

This Standard deck is all about playing in your opponents turn with both your creature spell as well as your instants.

Starting of with the creatures this deck plays 23 creatures in the main deck all having the FLASH ability.

At the one-drop slot playing four times Spectral Sailor this is a cheap creature with the ability of being a mana sink in the late game, gaining you card advantage. This creature can function as a early blocker playing against Aggro trading with your opponents creatures most of the time whilst gaining you the late game advantage playing against other control decks.

At the two-drop slot playing the full play-set of Brineborn Cutthroat and Wildborn Preserver as a three off. Both creatures have the ability to grow as the game advances providing decent blockers against opposing creatures. Brineborn Cuttroat will grow every time you play a spell during your opponents turn while Wildborn Preserver will grow every time a non-human creature enters the battlefield under your control and you have some spare mana to invest. Playing three Wildborne Preserver and not four because of the mana investment however I think it deserves its slot because off the reach ability against the flying threats on the other side of the battlefield.

Only playing one creature at the three-drop slot being the Brazen Borrower . This card is an auto-include in this deck not only because its able to pressure the opponent as an evasive threat but mostly because of the adventure ability being able to bounce opponents NONLAND permanents. there is nothing more satisfying than bouncing your opponents planeswalker end of their turn and countering it on their following turn. I know this is a "perfect world" scenario but it will happen occasionally but it being able to provide some tempo plays slowing your opponent down is also a great ability to have trying to catch up in the aggro matches.

At the four-drop slot playing the play-sets of both Frilled Mystic and Nightpack Ambusher . Again both flash creatures with very relevant abilities. Frilled Mystic is a 3/2 creature for four not being that impressive especially as it requires both GG and UU to cast however it is all worth it as it is able to counter any spell as it comes down. Nightpack Ambusher a 4/4 flash for four is not bad, pumping your other wolfs (and there will be other wolfs) also pretty nice, create a 2/2 wolf if you haven't played a spell during your turn.. sign me up. If your opponent is not able to deal with this it can go out of control real fast. if you are able to play this and protect it with counter-magic it can kill your opponent in just a few turns. I think this is one of the most important mana slots as it contains the creatures to gain the advantage in the match.

At the 6-drop slot a single Dream Eater as i think this has the potential to be the game changing card in the grindy matches where it can bounce a relevant threat or a vital permanent on the other side of the battlefield. Whilst doing so it sets up your next couple of draws or gets rid of unwanted draws in the process leaving behind a 4/4 evasive threat able to swing in the following turn.

This concludes the creatures in the maindeck now moving on to the spells.

This version of the Simic Flash deck plays 15 spells of which 8 are counters.

Starting at the one-drop slot I play one Unsummon and two Veil of Summer . The Unsummon is one of the cards I have most of my doubts about especially as a one off. It can interact with your opponents creatures, sure, bouncing your own creatures when targeted by removal also pretty good but being able to bounce your Frilled Mystic in order to counter a spell is some interaction that did it for me. I play it as a one off because of the inclusion of Brazen Borrower and Dream Eater both being able to interact with opposing permanents. Also Veil of Summer being able to protect your creatures against blue and black interaction. Veil of Summer is included in the maindeck because of the current meta, with black and blue being among the most played colors. When this changes this card will also move to the sideboard again because of it doing nothing against the mono-red match-ups and Gruul aggro.

At the two-drop slot four Once Upon a Time deserve their slot making it able to keep hands you would normally have to mulligan and four Quench . If you have a opening hand with only two lands or even one land Once Upon a Time could make sure you do not have to mulligan and play a seven card, spells, heavy hand. This card also has value in the late game when keeping up counter magic. When your opponent does not play anything counter worthy you can end of turn play Once Upon a Time and find a threat to pressure your opponent or a land if you need to. Quench is a card which shines during the early turns and losses value quickly whilst the game advances. Again within the current meta where I believe Oko, Thief of Crowns dominates, it is vital to have some answers to a turn two, when you are on the play and turn three when on the draw, Oko, Thief of Crowns . When playing against an Oko, Thief of Crowns deck this card will most likely make room for Mystical Dispute and Negate and the same needs to be said for Teferi, Time Raveler because this card completely shuts down our game strategy. This being said I do belief this still deserves its four maindeck slots because it is able to counter relevant threats in the other mach-ups and is not a complete blank in the Oko, Thief of Crowns and Teferi, Time Raveler matches.

At the three drop slot a full playset of Sinister Sabotage as this counter any opponent spell and provides a form of card selection.

The mana base is pretty straight forward playing four Breeding Pool four Temple of Mystery and one Castle Vantress . Adding six Forest (254) and seven Island (251) making it a twenty two land mana base.


Starting off with three Aether Gust which will be sided in against the Gruul color opponents. This card will counter their spells or bounce their permanents by returning the spell to either the top or bottom of the owners library. This will not only slow the opponent down but also gives you a change finding the answer to the bounced threat. One Disdainful Stroke which will be sided in against the Fires of Invention decks. For now this is only a one of as Negate is also in the sideboard most of the time doing the same in this mach-up, however when the fires decks will be played more often I might add another copy most likely in exchange for the Ashiok, Dream Render . Two Essence Capture when playing against the creature heavy decks and two Negate when facing decks relaying on their powerful non creature spells. The Ashiok, Dream Render will find its way into the deck when playing against any graveyard recursion decks or deck willing to search their library in order to ramp or tutor for cards. At the three drop slot we can find two Mystical Dispute which were already mentioned above. This card will be sided in against opposing blue decks providing a one mana counter spell against any blue spell. Last but not least three Shifting Ceratops which will provide an decent threat against blue decks however after rotation the mono blue decks have lost their momentum so changing the numbers for this slot would be something to take into consideration.

This concludes the deck description, if you like the deck please up-vote and if there are any comment and/or feedback let me know.

Please take into consideration that all off the stated above is from my own experience and I have only played this deck seriously at one four round FNM last week going 4-0 (four times 2-0)


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Revision 1 See all

(5 years ago)

+4 Growth Spiral main
-4 Once Upon a Time main
+1 Opt main
+1 Unsummon main
-2 Veil of Summer main
Date added 5 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

16 - 3 Rares

16 - 9 Uncommons

11 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.53
Tokens Human 2/2 G, On an Adventure, Wolf 2/2 G
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