Alesha, Who Smiles at Weenies -(Alesha Primer)-
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 125 | 77 COMMENTS | 24497 VIEWS | IN 69 FOLDERS
First and foremost, I really like the deck. I personally run a Saffi Eriksdotter which has a similar style, however you're much luckier in that you have access to black.
The most obvious thing that stands out to me is the lack of focus, which you have mentioned yourself. While it is ok to run subthemes in decks (and I recommend it to increase the overall resilience of the deck), here I think you have maybe strayed a bit too far.
If you want the priamry focus of the deck to be combo, then I would recommend looking into running Blasting Station and Altar of Dementia on top of Goblin Bombardment.
Currently you have the following interactions that will fuel any of these three:
On top of that, I would recommend adding Restoration Angel or Zealous Conscripts as both of these will provide an outlet with Kiki-Jiki. Persoanlly I lean more towards Resto as you have a decent chunk of ETB creatures and it's a great way to abuse / reset them at instant speed.
This will also then give the deck multiple infinite combat damage outlets.
The last card I would add in regards to combo is Viscera Seer. She not only works with your Murderous Redcap combo but lets you dig for a better outlet assuming you can assemble one of the aforementioned loops.
Next I want to talk about card advantage. Currently you have a bit, however you have access to black - one of the best colours for card advantage and there are some cards you really should be running.
Phyrexian Arena is just sheer value an should be an auto include. Demonic Tutor and Vampiric Tutor are also both great as they help you tutor up combo pieces. There is also Wall of Omens which can provide you with ETB card draw.
Your removal suite is decent, but needs some work. You have access to vindicate colours, you may as well take full advantage of this. Anguished Unmaking, Utter End, Vindicate itself, these are all cards you should be running. While not recurable, they provide some of the best removal in the game.
I feel like you need a bit more ramp. Currently you have a few things, however cards like Chromatic Lantern, Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and the signets (espcially Orzhov Signet) will make a huge difference. Alos, personal opinion but Shadowblood Ridge is rubbish. Lands that you have to pay mana to make work but don't give you additional mana are bad 9Cabal Coffers is an example of a not bad land).
Another card I personally run in most of my black decks is Dark Ritual. it is surprisingly powerful and lets you combo off faster, or just get out a big card earlier.
If you're playing competitively, you should be running Strip Mine. It's just too good not to have. I know you run Fulminator Mage but why not both?
I know it's White/Green but if you wanted to have a look at my Saffi Eriksdotter deck, there is a lot of overlap theme wise. I'm not sure but it might give you some ideas: Just Stay Dead
Anyway, I hope this helps.
June 23, 2016 11:37 p.m.
Tiddilywinkus says... #3
enpc Thank you for the well thought out suggestions, I'll try to address all the suggestions you put in with equal return.
First off I agree with your input of Blasting Station for another way to combo off, very useful, makes it more consistent.
As far as my meta goes Altar of Dementia doesn't work for me due to almost every deck putting in the eldrazi titans which hoses any mill strategies.
Addressing the Restoration Angel and Zealous Conscripts, I know that it would make the Kiki-Jiki combo more consistent I'm just very hesitant to put in anymore creatures I can't recur. That being said If i feel like I need another card to pull off the Kiki-Jiki win more Resto Angel would be the card I'd put in.
Due to the fact that I have Dimir House Guard, Ashnod's Altar, and Carrion Feeder I am not sure that Viscera Seer is necessary. However I would like to hear your suggestion of if i should replace one of the previously mentioned with Viscera instead.
Yeah I should probably put in Phyrexian Arena. I plan to put the tutors in the future when I get a hold of them, I don't want to buy them straight out currently. Ill definitely consider Wall of Omens as this deck really does need more card draw
Playing the deck I'm pretty happy with the amount of removal currently, the power to recur all my removal really beats out any of the single use spells and I haven't ever had a problem needing to remove what I need to. That being said Anguished Unmaking I'll take a look at and see how it preforms in exchange for something else.
I do have Chromatic Lantern in the deck under the Mana section. Specifically in my meta Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth ends up helping my opponents way to much which is why it currently isn't in the deck. I can abuse it with enough consistency as my opponents to consider it worth running..
Yeah ill take out Shadowblood Ridge. When i get my hands of a Strip Mine I'll replace it with that.
I don't like Dark Ritual simply because I really don't want to draw it when I need anything that does something. In desperate times I really don't want to run into it.
Thanks again for the suggestion and I appreciate the amount of time you put into it!
June 25, 2016 12:48 p.m.
I'll upvote any deck running an Ankle Shanker, let alone a foil one!
