

Disruption (2)

Other (1)

Ramp (1)

The Structure of this deck to expand on Jodah Ability of cheating mana cost to create a fast path to big game winning plays Such as,
  • Enter the Infinite - This alone and literally nothing else will trigger a game winning combo see our turn 4 winning line.

  • Tooth and Nail - A single card that will win us the game. See the Mid game winning plays section,

  • Omniscience - This can combo into many winning lines. See the Mid game winning plays section.

Although this is aimed at a more mid game win we do have some different lines to get us a win on turns 1 to 4, these are;

Our magical Turn 1 win

This is a little on the risky side, If we get enter the infinite gets countered then we put ourselves into a very losing position by advancing our 3 opponents by an extreme amount. I keep changing my mind on whether or not include this.

Turn 2 Magical land win

There's a different turn 3 line that involves Fist of Suns**

Our More Reliable Turn 4 Win

Once we have our deck we have the following cards to get to 6 mana,

This gives us a 6 mana starting with 0 open mana when we cast Enter the Infinite

We then cast Composite Golem, Sac and cast Omniscience at this point we our entire deck in our hand with free casting. Create Infinite mana (see Infinite mana section) and cast an Infinite Walking Ballista for the victory

Although we have ways to win in the first 4 turns It's much more likely to happen mid game as we can't find enough ways to consistently ensure the combo going off, as a result we have included more ways to protect and disrupt our opponents and have inlcuded some extra ways to kick start our combo mid game, These are;
Currently 2 different Infinite mana combo's in the deck.

-Composite Golem + Nim Deathmantle and old classic combo but both synergise with other aspects of the deck.

-Our 2nd Infinte Mana combo is Palinchron + one of the 2 mana doublers we have. Casting Palinchron for WUBRG, and bouncing for 4cmc means we need 5 lands + 1 Doubler to be on an infinite coloured mana loop. if we use Zendikar Resurgent as our doubler than we already have a way to draw the entire deck and win.

One of the biggest changes from the previous version of this deck was the stripping of bigger cmc options to up the interaction and protection options this deck had. Some of the ones that are really good additions are;

-Silence - Excellent option for when we go for our big play and need protection

-Autumn's Veil - Slightly lesser version of silence but will really help protect your board when needed

-Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir - Such a good card, Obviously a little more on the higher cmc card but if timed right then this is amazing. Casting on players end you free access to your turn.

I'm still trying to find the right balance of interaction, Winning lines and good value..These are my current thoughts on some of the options that could be cut or added, If you have an opinion let me know.

-I'm on the fence about having a 2nd target for Tooth and Nail, Academy Rector + Sidisi, Undead Vizier for 7cmc we could play both and sac Academy Rector to Sidisi, Undead Vizier this would allow us to find Enter the Infinite and put Omniscience into play..this is obviously good but we already have a winning tooth and nail line, I'm on the fence about a 2nd

-Stranglehold - I'm on the fence about this, good effect and will help keep the game going long enough for us to get our combo going, The issue I'm having is the 4cmc cost. If we get early ramp I would rather play Jodah than this and if we're drawing this middle or the end of the game I think it'll have little impact. - currently been removed to the real sideboard

-Misdirection I personally love this card. I think it's super super helpful in delicate situations. I think the biggest aspect people over look is that it can redirect and single target spell, Not just removal but Buffs or protective spells. in tight situations and especially and counter spell war it'll potentially cost 0 mana and can be used to take control of an opponents counter spell and used to counter another counter spell. Confusing maybe but your single 0 cost spell essentially negates 2 opponent counter spells. I added this to this section as I see people under estimate this card so often. It's not a force of will but it's still good just need to be used correctly.

-Avacyn, Angel of Hope - We don't run Bearer of the Heavens so i'm not sure exactly how good this is. It's clearly good and if we get it at 5cmc great but overall how does this help win us the game...not sure, I actually think swapping in Archetype of Endurance would be better.

