Primer by the great Sugandaraja aka Nakhla

A versatile deck, Jace High Tide plays a role in multiplayer that oscillates between fast, stormy combo and a more controlling game, waiting to push through a mid- to late-game victory after defusing some of the faster decks at the table.

The first iteration of this deck appeared through an article on the now-defunct Land Destruction website (you can check out that decklist here), and was subsequently taken up by a few people in the competitive EDH circles, including Shaper, myself, and asm, all of who went in slightly different directions.

This deck has evolved considerably since its inception (especially through Kaladesh block). Consider this only an introduction to the deck, as its possibilities have by no means been exhausted.

While Jace has fewer explosive starts than a comparable storm deck with black, the high level of redundancy ensures most opening hands provide us with decent answers and avenues to victory.

Below are seven opening hands, and my thoughts on them.

Three Snow-Covered Islands ; Mana Crypt ; Merchant Scroll ; Reality Spasm ; Timetwister

A turn one wheel is always a snap keep for this deck, giving us refuel and typically disrupting our opponents' opening hands. Even if it gets countered, we're still set up nicely here with a tutor and acceleration. A very good hand for Jace.

Snow-Covered Island ; Delay ; Grim Monolith ; Mana Crypt ; Memory Jar ; Mox Opal ; Pact of Negation

A risky but explosive opener, this lets us dump our hand and cast Jace or Jar turn on one as well, but could easily get blown out by a Null Rod or a By Force or similar. The acceleration is almost always worth the risk, however, especially at a table full of fast, non-interactive decks.

Chrome Mox ; Diminishing Returns ; Frantic Search ; Isochron Scepter ; Lotus Petal ; Spell Pierce ; Voltaic Key

The greed trap. Contains combo pieces and enough mana to cast Jace turn one and use him loot towards lands, but I wouldn't take the risk, especially since once Petal is popped, we could be stuck on one mana for ages. A mull.

Four Snow-Covered Islands ; Blue Sun's Zenith ; Snapcaster Mage ; Time Spiral

A slow and bad hand with no answers or acceleration, and pay-off cards we won't even hope to be able to use until opponents have either won or staxed us out. An absolute mull.

Two Snow-Covered Islands; Delay ; Fabricate ; Flooded Strand ; Sleight of Hand

While still a very slow hand, this is considerably better than the previous, and you might want to keep it if you're at a slow table and don't want to go to six, but not otherwise. It gives us a tutor, an answer, and two cantrips to dig into our deck towards better cards. Likely a mull.

Snow-Covered Island ; Dramatic Reversal ; Fabricate ; Force of Will ; High Tide ; Sol Ring ; Swan Song

Some answers, some nice combo pieces, and turn one acceleration, but the lack of draw and the real possibility of getting stuck on one Island are big issues with this hand. A bad set of topdecks could slow us down and put us in a position of slowly digging through our library with Jace's loot. I personally would risk it, but this is a very uncertain keep.

The easiest and most common mistake you can make about this deck is to think piloting it can be reduced to:

A. Get to four Islands.

B. Cast High Tide.

C. Flip Jace.

D. Flashback High Tide.

E. Go nuts.

Now certainly, there have been many times I've been able to do just that, but this deck can't afford to be either complacent before its combo turn, or rush into a combo turn too early and unprepared.

You don’t always want to double Tide with Jace, either: especially late game, when you have six, seven, or even more Islands in play, a single Tide into a pay-off card like Time Spiral or Recurring Insight may provide many more avenues to victory than using Jace for double mana.

Likewise, because it's a “High Tide” deck, it's very easy to get tunnel-vision on that card, and ignore other avenues to winning. Certainly, Tide is the single most powerful storm-turn enabler in the deck, but very often you will win without ever casting it, typically through Isochron Scepter combo or Paradox Engine, but sometimes by simply having enough mana onboard to cast Enter the Infinite outright. Especially compared to decks like Food Chain Prossh or Doomsday Grenzo, our win can come from multiple angles, and our storm lines are complicated and extremely contextual, based on our hand and boardstate.

