Wanted to build a very powerful, very consistent deck (doesn't everyone?). So I arrived at the conclusion of Green Eldrazi Tron! Im not sure that its as good as it can be though. Id love to hear your suggestions!
Win con: Cheating out big creatures early with the Urza lands.
Creatures: All of our creatures in the main board are there to disrupt our opponent and deal huge damage. Eldrazi Mimic is pretty weak on its own, but any other creature we drop (outside of Matter Reshaper) helps get it big.
Endless One
is a fine card both late and early as we can make it as big or as small as we need. If we need someone to hold down the fort and protect our life total he can do that, if we need a big threat, he can do that. Matter Reshaper isn't that great of a body, but it's ability might just help us find a land we're missing. Thought-Knot Seer is a solid 4-drop 4/4 Thoughtseize. Good for disruption and in playtesting I often dropped him on turn two. Reality Smasher is just good. 5/5 Trample; Haste is great and we often get him out turn 3. Conduit of Ruin makes the cut because it can tutor up our Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger as early as turn 3, and (because of its second ability) allow us to drop Ulamog turn 4!
Lands: We are of course running the Urza lands (Urza's Mine, Urza's Power Plant, Urza's Tower). If youre unfamiliar with them they all tap for 1 colorless by themselves but tap for 7 total if you have one of each on the board. Were running a playset of each. Eldrazi Temple is a playset as well b/c all of our creatures are Eldrazi, making these lands tap for 2 for all our creatures. 6 Forest is all we really need for the Ancient Stirrings were running (we also have 2 World Breaker and 1 From Beyond in the sideboard). We also have a 1 of Wastes in the event of a Ghost Quarter.
Removal: Not much in the way of removal outside of the 3
Ratchet Bomb
. I couldnt find much in the way of removal for Green so I was stuck with colorless removal (HELP greatly appreciated here!). We also have a late game
All Is Dust
to board wipe everything.
Defense Grid
helps us against any spell cards that our opponents may want to cast (at least on our turn) and
Gruesome Slaughter
also comes in from the sideboard to give us strong removal.
Ancient Stirrings
allows us to fetch either lands (lands are colorless) or creatures, or artifacts. The only trouble here is making sure we have the Green mana we need to pull that off. Sometimes we dont have it. Expedition Map is a beautiful play turn one, and then sacked turn 2 to fetch a land we need. Great for mana fixing. Conduit of Ruin rounds out our consistency by allowing us to fetch our finisher, and play our first creature spell for cheaper each turn (in the event that our mana is bad).
Control: Mindslaver is a 2 of in our mainboard. Sweet card that can be absolutely devastating to our opponent if we play it right. Ghost Quarter allows us to tear up any lands that may give us trouble. Pithing Needle helps us lock down any planeswalkers we may encounter. Relic of Progenitus can help with graveyard hate.
The rest of the sideboard: Kozilek, the Great Distortion is here in the event that we want a more controlling creature as our bomb. Menace forces them to chump a lot, his draw card ability gives us what we need, and his discard ability helps us counter anything and everything. Were running an insane amount of colorless generating lands so his double colorless cost is no problem. Sun Droplet gives us some lifegain (Im sure theres something better out there). From Beyond allows us to sac it and fetch any Eldrazi card (includes our creatures and All is Dust).
Ideally, our opening hand has each of the Urza lands in it. Only had that happen once in playtesting. That being said, I very often had one of the pieces and an Expedition Map turn one. Next turn I often got a second piece, then used the map to grab the third. I regularly pulled 7 mana on turn 3 as a result of that.
This deck ramps really quickly and drops big threats very early in the game. There are some cards that would be great here (Cavern of Souls, Chalice of the Void), but I dont want to spend that much money on it. This deck has been fairly competitive for me in playtesting online. Would love to know what you think it could change to make it stronger. Thanks!