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Izzet Counter Burn




Creature (3)

Sorcery (1)

Artifact (1)


The purpose of this deck is to utilize the new MM3 common Thunderous Wrath and its Miracle cost in a controlled burn setting. The premise is to use cards like Sage of Epityr, Ponder, Preordain, Brainstorm, and Magma Jet to manipulate your deck to be able to miracle your Wraths, flip your Delver of Secrets  , or find your Counterspell/Mana Leaks as needed. Because I believe this deck to be a somewhat responsive deck, the more instants the better. In addition, I am running no tapped lands, the reason is that I want the deck to be able to do something on every turn, whether its play Delver turn 1 or Magma Jet at the end of turn 2. Also, I believe with all the deck digging, finding the correct mana sources should not be an issue.

Things I need help with:1) The balance of counter spells to deck digging/manipulating. Do I have too few counters to make this deck work or too many and should add something like Dream Cache to the deck? 2) Which counters do I run? The current counters I am considering are: Mana Leak Counterspell Daze Memory Lapse Dispel Essence Scatter. Not sure which combination of these is best, so if you have any suggestions on which ones to play (or if I forgot any obvious ones) that would be appreciated! 3) Should I be running Swiftwater Cliffs and Evolving Wilds? I am usually not good with mana bases so any and all help here would be extremely helpful! 4) Is Flame Slash worth it or are more counters better? I feel with Lightning Bolt and Magma Jet I have enough early creature removal, and hopefully I can counter the bigger/later creatures cast. But again, I would not mind additional thoughts on this. 5) I think my sideboard is pretty good but always up for suggestions in this area too.

Again, this is a very rough draft and I have no idea if this deck could even be competitive, but maybe with some help it could be. Thanks in advance for your comments and suggestions!


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years
Exclude colors WBG
Splash colors R

This deck is Pauper legal.

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.82
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