Coming from a more mixed power-level playgroup or a casual background, Jace might seem like an incredibly speedy deck, but the deck is on the slower end of the fast combo category, with a considerable amount of interaction. Lacking the rituals, conditionless tutors, and the two broken “draw” spells (Necropotence and Ad Nauseam) of black means we must play less greedily and more carefully if we want to win against a multitude of faster decks. This also makes for a higher critical density of draw spells than those decks, as we want to be able to draw seven (or more) cards on our storm turn, and keep on going.

All that being said, we are also not a control deck, and should an opportunity present itself - this deck can theoretically win turn one, and has won two on multiple occasions for me - we should grab it. Even when we are in a more controlling role, and not able to storm until much later than we'd like, rather than a war of attrition, we simply need to counter and remove the most immediate threats and most problematic stax pieces, and find our “window”.

When it comes to the storm turn, I recommend goldfishing this deck quite a bit before bringing it to an actual EDH games, especially if you haven’t piloted a deck in the storm archetype previously. The sequencing is unique to the deck and often needs to be cobbled together through strange tutor chains and repeated wheeling until we can assemble a win. Jace's storm turns are very punishing on misplays, and quite topdeck reliant, as there is always a chance of Timetwistering into drawing seven Islands. Typically the deck generates vast amounts of mana with ease, but is always hungry for pay-off cards like Enter the Infinite.

This deck wins the following ways:

Aetherflux Reservoir

Our primary wincon. In most games, this will be our finish after drawing our deck, or simply a win after casting many spells on our combo turn. A number of our infinite mana combos conveniently also generate infinite storm. Almost all games are won using this card.

Isochron Scepter

Imprinting Isochron Scepter with Dramatic Reversal produces infinite mana with rocks on the board, and infinite looting with JVP. Playing Copy Artifact imprinting Narset's Reversal alongside it gives us infinite casts. See "Combos" section for more info.

Blue Sun's Zenith

You can add this in if you'd like an easy outlet. After we generate infinite mana, use this to draw our deck, draw it with any cantrip, target a player making them draw infinite cards, repeat until all opponents are gone. Our secondary wincon. Useful if Aetherflux gets exiled, and not the worst mana dump for non-infinite mana if we don't have other avenues to winning.

Combat Damage

Or, the awkward zone. Generate infinite bird tokens and attack the next turn using the method outlined in Combos, or keep them on a no-permanents lockdown with an infinite bounce loop while slowly beating them to death with Palinchron and friends. We almost never want to do this unless both Copy Artifact and Aetherflux are exiled, but I have had to do it once or twice. If deck exile so prevalent in your meta you find yourself doing this regularly, you might want to consider adding more reliable tertiary wincons like Codex Shredder or Stroke of Genius.

Jace has a rather large collection of in-deck combos that are worth familiarizing yourself with. As all of them are three-plus card combos (with the arguable exception of Enter the Infinite and mana, though that's stretching the definition of combo), which we tend to go for is entirely based on our hand, graveyard, and boardstate.

  • Palinchron + High Tide + 4 Islands (if double Tide) or 6 Islands (if single Tide) = Infinite Mana, Infinite Storm

One of the simplest combos in the deck, this gives us infinite mana and storm by casting and returning Palinchron to hand with its ability.

  • Isochron Scepter + Dramatic Reversal (Imprinted) + mana rocks that can generate 2 or more mana = Infinite Untaps, Infinite Storm, and if your mana rocks generate 3 or more, Infinite Mana

One of the more robust set of combos in the deck, helpfully the pieces are somewhat useful outside the combo. It is also the only combo where Jace himself can act as an outlet: by reacting with Scepter to Jace's loot trigger, we can loot our whole deck, and filter our hand until we've assembled a winning hand, or have a card worth flashing back in the graveyard (typically a Mind's Desire for infinite is a winning play with enough of your deck left). Sensei's Divining Top is a better outlet than Jace, as by reacting to the tap ability with Isochron Scepter we can stack as many draw triggers on the stack as we want.

