
Mono-Red Dragon Tribal

Burn and beatdown from above! I'm trying to keep the deck as fun, flavorful, and competitively viable as possible while still being a battlecruiser timmy deck.

The deck is not very politically oriented as once the dragons start coming, it becomes a huge threat and players may start forming an alliance against you. It's raw power is it's curse as well as it's gift. Intimidation is your only real political tool which can backfire. That said, opponents need to be eliminated as fast as possible before they can band and overthrow you.

First I'll cover the combos in the deck then go over some of the cards in groups as to how they benefit the deck as a whole but first, a note on the commander.

Ryusei, the Falling Star is an amazing commander in this deck and fits the dragon theme nicely as a dragon/spirit with evasion. He has some interesting and surprising interactions with the deck besides just tribal synergy as well. I to replace him as my commander. Plus, he adds to the versatility and originality of my build.

Combo's & Synergies

Dragons, Magic, and Treasure, Oh My!

Dragon Tempest and In the Web of War allow my dragons to come in with haste which is a major advantage, as most of the dragons become prime targets for removal once they enter the field.

Warstorm Surge is an incredible source of damage and removal for this deck and will lay the hurt on your opposition. Where Ancients Tread works in the same manner as warstorm but is limited in what triggers it and, only does 5 damage each trigger but, is an excellent source of damage all the same. Flameshadow Conjuring will allow for twice as many ETB, LTB, and die triggers as well as net you a copy of the creature you played for just . It is a valuable asset and will make for fun and epic interactions with the deck as well as with the game. Outpost Siege is used for Khans mode card advantage!

Wheel of Fortune, and Reforge the Soul are red staples for digging seven cards down, as well as providing hand destruction, taking out an opponents potential combo in hand. Dragon Mage, Magus of the Wheel, and Knollspine Dragon are wheel type similar only it's a ETB trigger and draws cards equal to the damage dealt when it enters that turn and only nets YOU cards.
Insurrection is in case you are up against some beast that overpower your dragons, if you're against a swarm that's threatening the board or a combination of both. either way, it doesn't target and will usually take out a player when it's cast. Mob Rule is an alternative to it that is great at nabbing smaller token swarms or all the fatties on the board. It usually takes out a player as well. Magmaquake hits all Planeswalkers and creatures without flying while Subterranean Tremors hits all creatures without flying (so not your dragons) and can even wipe the board of artifacts and drop an 8/8 red fatty with enough mana. Descent of the Dragons can be utilized as a mass removal spell, a combo burn spell or a political piece. Vandalblast and Shattering Spree are pure artifact hate. Being that this deck is slow, destroying any acceleration your opponents may have helps even the odds, plus any other nefarious contraptions as well.
Hellkite Tyrant is an alternate wincon of sorts but is mostly for stealing any artifacts that may help my opponents as well as potentially using them for my own advantage such as Darksteel Ingot and Sol Ring, plus he completely destroys artifact decks. Hoard-Smelter Dragon is artifact removal on a stick and is a great backup if the tyrant is taken out.

Hellkite Charger and Scourge of the Throne are brutal combatants that can turn a couple dragons into a load of damage in a flash. neither is to be taken lightly and are huge threats

Balefire Dragon is for clearing out a players field, Steel Hellkite is for destroying tokens with no remorse as well as enchantment removal, and Scourge of Kher Ridges can wipe the ground and (if need be) the air. Crucible of Fire allows every dragon to survive the second ability.

Thunderbreak Regent dissuades from targeted removal providing each dragon with a bolt trigger upon being targeted by a spell or ability an opponent controls

Skyline Despot is a token producer that increases the damage potential and threat level with each passing turn that it's left unchecked

Hoarding Dragon is an artifact tutor on a stick that is fairly easy to get killed to trigger. Sarkhan's Triumph is a dragon tutor that will find the dragon to serve the situation

Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker functions primarily as a 4/4 beater and his ultimate, which isn't too difficult to reach, is a huge advantage if it is ever set off. Avaricious Dragon works's similarly, giving you card advantage with a nice body to boot.

Ancient Tomb is very necessary for the high CMC of the spells in this deck. Sandstone Needle is used for the same reason. Mirrorpool is used as a way to generate a Ryusei token (Or any other dragon for that matter) for a quick wipe or doubling down on a spell. Haven of the Spirit Dragon is excellent for recovering any of your scaled beast from the graveyard. Cavern of Souls is for dragons that can't be countered. Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx can be used to provide a large amount of mana and is great with Flameblast Dragon, and any spells.

Any suggestions/tips and +1's are greatly appreciated from our scale covered overlords


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seeing as how most of the dragons can remove additional creatures through enchantment effect or attacking, I've added Vandalblast and Shattering Spree in place of Obliterate and Disaster Radius