Seriously though, excellent deck
July 3, 2016 1:25 p.m.
kinggeorgeiii says... #6
May i suggest Shizo, Death's Storehouse to help Alesha in combat for when Reconnaissance isnt there,
also, Kor Haven to deal with biggies
July 13, 2016 2:16 a.m.
Tiddilywinkus says... #8
Under my land choices I did mention that I need a Maze of Ith. Just waiting on funds to put towards it currently. Thank you for the suggestion though!
July 26, 2016 11:56 a.m.
My building Alesha too so i would suggest Illusionist's Bracers instead of Strionic Resonator the mana investment is lower for the same effect
August 10, 2016 10:18 p.m.
soul22: Illusionist's Bracers doesn't work with Alesha. Her ability is a triggered ability and bracers only copies activated abilities.
August 10, 2016 11:02 p.m.
enpc yeah realize after i didn't checked the card in a while and the person who suggests it to me too i guess.
August 11, 2016 7:03 a.m.
I_TappedWrong says... #12
i have some minor deferences in my alesha deck you should check it out. i like the spikyness tho good job.
September 2, 2016 7:41 p.m.
Primusfan42 says... #13
Have you considered Custodi Soulcaller from the new Conspiracy set? The synergy isn't perfect, but it is a constant re-animate trigger on a stick, just like Alesha, Who Smiles at Death.
September 4, 2016 9:09 p.m.
Tiddilywinkus says... #15
Primusfan42: Custodi Soulcaller is okay, the problem with him is that most of my games are going to be 4 player or less, so Ill ever only going to be able to get back a 3 drop at most. It requires me to attack with at least three creatures as well and he really calls short when it gets down to 3 players or 1v1. Just do to his inconsistency I wont be adding him. Thank you for commenting though I appreciate it!
September 7, 2016 5:47 p.m.
paloflimdul says... #16
Room for Gray Merchant of Asphodel or Tree of Perdition? Maybe for Beetleback Chief and Mesmeric Fiend?
September 21, 2016 10:39 p.m.
Tiddilywinkus says... #17
paloflimdul while Gray Merchant of Asphodel is generally a good card i dontusually have enough devotion to warrant him. It is a card i have considered though. As for Tree of Perdition it isnt really what this deck wants to be doing. I don't mind life totals becuase the point of this deck is to combo out most of the time.
Mesmeric Fiend can lock players out of a game, and Beetleback Chief provides chumpers and combos nicely with Purphoros, God of the Forge and the soon to be added Panharmonicon from kaladesh.
September 23, 2016 10:18 a.m. Edited.
Im sure you've considered it, but I think Recruiter of the Guard is such a perfect fit in this deck! I play him in my deck and he does some work especially if you reoccur him a couple times he really pays off!
September 25, 2016 9:01 p.m.
Pretty sweet deck! I was wondering if you could take a gander at my Alesha deck, Smiling at Death is Easy When it's Temporary. I've been trying to trim the creature base because I feel like I may have too many right now. Any input would be appreciated. In the meantime, here's a +1.
March 11, 2017 6:38 p.m.
Since you're running creature recursion, Cataclysmic Gearhulk would be better than Tragic Arrogance.
March 15, 2017 2:39 p.m.
Tiddilywinkus says... #21
KaraZorEl While that may be the case normally, I do enjoy choosing the permanents from Tragic Arrogance more than letting my opponents choose which permanents they keep from Cataclysm or Cataclysmic Gearhulk
March 15, 2017 4:58 p.m.
Have you considered Vulturous Aven? A repeatable Night's Whisper can be very useful at times.
March 20, 2017 4:07 p.m.
Thanks a bunch for the primer. In my Alesha deck, I will be adding the Maze of Ith, Village Bell-Ringer, Tragic Arrogance, Fulminator Mage, Selfless Spirit, Imperial Recruiter and Darksteel Plate. Thanks for all the education!
April 11, 2017 12:41 a.m.
You can also win the game with the Wayward Servant, Gravecrawler, and Phyrexian Altar infinite combo.
October 4, 2017 1:36 a.m.
Lowenstein says... #25
Your mom smiles at weenies.
Ugh, I know, immature and unfunny. But I couldn't help myself.
Tiddilywinkus says... #1
TheMuffinMTG The issue with Crackling Doom is that i can't recure it. There is some synergy that I've seen wit Mistveil Plains + Sunforger and but all in all that is a 7 mana investment (3 to equip, 2 to unequipped, 1 to tap Mistveil Plains which then I cant use for mana). I have considered it but I'm not that desperate sac effects especially when I can abuse Goblin Assassin.
June 23, 2016 4:16 p.m.