  • Isochron Scepter + Swan Song + Paradox Engine + any Instant, Sorcery, or Enchantment on the stack + mana rocks that can generate 2 or more mana = Infinite Swan tokens, and if your mana rocks generate 3 or more, Infinite Mana

One of the most rarely used and awkward combos, it's typically only used if we've drawn our deck and have the wherewithall to defend our swan army for a turn. This tends to be our emergency "out" if Aetherflux Reservoir and Blue Sun's Zenith are exiled and is not recommended if you have other outs, rather, it's just something that incidentally exists in the deck.

  • Candelabra of Tawnos + Capsize + High Tide + 4 Islands (if double Tide) or 8 Islands (if single Tide) = Infinite Mana, Infinite Storm, Infinite Return To Hand (opponents and you)

Easier to do with double Tide than single Tide, this lets one of our answers form a combo. By adding Sensei's Divining Top to this equation, we can draw our deck by responding to its tap ability with Capsize.

For some time now I've felt the A vs. B matchup approach is incorrect in a multiplayer format. The overall dynamic of a pod matter much more than any one opponent you'll face. With that in mind, this isn't an exhaustive matchups guide, but what I've taken away from my experiences piloting Jace in different pods.

All Fast Pods

With the proliferation of new fast combo decks this past year, it's not uncommon for Jace to be the slowest deck at the table. This isn’t game over for Jace, as we're still fairly fast, and typically not the only deck invested in stopping the first deck to attempt a win at the table. We run all the best countermagic. However, this puts us in something of a control role: we want hands with answers, and to play much more carefully with our wheels, typically saving them for our combo turn.

The good side of these pods is that you'll face less disruption on your combo turn (primarily countermagic and spot removal) and tend to have easier combo turns. Mystic Remora is godly in these types of pods, as the majority of fast combo decks simply can't afford to slow down their gameplan in the name of giving you cards.

The bad side is that our combo window tends to be later, and being the turn four deck at a table of turn threes means, if they all have strong hands, we just won't have answers for all of them.

Stax And Control Heavy Pods

These types of pods have some peculiar dynamics for Jace. Many stax effects are problematic for Jace, above all else effects like Rule of Law, but the tendency of these games to go long favors us in terms of one of our primarily resources - Islands - tend to be more numerous by the late game, and as decks go, we have a fairly minimal investment in our boardstate.

Jace tends to have two plans here. Against stax decks, it’s often best to be the aggressor: if you can win on turn three or four, it’s often worth the risk of going for it before the more problematic stax pieces start to land. Against blue, countermagic-heavy control decks, it’s often better to play more cautiously, playing a tempo game and keeping them off key pieces and refuel spells. Against both, waiting for that window when your opponents are low on fuel or answers to go off is often the key here: think of playing in these pods like trying to cross a busy road, waiting for that window when there’s a quiet spot in the traffic.

On the good side, mass land destruction has gone out of favor in stax decks on the whole, meaning our most valuable piece of boardstate - Islands - is usually unmolested barring tap effects like Winter Orb and Static Orb.( “I cast Enter The Infinite.” / “What with?” / “Twelve Islands.” Is a real conversation I’ve had. ) An end of turn Cyclonic Rift into a late game storm turn is often our route to victory here. Non-stax control decks don’t tend to present many problem permanents, meaning our answer countermagic is usually enough to defend our combo turn if it happens at the right juncture.

On the bad side, multiple stax decks at a table can be crippling. You may need to adjust your answers suite accordingly if your meta is mostly stax, with cards like Engulf the Shore and Displacement Wave vs. Bear-heavy decks; Rebuild and Steel Sabotage doubling as stax-rock answers and Candle-bouncers; and more creature answers such as another Pongify and Reality Shift are worth consideration.

Midrange and Mixed Pods

Midrange is in a peculiar position right now in the format: most of the decks have either incorporated some stax elements, sped up to become fast combo decks, or become irrelevant. There are some outliers: Teferi, Temporal Archmage is quite modal between being fast and being stax-heavy (some have coined Adaptive Combo to describe this type, and it applies fittingly to Jace's frequent bridging of fast combo and control), Edric, Spymaster of Trest is often described as tempo for its answers into snowballing boardstate and card-draw; card:Yisan, The Wanderer bard runs almost every good stax card available in mono green and is functionally a stax deck from the purposes of assessing its role across the table across from Jace. For the most part, these decks can be classified as belonging to Fast Combo or Stax/Control in terms of the threat they present us, even though these decks can sometimes modulate between both as is the case with Teferi.