-Mana Drain - Can counter anything so is very good, issue being 2 blue open in a WUBRG deck not always easy and the added colorless mana does little to nothing to help us. - I prefer counter spells less niche so not sure what to replace with.

-Myojin of Night's Reach - We can't cheat it in we have to cast it, So either we're casting it for WUBRG and if so I'd rather cast one of the other spells or if we're casting after Omniscience we're already winning so it's a tad win more..It's good and doesn't set the deck level back much but it potentially is costing us some speed. I'm 50/50 on this

-Null Rod - Will disrupt our opponents but also blocks our path to getting enter the infinite out with Composite Golem It's a in testing and might come and go depending on how the deck is playing - currently been removed to the real sideboard

I've seen a lot of decks use the following cards, for different reasons these were cut. A lot of things come down to speed and if it's the card is a win more addition. There's a lot of cards that fall into these categories so i'll add to this as It comes up.

-Brilliant Ultimatum - 50/50 on this, Can be awesome can be a much variance and things had to be cut

-Cavern of Souls - The colourless mana is a super disadvantage to our WUBRG plans.

-Cruel Ultimatum - fun, but the only part that matters is the card advantage and this is only worth it if cast for WUBRG but if we're casting something with Jodah this is a wasted cast.

-Rishkar's Expertise - We don't have enough impactful 5cmc or less cards to run this.

-Maelstrom Nexus Looks really good at first but with testing seemed to be a win more card. We need to spend a full turn to get this early and if we cast a low cmc spell it does very little except exile our deck and if we're casting one of the high cmc cards we're already on our way to winning and getting a random summon doesn't add to our plan reliably.

-Plague Wind - Hard casting is not good and if we're spending a full turn to cast why not cast something else. we have other wipes in but they have some added benefit like draw or hitting more targets

-T3 and T4 ramp like Cultivate, Kodama's Reach or Skyshroud Claim. These are good but too slow. Jodah is much slower than most (based off the majority of decks floating around) people seem to think. We can't afford to be losing tempo anywhere.

-Myojin of Life's Web - 9 is a lot but can lead to cheating in many creatures. Issue is we don't have enough big creatures to make it worth it. If we switch the deck around to have more big creatures then a solid addition.

-Ramos, Dragon Engine - was in initially but we don't have enough multi colored spells to make this worth while

-Sunbird's Invocation - I like this alot at only 6cmc but it causes us to spend an entire turn to get it set up.. After which when we cast a big spell we get a free cast, but we're probably better off casting a big spell a turn sooner. Tough one but not worth it in a fast..ish game.

-Plague Wind - to costly to hard cast and why would we cast this with Jodah active?

-Decree of Pain - Similar to plague wind

-Rise of the Dark Realms - I think this would be a great avenue to build around, but as we aren't milling our opponents or putting things in our own GY, It's just not worth it.

-Insurrection - Interesting card but we only use this if our opponents have a board of big creatures. In other decks probably much better

This deck actually has 2 other siblings, Both are based on what we're trying to do here but have different power levels.

Takes what we are trying to do here, swaps the bottom 15 to 20% of the deck around and really starts firing...this is the cEDH version of this deck.


Captain of Timmy's Table - (with small write up)

Commander / EDH caantpayrent


This is a lesser cEDH viable but more casual fun deck, The main differences are that we have less stop our opponents plan pieces and more win big options. Some of the win big things that are in the other deck include;


-Rise of the Dark Realms

-Decree of Pain

These are all fun big cmc options but just don't make it in this version of the deck. so you can find them in the deck linked above.


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Revision 4 See all

(6 years ago)

+1 Fire Covenant main
-1 Path to Exile main
+1 Swords to Plowshares main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #36 position overall 6 years ago
Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

17 - 0 Mythic Rares

66 - 4 Rares

12 - 4 Uncommons

6 - 3 Commons

Cards 101
Avg. CMC 3.55
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Bird 2/2 U
Folders Strong when built but needs updating, Decks I Like, decks i like, DOPE edh, cEDH ideas, EDH
Ignored suggestions
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