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U/B Cycle Control




Want to play with Tarmogoyf in Standard? With Vile Manifestation, you can! This deck is a control deck where almost 2/3 of the deck has cycling. It can play the slow, Drake Haven game, but also pressure the opponent with high-power creatures. It can also stick an Archfiend of Ifnir to completely turn a game around. I have been posting good results at FNM and decent results online with this deck, and it is fun to play as well as offering many decision points.

Game Plans:

vs Control: This can be a fairly easy matchup. The most important card here is Drake Haven, sticking that will allow you to overtake the game. Don't overextend into wrath effects, and always ask yourself if adding a creature will speed up the clock enough that you would be OK losing it. Abandoned Sarcophagus is a powerhouse in this matchup, often being a 3-mana "draw 5+". Save your counterspells for their wincons (The Scarab God or Approach of the Second Sun). Sideboard into Negate, Duress and Sorcerous Spyglass if they have/you suspect a good target for it. Sideboard out Fatal Push and Archfiend of Ifnir.

vs Tokens: Absurdly easy matchup. You have a repeatable wrath with Archfiend of Ifnir and can grind them out even from absurd life totals with Drake Haven. Save your counterspells for Anointed Procession and Vraska. Sideboard out Fatal Push and a couple Hieroglyphic Illumination, and bring in Negate and Duress.

vs Aggro & Temur Energy: These are your tough matchups. Use cards like Vile Manifestation and Fatal Push to stem the bleeding. Don't be afraid to trade off creatures for one of theirs + a removal spell if it preserves your life total. If you are able to untap with an Archfiend of Ifnir, the game is pretty much over, but be wary of Glorybringer or Chandra ruining your day. Sideboard into Gifted Aetherborn, as well as Essence Scatter, Essence Extraction and Bontu's Last Reckoning when appropriate. Sideboard out Abandoned Sarcophagus, Search for Azcanta  , Hieroglyphic Illumination and Countervailing Winds.


Alternative Cards:

Updated 27/09/17 for Rotation

Updated 16/10/17, removed Hollow One for being too clunky, added Essence Scatters to the maindeck and another Countervailing Winds and Island, added more alternate cards and tip about the Drake Haven trigger

Updated 31/10/17, retooled matchups section


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

22 - 1 Rares

16 - 8 Uncommons

15 - 6 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.89
Tokens Drake 2/2 U
Folders Favs
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