It's much harder to generalize the dynamics in diverse metas (a table consisting of Sidisi, Undead Vizier ; Card:Ruric Thar, the Unbowed ; and Yisan, the Wanderer Bard is going to have some very different group dynamics compared to a pod consisting of Grand Arbiter Augustin IV ; Edric, Spymaster of Trest ; and The Gitrog Monster despite both being mixed very groups). That being said, you'll often find yourself swapping roles depending on boardstate, having to do some complex threat assesment, and being the control deck until you have a window to storm. Remember that if you can remove a stax piece, it is occasionally worthwhile to let it land if there is a deck at the table it answers that you don't have an answer for.

The Card Itself

Let’s break down the card:

  • Casting cost: 1U

Jace's low converted mana cost is one of his best features. He can can come down turns one or two and begin filtering our draws, but also be cast midgame safely leaving up mana for answers as needed. Casting him late game at four or six mana late game is often still worth it given the full graveyards at that point in the game.

  • Creature - Human Wizard

Not relevant for our purposes. We're not Azami, and we don’t want to dilute out Island mana base with cards like Cavern of Souls.

  • Power/Toughness: 0/2

Jace is extremely wimpy. No power is unfortunate given Hidden Strings is a card, and as for blocking, he can block some dorks, more or less, and not much else.

  • Tap: Draw a card, then discard a card. If there are five or more cards in your graveyard, exile Jace, Vryn's Prodigy, then return him to the battlefield transformed under his owner's control.

Merfolk Looter, with a twist. This is the bread and butter ability of Jace that you'll use almost every game. Note that this is all one ability, so the transform will happen on resolution, not just because you have five or more cards in your graveyard.

Once he's transformed into Jace, Telepath Unbound (five loyalty counters), we have the following set of abilities:

  • +1:Up to one target creature gets -2/-0 until your next turn.

Decreases the power of attackers. Rarely relevant, mostly just there for ticking him up as needed. "Up To" is important: if there are no creatures around, tick up Jace anyhow.

  • -3:You may cast target instant or sorcery card from your graveyard this turn. If that card would be put into your graveyard this turn, exile it instead.

This is the juicy bit - a Snapcaster Mage, and what we're using almost always using Jace for as soon as he flips.

  • -9: You get an emblem with "Whenever you cast a spell, target opponent puts the top five cards of his or her library into his or her graveyard."

We essentially never use this, as by the time we have three or more loyalty, we'd prefer to use his -3 again.

Jace's Role In The Deck

Jace, Vryn's Prodigy   's roles in this deck are fairly diverse, though it's mostly along the line of a Merfolk Looter stapled to a Snapcaster Mage.

His primary ability is as a looter in the command zone. This allows us to filter our hand, dig deeper into our topdeck, and fill up our graveyard for Snapcaster Mage and Jace's minus three planeswalker ability. Instants and Sorceries aren't "gone" with the discard given the minus three, so don't be afraid to pitch hefty pay-off cards like Enter the Infinite early game to dig for more relevant cards. In some grindy, slower games I'm often been quite cautious about filling up my graveyard, given Jace's flashback is usually a one-off (and smart opponents will keep Jace from ever getting enough loyalty to use it again with small-scale beats). That being said, letting him flip for value plays is fine if there's no alternative or route to combo.

While he isn't an infinite outlet in a traditional sense, you can use the Isochron Scepter/Dramatic Reversal/mana rocks combo to loot your deck and filter your hand into a winning hand, or even just flashback something relevant. It gets riskier if you have no hand and need to flashback a wheel, and even riskier if you only have infinite untaps and not infinite mana (i.e. two mana's worth of mana rocks), but is usually a winning play nonetheless.

