Infect Deck with a lot of loops and combos. Goal is a quick win (Turn 4 or earlier.)
Some Examples (All with this deck playing before the opponent):
Turn 2: Ichorclaw Myr comes out.
Turn 3: Swing with Blight Mamba equipped with Rancor, and using Might of Old Krosa, and Distortion Strike to buff it. That's a 8/5 unblockable.
Turn 4: Rebound Distortion Strike on Ichorclaw Myr and swing. That's game.
Turn 1: Forest, tap it for Glistener Elf.
Turn 2: Island, tap it for Distortion Strike on Glistener Elf, Tap the Forest for Might of Old Krosa on Glistener Elf. Swing with Glistener Elf. (That's 6 counters) Then Pay 2 Life for Noxious Revival and Put Krosa on the top of your deck.
Turn 3: Rebound Distortion Strike and play Might of Old Krosa again, both on Glistener Elf, and swing for game.
Turn 1: Forest or Breeding Pool, Glistener Elf
Turn 2: Forest or Breeding Pool, pay 2 life for Mutagenic Growth and tap a land for Groundswell and another land for Might of Old Krosa, swing with Glistener Elf for game if nothing blocks.
Turn 1: Forest/Breeding Pool tapped for Llanowar Augur
Turn2: Island/Breeding Pool tap both lands for Blighted Agent
Turn 3: Sac Llanowar Augur for +3/+3 on Blighted Agent, play a land, tap up to 3 lands for up to 3 buffs and swing for game.
Turn 1: Forest/Breeding Pool tapped for Glistener Elf
Turn 2: Island/Breeding Pool tap a blue for Distortion Strike, tap a green for either Might of Old Krosa or Groundswell and pay 4 life for 2x Mutagenic Growth and swing for game.