It's Always Sunny in Tibaltelphia (Xantcha EDH)
Commander / EDH*
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November 14, 2016 8:24 p.m.
It's a pretty awesome deck! Overall, you've got a lot of solid spells in here! You went for a little more creatures with yours than I did on mine, but it looks good! A few suggestions, Army of the Damned is a rather expensive spell that can instantly make yourself a threat if you need to, or if you need to defend yourself. Diabolic Revelation is an amazing tutor if you have the mana to pump into X like crazy. Mindmoil is a descent way to cycle through your hand to keep your hand fresh. Also, I would recommend all three of the Zeniths that you can run in this deck, as Black Sun's Zenith is board control, Blue Sun's Zenith is value, and Red Sun's Zenith is targeted removal of a creature or player. Not only that, but because they shuffle back in, they're great reusable spells. Got a pretty good start!
January 10, 2017 11:26 p.m.
Running Mindmoil, would i be better off running a deck that goes off drawing cards and wheel effects?
January 14, 2017 10:04 p.m.
Honestly, it comes down to preference. I absolutely love burn. It is my preferred playstyle, so whenever I find a commander that I can abuse my burn spells, (Vial Smasher definitely fits that bill) I will go that rout. That being said, creatures can still work with her. The biggest problem that I had when I first built my deck, was that I had no protection. If I was unable to draw into area burn or spot removal for bigger threats, I usually died because I had no blockers. With creatures, it gives you the opportunity to not be wide open while you make yourself a target. It also gives you the ability to go wide, and be able to get combat damage in on top of the damage from Vial Smasher. If you did want to go the draw/wheel rout with this deck, I would suggest using Kydele, Chosen of Kruphix instead of Ludevic. She still allows you to play the big creatures and spells you have in this deck, only downside is that you won't get great procs off for the Vial Smasher, as you spend the first half of the main phase using cheap wheels to get Kydele to tap for a lot. So that is just something to think about. Let me know what you decide! I am quite interested to hear your thoughts on it.
January 15, 2017 2:49 a.m.
You bring up a great point i completely overlooked with Kydele, Chosen of Kruphix. I had a seperate list with her as the partner but completely overlooked the 1st cast limit. That pretty much want me to scrap the deck since i was lokking to go into a huge x spell and get a proc off vial smasher. It would still be a good deck but I was looking for the same thing you were with vial smasher getting nice chunks of damage through! I'll take a look at other lists and see how people try to play around defending themselves
January 15, 2017 2:09 p.m.
Rakdos, Lord of Riots was a card that seems perfect with vial smasher, there just so many options!!! Its a headache lmao
January 15, 2017 6:23 p.m.
Ooh I completely overlooked Rakdos! I think if you were to go the instant and sorcery way, you could run the bigger colorless creatures and just wreck the board lol. That's a good idea! And definitely, it's not a bad idea to look at other lists and see people's suggestions. I'm sure they'd be more than happy to help as well!
January 15, 2017 11:03 p.m.
And I had tried Kydele with Vial Smasher, but I wasn't as satisfied with the deck (for the same reason that you wanted to use Vial Smasher) because I really enjoyed getting the Vial Smasher proc on big spells, rather than using Kydele to do the heavy lifting
January 15, 2017 11:06 p.m.
Do you have a hard time casting big spells or making x spells worthwhile. Mana Flare and Jhoira of the Ghitu are ways to play them but with a 100 card deck, cant have the big spells sitting in my hand until one of those 2 are and (and doesn't get removed)
January 16, 2017 12:02 a.m.
Sometimes I do, but I've tried to put some moderate ramp (as much as you can in Grixis anyway) to try and accelerate my mana as fast as I can. Sometimes I do have to resort to Mana Flare, but I try to avoid it unless I know I can keep a handle on my opponents. Another easy way to try and kind of cheat, is to use enchantments like Furnace of Rath and Dictate of the Twin Gods to make not only Vial Smasher deal more damage, but also the spells that I use to control the board or burn the other players. For me, I don't use Jhoira of the Ghitu, as I run too many X costs for her to be optimal. That being said, however; it's hard to fight a Blightsteel Colossus cast as first spell on upkeep lol.
January 16, 2017 1:33 a.m.
jonny909090 says... #12
I have a few suggestions.
First, I assume you are using the imps as a way of getting rid of your opponents creatures that have tap abilities. That being said you might want to switch one of them, or something else, for Goblin Diplomats. This really help divert damage away from yourself in a multiplayer game.
Second, do you tend to play against enough blue to justify the two "blue only" counter spells? If not maybe sideboard them.
Third, if you are looking for more mana, Braid of Fire would work great, both with xantcha, and with all your instants.
Other than that you just need to start narrowing down to 100 cards. I hope this helped at least a little.
I am by no means a great strategist when it comes to deck composition. I tend to just build things that I think will be fun, and ignore the possibility that someone will have a response to what I do....
November 17, 2018 8:29 a.m.
Was wondering if there were any cards in particular that you have tried and just didnt like. I play vs some fairly uninteractive decks which is a main reason why im building this deck. Need the removal just to stop them from winning on the spot.
Also, I like the curse theme on xantcha and was thinking bout trying it out!
November 17, 2018 10:18 a.m.
this deck is good, but is it "kill your friend by donating them a plague sliver" good? I think not.
Clearly you are missing the point of cutthroat, hardcore cEDH xEDH make your friends cry magic the gathering.
If you'd like to see how a real man plays cEDH xEDH, check out my list
coleman984 says... #1
You have Decree of pain in here twice.
November 14, 2016 7:12 p.m.