Once Jace flips, we're almost always using his minus three that turn. Given the deck's heavy focus on High Tide, that card is easily the most common target (for the double High Tide effect), but it's far from the only one, and there are many scenarios where double High Tide is either unnecessary or even a poor choice (e.g. Tide but no draw in hand, but there's a Time Spiral in the graveyard). If you have everything you need to win in hand off a single Tide, consider giving a counterspell flashback. A Paradox Engine in play has made me double-cast Fabricate for the win. While Tide is the deck's focus, it's important to not get tunnel vision about that card and Jace's minus three. The correct target is contextual.

Sadly, in this format, Jace's plus one is not fantastic except for ticking up for another minus three and denying Tymna draws. Still, it's worth keeping in mind if there are relevant targets like Tymna or Brago. We can't effectively defend Jace given our low creature count, and usually aren't sad to see him removed due to the gaining the ability to recast him and then get a looter and flashback again.

Jace's ultimate could, theoretically, be a win condition, but in hundreds of games on Jace, that scenario hasn’t happened. Given situations as odd as victory via Palinchron beatdown and storming off via an opponent's High Tide have happened, that's saying something. For almost all games, it might as well not be on the card. (Much like Teferi, Temporal Archmage's ultimate in his deck).

Snow-Covered Islands

The main mover and shaker of the deck. Not much to say here, other than that the difference between snow-covered and regular Islands is exclusively due to card=Extraplanar Lens and not wanting to pump opponents' regular Islands with it.

This is one of the few cases where aesthetics can warp your meta: given that there are currently only two art choices for snow-covered Islands, together with them being more expensive than regular Islands (especially in foil), in the majority of decks don't use snow-covered Islands for their basic Island slots. If you find that the majority do, it's easy and cheap to switch back to regular Islands instead.

The Fetchlands (e.g. Scalding Tarn )

These fill up our graveyard for flipping Jace, and help with topdeck manipulation with cards like Brainstorm and Sensei's Divining Top.

Ancient Tomb

The most recent and controversial addition to this deck's manabase, I've found the extra mana to be worth breaking the cleaness of the all-Island land base. I helps us push out a wheel effect on turns 1-2 more often, gives us more mana to push out big spells like Time Spiral without Tide, and synergizes with the rest of the deck as a land that always has a Tide effect "on" (albeit for colorless). Given we don't run black's big life-for-cards engines like Necropotence and Ad Nauseam, the life-loss is negligible.

Baral, Chief of Compliance

A one-sided discount for all our Instants and Sorceries, with the further upside of turning our countermagic into looting. He's even playable as an alternate general for this deck.


Makes infinite mana and storm on four Islands with a double Tide and six Islands on a single Tide. Occasionally useful as an untapper before infinite, or even as an answer to certain stax effects like Winter Orb.

Chrome Mox ; Grim Monolith ; Lotus Petal ; Mana Crypt ; Mana Vault ; Mox Diamond ; Mox Opal ; Sol Ring

A fairly standard collection of fast mana for a storm deck this format.

Candelabra of Tawnos

The strongest rock in the deck for our purposes, a large part of why we run artifact tutors, and a core part of what makes the deck function the way it does. This is conjuction with High Tide, and our various untap effects, generates the huge quantity of mana the deck uses to fuel its combo turn. Its hefty price-tag has made some downplay its importance, but the deck loses a considerable amount of power with its absence.

Extraplanar Lens

The worse High Tide, for the purposes of this deck. Costing us a land is a major downside, so compared to High Tide, we tend to be casting this further into the game.

Fellwar Stone

One of the few two cmc mana rocks that taps for blue (in the average pod) and comes in to play untapped. Sadly, no mono blue Talismans or Signets for Jace.

Isochron Scepter

One of our main routes to victory, typically Imprinted with Dramatic Reversal with enough rocks on the battlefield to generate infinite mana and storm (it works similarly Imprinted with any Instant and Paradox Engine. Occasionally worth imprinting with another Instant - Mana Drain is a choice target.

Sapphire Medallion

A discount on everything blue, which for us, is every non-artifact. A somewhat safer Helm of Awakening for our purposes.

Sensei's Divining Top

A multi-purpose tool in Jace. As well as its typical use for topdeck manipulation and draw, it is part of multiple combos within the deck (see the Combo section for details), and it's tutorable with our artifact tutors and Dizzy Spell.

