This is an EDH deck built around Celestial Kirin
Some notable combos:
That Which Was Taken
- Nothing like making the thing, that makes things indestructible, indestructible, then making the thing, that's making the thing, that makes things indestructible, indestructible, indestructible.
Myojin of Cleansing Fire
That Which Was Taken
- Stack up a few Divinity Counters on this guy and you've got a repeatable, 0 mana cost, instant speed, kill-everything-but-me style board wipe* whenever you need it.
Dust Elemental
Hokori, Dust Drinker
- End of turn, I bounce Hokori and Dusty to my hand. My turn, lands untap, I cast Wrath of God and Hokori, Dust Drinker. No one untaps lands but me. (Whitemane Lion works here too, but how can you resist letting the DUST Elemental and Hokori, DUST Drinker work together?)
Should anyone decide it's time for an Armageddon, or should you feel it's time to get a big punch in, feel free to cast Plow Through Reito or Charge Across the Araba to save the day.
Act of Authority
Crib Swap
/Terashi's Grasp/Mirror Entity/Spirit en-Dal/(Or my personal favorite)Nikko-Onna - Just cast the Act, choose that permanent that's been pestering you. Wait for that magical upkeep when the moment's right. And exile something else. Let them have the Act, you're done with it anyway. Just cast Lil Nikki, destroy something else and watch their ill-gotten enchantment explode with all the other 3CMC permanents.
Angel of Flight Alabaster + Crib Swap
- Because who doesn't love exiling a creature, and killing all of the 3CMC permanents every round?
AEther Shockwave
Sunblast Angel
- Because the only thing more important than remembering to bow to the Extra-Terrestrial Unicorn God, is remembering it doesn't really care.
Kataki, War's Wage
Stony Silence
- Your phone isn't working and you're still being charged for data. Tossing that thing in the garbage is starting to sound like a pretty sweet deal.
Hokori, Dust Drinker
Kataki, War's Wage
- I'm sorry, Kataki will not accept your foodstamps. I'm afraid you'll have to choose between the Lightning Greaves or the Darksteel Plate, sir.
Celestial Crusader/Hollowhenge Spirit - You might have noticed that most of the few spirits that have the same CMC as Celestial Kirin have flash. If you're going to betray your wondrous Sky Pony, I'll assume you have a very good, and urgent reason.
Having troubles killing permanents of certain mana costs? Who said you have to have a Magical Korean Unicorn to kill things? But why should you have to lose permanents just because you want to cast Akroma's Vengeance, Day of Judgment, Phyrexian Rebirth, Planar Cleansing, Rout, Winds of Rath, or Wrath of God? Looking to save one guy? By all means play Otherworldly Journey, Whitemane Lion, or Dust Elemental. Looking to save more than one? Why not cast a Rootborn Defenses or a Ghostway or a Faith's Reward or a Deathless Angel? Opponents' creatures proving too durable to bring down? Go for a Final Judgment.
And just who came up with this ridiculous notion that other people should be allowed to have Generals? Maybe a quick vision of Banishing Stroke, Terminus, Oblation, Condemn,or Hallowed Burial will remind Uril and Jhoira of where they're supposed to be.
Gift of Estates/Eternal Dragon - Mana drought sucks okay? That's ok, the East Asian Cloud Deer giveth, and.. well.. you know.
At the end of the day, who really wants anything to STAY in their graveyard? 'Not I', said the Equine Ghost Comet. Whether it's Custodi Squire, Eternal Dragon, Angel of Flight Alabaster, Karmic Guide, Sun Titan, Emeria, The Sky Ruin, Mistveil Plains, Breath of Life, or Resurrection, let's just keep things prolific shall we?
Gideon, Champion of Justice is in this deck because I just couldn't resist giving a deck named Spirit Bomb something that can go Super Saiyan.
Now I know what you're thinking. Where is the card draw? Well I don't really know. Between the few cycling effects, the generally undying cast, and the relentless hate of things that have mana costs, card draw is a bit low. You're absolutely free to fill this with spiffy gadgets and gizmos to help you draw, I just don't know how long their warranty lasts in the company of a Starborn God-Mare.
I'm certainly open to suggestions if you have them. But largely I'm happy with this deck as is. If you have edits to make, feel free to make them, I don't have a patent on this deck and I'm sure the Kirin will forgive you if you decide some of her assets are less valuable than others. Either way, if you've taken the time to read this far, and have either made suggestions or have fallen in love with the idea, you might as well pledge your fealty to the Celestial Kirin in the form of a +1.