Revenge of the Lorax

Modern* anonymousperson184

SCORE: 115 | 61 COMMENTS | 11034 VIEWS | IN 44 FOLDERS

kl0Ze says... #1

How have your match-ups been?..from easiest to toughest from your experience. Feel free to check out my treefolks for ideas.

October 21, 2016 7:33 p.m.

@kl0Ze: The easiest matchups are usually any kind of aggro-based or midrange strategy. The deck is so good at establishing massive power and toughness early it becomes impossible for your opponent to win any kind of race. The only exception to this is probably burn, which is pretty annoying. Hardest matchups are combos or control. I've beaten plenty of Kiki-chord decks and stuff like that, but with such a linear strategy, you're kind of helpless to their game plan most of the time.

October 21, 2016 9:52 p.m.

myronthewall says... #3

I've been working on a deck like this for years, and I think I have perfected it if you'd like to check it out.

October 22, 2016 9:47 p.m.

@myronthewall: Sure, just post a link and I'd be glad to check it out. Just checked your page and there are tons of decks so I'm not sure which one you're referring to.

October 23, 2016 9:48 a.m.

myronthewall says... #5

October 23, 2016 9:03 p.m.

PIKAchooch says... #6

Hey this is an awesome deck man! I have been working hard on a similar build, however mine needs much work in order to be more competitive. Here is my build so far, although yours looks much better.
One card that I think should be of note is Explore! It isn't the worst top deck in the world, and can help unload lands from your hand to make dungrove and dourbark bigger sooner. I also am a fan of Strangleroot Geist, although not a treefolk and lack of synergy with your assault formations, he works pretty well with the anti-control/hexproof theme of the deck. Is there any advice on my build that you can maybe give?

Love your build! +1

October 28, 2016 11:14 p.m.

-Counterspell- says... #7

Possibly Sakura-Tribe Scout and Dryad Arbor as they can buff efficiently and can be a hilarious combat trick when combined.

December 19, 2016 1:38 p.m.

@-Counterspell-: Good cards for sure, but I'm not confident I have room for Sakura-Tribe Scout, and Dryad Arbor is too vulnerable to removal. Thanks though!

January 9, 2017 2:34 p.m.

BobTheStrong says... #9

you should play life goes on or feed the clan

July 9, 2017 11:49 p.m.

@BobTheStrong: Life Goes On is a solid sideboard option vs burn. Had no clue it existed. Thanks

July 10, 2017 1:07 a.m.

TonJolley says... #11

I don't play modern, just EDH mostly. This deck looks really cool and makes me want to build a EDH version (wouldn't hit the same though). Just glad someone had a similar idea and looks STRONG too.

November 27, 2021 5:44 p.m.

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