Ponder ; Preordain ; Sleight of Hand

Three of four cantrips (Brainstorm being our other one). Good turn one plays, help us filter our topdeck and grab cards we've tutored with Mystical Tutor and Personal Tutor. Sleight of Hand is the weakest of the quartet, but the extra filtering has proved itself worth the include.

Diminishing Returns

The worst wheel, but not why you'd think: the exile ten isn't as harsh as it sounds. Given our multiple wincons, it's extremely rare for it to hit all of them (no worse than having Jeleva get cast twice in your pod). Timetwister and Windfall are three cmc; Time Spiral is six, however the untap effect often makes it mana-neutral or a massive ritual with High Tide, making Diminishing Returns the most expensive draw-seven sorcery at four cmc, without the upside Memory Jar has of being tutorable with our artifact tutors. However, it's still seven cards for four mana, which makes it one of the most efficient mana for cards options available.

Enter the Infinite

One of the easiest go-to wins available in mono blue. Resolve it and win with any number of options in the combo section or just multiple spells and Aetherflux Reservoir. Twelve cmc is notable for the turn four, double Tide turn: four Islands with double Tide give us twelve cmc exactly.


The least conditional artifact tutor. Finds any artifact we want.

Gitaxian Probe

"Free" draw, and free information. Assists with topdeck tutors in mana tight scenarios, too.

Merchant Scroll

Jace is arguably the deck that can use this most. Finds High Tide a lot, but frequently other cards like Mana Drain to answer and ritual for our combo turn, and Dig Through Time to turn excess mana into payoff cards. Our second-best tutor after Mystical Tutor (which it often grabs).

Mind's Desire

One of the best "pay-off" cards in the deck, it's typically worth firing off once storm count is at 6-8 depending on your spare mana. Given many of our combos generate infinite storm in addition to infinite mana, it can be used to draw our deck. Inherently risky, though: I've won off as little as storm count 3, and whiffed off of a storm count as high as 14.

Personal Tutor

One of the weaker tutors in the deck, Jace being able to grab cards from the top of our deck helps considerably with its utility. Many of our biggest "pay-off" cards like Mind's Desire, Enter the Infinite, and Time Spiral are sorceries, so it's more or less a must-include, especially for one cmc.

Time Spiral

Many other storm decks have cut this wheel as it's six cmc, but given how Tide-centric the whole deck is, untapping can be an enormous ritual, especially with double Tide in effect. The graveyard shuffle isn't inconsequential and can be used to return cards to our deck we have a hard time retreiving otherwise. The self-exile is unfortunate, but we have a fair amount of in-deck redundancy with other wheels, especially Timetwister.


The best wheel, and like Windfall, often worth casting turns one or two just for disruption purposes. The graveyard shuffle isn't inconsequential and can be used to return cards to our deck we have a hard time retreiving otherwise.

Transmute Artifact

One of our strongest artifact tutors, but more conditional that Fabricate: depending on what's being sarcificed, can either be the more expensive tutor or the cheaper one. Note that the cost isn't an additional cost to the spell, but something that must be paid once the artifact is in play. This is notable for cost-increasers and effects like Gaddock Teeg, and also gives us a modicum of secrecy as to the exact artifact we're going for, as well as saving us the extra mana if it gets countered.


One of the best wheels, refuels us and gives us a full graveyard for Jace's flashback, Snapcaster Mage, and Dig Through Time. Keep an eye out for graveyard hate in case anything key gets pitched. Like Timetwister, often worth casting turns one or two just for disruption purposes.

Counterspell ; Delay ; Dispel ; Force of Will ; Mana Drain ; Mental Misstep ; Negate ; Pact of Negation ; Spell Snare ; Swan Song

A fairly standard countermagic suite - not much to say here that's unique to Jace. Mana Drain is arguably our best ritual after High Tide, so don't be afraid to counter something large but non-threatening if it helps power out our storm turn.

Blue Sun's Zenith

A secondary win condition that doubles as a large draw spell. I play this over Stroke of Genius for the ease of recursion with the shuffle-in.


