This deck revolves around Emeria, The Sky Ruin and Sun Titan I have seen versions running u/w but i've found games to be smoother with mono white. This deck uses a lot of cards that are losers like Pilgrim's Eye and Lone Missionary but gets continueous value off of them. this deck is set in 6 categories "base", "basic lands", "Removal", "combo value" "extra value", and just "value"
Base: The base of the deck is Emeria, The Sky Ruin and Sun Titan Emeria gets back my creatures in the late game which paired with my ways to get them their works well.Sun titan can hit every card in my deck except itself and Day of Judgement.
Basic lands: 19 plains i need plains for Emeria and can get them with Pilgrim's Eye
Removal: I use 2 Banishing Light, 2 Oblivion Ring, and 4 Day of Judgment Banishing light/O ring: they are practically the same card but with different names which can matter. Also the reason i use them over Path to Exile is i can get them back with Titan if I discard them.Day of Judgement: more budget efficient then Wrath of God and can wipe the board against aggro decks. i have ways to get creatures from the graveyard so i happily run mainboard sweepers.
Combo Value: I run 4 Wall of Omens, 4 Pilgrim's Eye, 4 Squadron Hawk, and 3 Lone Missionary.Wall of Omens: this allows me to get card draw and have a blocker early game. This is always a 4 of in mono white Emeria control.Pilgrim's eye: This lets me hit my land drops early game and thin my deck late game. Not hitting land drops is a nightmare with this deck i need 6 mana for Sun Titan and 7 plains to activate Emeria, The Sky Ruin.Squadron Hawk: Drawing one of these allows you to flood the board with 4 1/1 flyers. Early game you have blockers late game you have a small army.Lone MIssionary: Lets you gain life and chump. This matters a lot early game and late game puts out of reach of a lot of decks.
Extra Value: i run 3 Mentor of the Meek and 3 Mortarpod.Mentor: this card allows me to get card draw form almost all of my creatures. Give an extra push early and late game. This also make my deck even more mana intensive which why you still will use Pilgrim's Eye late game for lands.mortarpod: This can be a win con game 1 when your opponents don't know what your doing. Other than that it pings opponents, clicks, lingering souls, and other stuff. Most importantly it puts your value cards back in your graveyard for even more value. Again this causes this deck to be even more mana intensive.
value: I ruin 4 Mirrian CrusaderCrusader: i've found sometime you need a creature to just bash in and avoid premium removal except Path to Exile and Lightning Bolt. It also can block Tarmogoyf and Siege Rhino. even 1 draw step can change the game for u.
Sideboard:3 Disenchant : with Torpor Orbs, Grafdigger's Cages, and Rest in Peaces just as a few hate against you is plentiful this help keep the games in your favor3 Nevermore: This card stops combo, and can really hurt other decks.2 Eidolon of Rhetoric: No one likes only playing one spell a turn. Not even when playing this deck. But compared to aggro, control, and combo we can deal with it the best so usually board it in against your difficult match ups2 Grand Abolisher: We don't like or control and making themselves fetch shocks untapped when they dont need to is really usefull. it also blocks counterspells.2 Aegis of the Gods: ruins mill and makes burn aim a bolt away from us and we can keep getting him back. Remember every draw step counts.1 Lone Missionary: Against aggro more life gain2 Wrath of God: When we need to hurt aggro even more