana, but can also be your deathtouch blocker for 1 just like your rats.
Personally I would trade out 1 Brutal Hordechief for another Bloodsoaked Champion or Ruthless Ripper. Leave the hordechief in the sideboard for midrange games but you need to be able to match aggro decks early game. Although Wall of Essence does help alot. I wouldn't use it though because it CAN'T help you kill your opponent.
In my last deck I was using 1 Abhorrent Overlord not because he made an army of flyers, I used him because he could give me a way to directly sac my Gary, and then whip him back that turn for even more burn - He could even sac himself then whip himself for double the airborn army.
Your deck Needs Athreos, God of Passage in the mainboard, at least one. It plays right along with your theme!
- Sideboard
I wouldn't use Perilous Vault EVER in this deck. it hurts you far too much. Use a boardwipe instead.
Reprisal is a very weak card in general. in your deck I'd suggest either Whip of Erebos or Erebos, God of the Dead
February 7, 2015 5:14 p.m.
I do like this deck though - this is an excellent start.
+1 from me
February 7, 2015 5:16 p.m.
leraanvistaan says... #5
Go for Wall of Limbs. With the life gain you have running. you will buff him to hell and gone, only to burn them later on for quite some damage. Also I would run Whip of Erebos mainboard. Go -1Palace Siege for +1 Whip of Erebos.
February 27, 2015 7:57 a.m.
The irony is I removed wall of limbs earlier because i never got a chance to use it any time I played this deck.
papahiggs says... #1
I think you probably want to bring this down to 60 cards mainboard. I would get rid of the Ornithopter and Servant of Tymaret and both walls. I would also add some removal. It is going to take a long time to get to the Archfiend of Depravity and even when you get it on-board it is unlikely to survive much more than one turn. I might suggest going monoblack devotion which would accelerate the archfiend into play and also give you other options (think Whip of Erebos with Gray Merchant of Asphodel perhaps?). I would also sideboard more towards the current meta - graveyard hate, token hate, lifegain hate, etc. Good luck
February 5, 2015 1:25 a.m.