This is my zombie/undying deck. Suggestions welcome, and as always, if you like it then toss me a +1 or whatever.
T1: Swamp +Gravecrawler
T2: Swamp + any other one mana cost zombie
T3: Swamp + Blasting Station
T4: Swamp + Blasting Station and Gravecrawler combo and hit for 4 directly.
From here you just keep adding lands and hitting directly with that combo. Obviously the more Blood Artists and Diregraf Captains out, the quicker it will go. This adds up very quick.
If the game lasts, You have an abundant amount of combos with Mikaeus, the Unhallowed.
Combos:Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Retribution of the Ancients + Blasting Station = A ton of damage (probably enough to end the game) and a big creature to boot. By this point you should be able to do this at least 3 times.
Blasting Station + Gravecrawler for constant damage to the face for any extra mana you have left over.
Not to mention Dictate of Erebos + Blasting Station for constant enemy creature removal.
I've also splashed some blue in to add
Call to the Kindred
, once this is out. You're adding a zombie for free to the battlefield pretty much every turn. All the while gaining life and taking life with the combos above.
I'm still working on the deck, I just started it to be honest. The goal is to get the zombies out and then remove them just to bring them back, to deal damage directly to your opponent. I also have late game options just in case it gets hairy but I don't think it will last that long typically. If it does, it just gets better.
Suggestions welcome!