This Mono Blue Deck has served me well the past few FNM's that I've been to. The highest I got was second placebut that's because one guy played an extremely well done planeswalker deck and stole some master of waves with Ashiok. I've provided a description of how this deck works below.
Sigiled Starfish: Do I even have to explain? This guy is amazing with scry and inspired me to build this deck when I opened up a foil one in a booster. He's great as an early blocker if needed and gives great insight on draws through scry.
Simic Manipulator &
: This combo is very fun to play with because it lets you take opponent's creatures again and again.
Battlefield Thaumaturge: This guy is great with Curse of the Swine and is good as a chump blocker if needed.
Cyclonic Rift: Good removal for early game threats and even better for late game struggles. I've been in places where I was going to lose, drew this card and overloaded it and pulled off a win that turn or the next.
Dakra Mystic
: This card is unbelievable! It gives me great card draws or lets me keep bombs out of my opponent's hand.
Dissolve: 3CMC counter a spell and scry. Good enough for me.
Nightveil Specter: This guy is good for blocking, adds 3 devotion, steals cards from my opponents library, and works beautifully with Master of Waves.
Master of Waves: 2/1 protection from red= most annoying thing for a burn deck. He gives me so many tokens because of Nightveil Specter and if I get more than one out at a time the tokens are unstoppable.
Prognostic Sphinx
: He's a 3/5, flying, scry 3, and hexproof. This guy is a boss. He is great as a flying blocker and is probably the best scry that you can get. Try to remove him? I can coup with discarding a card to let him stick around, believe me, he's worth it.