Our strongest cantrip, Brainstorm has quite a few tricks, including getting rid of unwanted cards with fetchlands and shuffle effects generally, and putting back cards we want to draw with Windfall and Memory Jar. Notably the only cantrip that can go on Isochron Scepter (a nice way to draw your deck with Paradox Engine and a few mana rocks).


An ok bounce spell that incidentally has a few combos in that deck with High Tide/Candelabra of Tawnos and Paradox Engine (outlined in the Combo section). Without the combo potential I'd run Into the Roil in this slot.

Chain of Vapor

Blue’s best removal, and bouncing one or more of our things is extremely relevant.

Cyclonic Rift

Bounce stapled to blue's best sweeper. While it’s been going out of favor in many decks due to its inability to target our own permanents (most notably Candelabra), and is someone costly at seven cmc for the mass bounce, it's really excellent in the late-game or if the boardstate gets clogged with multiple stax cards.

Card:Dig Through Time

Draw and selection stapled on to a card with Delve. Especially good in this deck given how readily we fill up our graveyard. Because we have a high number off pay-off cards to funnel our mana into, this often acts as a pseudo-tutor on the combo turn. The delve will usually reduce your graveyard to below what makes Jace flip, which can be a plus or a minus depending on the context.

Dizzy Spell

One of the more eccentric cards Jace runs, we pay almost no attention what the card actually does, it's really just here as a three-mana tutor for any one-drop. Finds High Tide , finds Candelabra of Tawnos, and finds conditionally quite relevant cards like Mystical Tutor ; Sensei's Divining Top ; Chain of Vapor ; etc. Note it being an Instant is relevant for finding it with Merchant Scroll.

Dramatic Reversal

One of our primary avenues to victory with Isochron Scepter and either our general or Sensei's Divining Top, this can also act as a huge ritual with Candelabra of Tawnos and High Tide, or simply Paradox Engine and artifact mana.

Fact or Fiction

Instant speed "draw" (note that it escapes draw-hate like Spirit of the Labyrinth) that digs five deep in to our deck, and often gives us cards we can flashback with Jace.

Frantic Search

Instant-speed, mana-neutral loot at worst, but often, for us, loot with a huge High Tide aided ritual stapled on.

High Tide

See: Island.

Hurkyl's Recall

Does double duty for us as an answer to problematic artifacts (opposing wincons and stax, primarily), and as something that allows us to bounce and recast artifact fast mana and Candelabra of Tawnos.


The only two-mana cantrip I run currently, but digging four deep and being instant speed earns its place.


A powerful tutor that takes familiarity with your deck to use. It can be fairly basic at times (three wheels, three tutors, three counters, or even three Islands) or rather complex if you have multiple avenues to victory.

Muddle the Mixture

A counter, yes - but also a tutor. Finds many important cards in the deck, notably both halves of the Isochron Scepter / Dramatic Reversal combo.

Mystical Tutor

Our strongest tutor, it finds all our answers and most of our ways to win.

Rapid Hybridization

Low cmc creature removal that answers threats fast. Pongify is another version if you feel the need for it.

Reality Spasm

Almost always used in conjunction with High Tide for ritual purposes, never forget that if strictly necessary, we can use it as an answer to opponents late-game by tapping the relevant permanents (usually creatures or lands).


An answer for creatures that doubles as a ritual with High Tide.


Almost always used in conjunction with High Tide for ritual purposes, never forget that if strictly necessary, we can use it as an answer to opponents late-game by tapping the relevant permanents (usually creatures or lands).

Whir of Invention

UUU is awkward at times, but instant speed is very handy, sometimes even for something as banale as an endstep x=0 into a Mana Crypt or similar.


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(4 years ago)

+1 Mindbreak Trap main
+1 Miscast main
-1 Narset, Parter of Veils main
-1 Opt main
Top Ranked
Date added 8 years
Last updated 4 years
Exclude colors WBRG

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 0 Mythic Rares

35 - 0 Rares

12 - 0 Uncommons

18 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.35
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Emblem Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
Folders EDH, EDH, cEDH Lists, Interesting Decks, JVP Hight Tide, Edh, cEDH Spice, Future EDH Decks, cEDH, Competitive EDH
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