I really loved playing Mono-Black in the past season of standard. Recently I took a break playing Jeskai. But now I'm back on the Mono-Black. I will explain each card and why it's good against Abzan Midrange.

Gnarled Scarhide - Overall this isn't a very good card but it does trigger constellation for one mana.

Crippling Blight - Can also trigger constellation for one mana and it also can make Wingmate Roc not able to block so you can get some damage through the air with Master of the Feast.

Spiteful Returened - Triggers constellation for two mana and even if it gets blocked it can still get in some damage.

Bile Blight - Kills Elspeth tokens and goes along well with a doom wake giant trigger.

Grim Guardian - Can block Courser and with all the small enchantments can deal a decent amount of damage.

Master of the Feast - Blocks Siege Rhino all day and can fly over a lot of stuff.

Herald of Torment - Just a good value creature that can fly over to hit planeswalkers.

Hero's Downfall - Don't think an explanation is needed here.

Whip of Erebos - Abzan has a lot of removal and this can give you some value if your creatures die.

Gray Merchant of Asphodal - This cards a game finisher.

Doomwake Giant - Along with all the small enchantments you can really wipe the board.

Suggestions are welcome.


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

6 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.92
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