I have an Elspeth and a flooded strand on their way. Should be here before Sunday, when the PTQ is on.
February 19, 2015 11:28 a.m.
2x dissipate becomes 1x Dissolve and 1x Negate trust me there is something in every deck right now that negate can hit
I've also never been a huge fan of clever impersonator I feel that you're better running 3x or 4x rams
I've also never found jace to be amazingly helpful I've never been sitting here and said wow I really could use a jace right now so I would cut at least 1 of him to be an Elspeth I feel that 2 elspeth is he best number
I also don't know how good you are at control so as you get better I would cut to fewer win conditions so lessen the amount of prog sphinxs becsuse you should be running a full play set of DDT instead of 5 win cons if you trust your deck you dont need 5 win cons
Also how's your Jeskai token match up? Whelming Wave really helps when turn 5 will be to late I also love Brimaz, King of Oreskos
February 19, 2015 11:32 a.m.
Okay, I agree with you on the dissipate but I can't find any dissolves at the moment, that's why the dissipates are there.I have found the clever impersonator to be really useful as he has saved me a fair few times. Especially with ugin running around he can really be useful. I also used to run daxos for life gain and siege rhino fun. But took him out for rams. I have found Jace helps me bounce specific creatures and he helps fuel my delve. Also his ultimate is pretty good. Whelming wave is good but that's why Jace is there ( to bounce ascendancys ). I have been playing uw control since the ravnica block got cycled. I have achieved a fair few top 3 results in fnm since my deck has been like this ( but with daxos ) I changed daxos a couple of weeks ago and I have yet too try the rams. The prognostics are there for the scry. I will probably drop one for an Elspeth or ram but I am pretty fond of them as they tend to search for my Elspeth in most games. Brimaz is very good, sadly though I can't afford to buy him until next Saturday. But thank you for your tips mate, I really do appreciate it.
February 19, 2015 6:42 p.m.
I had a pretty bad day at the PTQ, lost most of my games, but I carried on playing to try and find out what was wrong with it. It was the win con, 1 Elspeth and 2 prognostics in the main board was too weak, so I have changed it to 2 Elspeth and 1 pearl lake Ancient . Also another problem I had was with my mana. Just finding the right combination of mana so I will be getting more flooded strands and two more temples. And also my card draw was too slow,so I have put in two divinations to try and help those games where I have a dead turn.
February 23, 2015 5 a.m.
Koalamaster123 says... #6
I think you could lower it to 24 lands and throw in another elspeth.
February 28, 2015 7:26 a.m.
WickedPikachu says... #8
There are so many counters in this deck. Hilarious to try and play around that. I play tested this against my bw warriors prototype and it was a close match, but I barely pulled ahead. The Silkwrap caused major pain, exiling important guys. I have never been able to build a good uw deck but this shows me how. AEtherspouts is very annoying too. Overall, great deck.
June 21, 2015 9:09 a.m.
The reason why there are more counters than a normal deck is because white has less viable removal than the black counter part. An aetherspouts is hilarious as it makes your opponent think twice about attacking with a large amount of his board. The silk wrap is in the deck to sort out rabblemasters, fleecemanes and helps against aggro. Thanks for the playtest :)
thewaller says... #1
Wouldn't a counter be better than void snare? Also swan song is not right for standard. I swapped out treasure cruise for dig through time
February 17, 2015 6:50 p.m.