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This is a 4 Player Cube built around the Innistrad blocks. The cube is singleton and built for 4 players, each drafting 3 15 card packs, with no weight or regard given to card rarity, and with enough cards for 2 full drafts before needing to be reshuffled and distributed. Therefore: 4 players x (3x15) cards x 2 drafts = a pool of 360 cards in total.
Of these cards, we want a roughly equal weight in each color and gameplay combination, so our 360 will be divided into 6 categories: White, Blue, Black, Red, Green, and Colorless, meaning 60 cards per category. Each color category will be further divided into color pair themes, such as RG Werewolves and WU spirits, meaning each will have 12 per color pair in any given color.
To maintain a solid balance, each pair will have 6 creatures, 4 spells, 1 artifact, and 1 flex slot, which will almost always be another creature although some combinations, such as UR, will select another spell instead. So, our final breakdown becomes:
360 Card Singleton Cube
60 White 60 Blue 60 Black 60 Red 60 Green 60 Colorless
- White Cards -
===spoiler: White Goodstuff
Angel of Jubilation - Nearly every build wants this
Archangel Avacyn - Nearly every build wants this
Emancipation Angel - Bounce is strong, allows for reuse of ETBs and clearing aura removal
Gisela, the Broken Blade - Every build wants this
Restoration Angel - Stronger Emancipation angel
Angel of Glory's Rise - The removal is situational, but the reanimation trigger is usable by basically every color pair in the block.
Angelic Overseer - A strong payoff for humans
===spoiler: White/Blue Spirits
Selfless Spirit Every deck can use this effect
===spoiler: White/Black Aristocrats/Tokens
Doomed Traveler Fantastic for token and aristocrat builds
Loyal Cathar Great for Aristocrat builds, especially solid when paired with Extricator of Sin
Pious Evangel Aristocrat payoff, easy flip, aids delirium builds, solid inclusion
===spoiler: White/Red Humans
Lone Rider - Dangerous with equipment
Mentor of the Meek - Card draw every deck can use
Thraben Inspector - Draw, decent body, artifact for clue decks
Thraben Standard Bearer - Makes tokens, stocks the graveyard for delirium
Avacynian Missionaries - Removal that requires equipment, but that is a blessing as well because we choose when to flip them.
Courageous Outrider - Human payoff, digs for cards
Avacynian Priest - Removal
===spoiler: White/Green Humans
Mikaeus, the Lunarch - Stellar x drop
Champion of the Parish - Stellar human 1 drop
Hanweir Militia Captain - Stellar human 2 drop
Thalia's Liutenant - Stellar human 2 drop
Elite Inquisitor - Great protections and keywords; especially strong with equipment.
Fiend Hunter - Strong ETB removal
===spoiler:White Creatures - 1 Abbey Griffin No particular synergy, poorly priced.
2 Angel of Deliverance Delirium payoff and strong removal effects, but the cmc is quite high
3 Angel of Flight Alabaster Small spirit payoff and fair price, though offers little synergy with spirits itself
4 Angel of Glory's Rise Strong human payoff in self mill strategies, but the cost is very high.
5 Angel of Jubilation Buffs nearly every build for a good cost, an absolute must include.
4 Angelic Overseer Decent topend to human decks, of which nearly every color will have access to.
1 Angelic Wall No particular synergy
2 Apothecary Geist Spirit with spirit payoff, but the cost is generally high for what it offers
2 Archangel The cost is too high for what it offers, especially considering the other angels in the block
5 Archangel Avacyn Every deck running white wants this, except maybe tokens.
0 Avacyn, Angel of Hope Will not be included
4 Avacynian Missionaries Equipment payoff and strong removal with decent stats
4 Avacynian Priest Decent pseudo-removal option with many strong targets
3 Bruna, the Fading Light Less interesting than Glory's Rise for human reanimation, she is a sturdy beater
4 Bygone Bishop Useful in most decks, especially ones able to sac clues for some upside
1 Cathar's Companion No particular synergy
2 Cathedral Sanctifier Human synergy and minor lifegain, but nothing else of note.
5 Champion of the Parish Best human payoff in the first block.
3 Chapel Geist Ho-hum spirit
3 Cloistered Youth Nothing especially interesting outside the human creature type and general efficiency
4 Courageous Outrider Human payoff that digs for us, with a potentially abusable etb.
5 Dauntless Cathar Useful in the graveyard, very good for WB decks
2 Dawn Gryff No particular synergy
3 Dearly Departed Very good human support with a discard outlet, but otherwise rather ho-hum due to its cost
4 Desperate Sentry Solid in the Aristocrat/Token deck
1 Devilthorn Fox No particular Synergy
3 Devout Chaplain The removal option is valid on occasion, but I don't know it is enough so to include it.
5 Doomed Traveler Every build wants this, especially WB
4 Drogskol Cavalry Solid spirit payoff and mana sink, especially alongside Bygone Bishop or Favorable Winds
3 Drogskol Shieldmate Non-flying spirit, soso effect -- flash is nice, though.
3 Elder Cathar WG and WB might want this, but it is only a soso inclusion in either deck.
4 Elgaud Inquisitor The token is nice for WB, but the cost is high for it.
5 Elite Inquisitor Important key words and protection -- any deck that can run it wants it.
5 Emancipation Angel Bounce is strong, body is decent
2 Emissary of the Sleepless No real reason to include it, even if both WB and WU have use for it.
4 Extricator of Sin Potent in the WB deck, useful to some degree in most others. Worth looking at.
3 Faithbearer Paladin Decent size and relevant creature type, though a bit overpriced.
2 Farbog Explorer Unreliable evasion and a relevant creature type, not much else to it.
3 Fiend Binder Pseudo-Removal on a human, soso inclusion for most decks
5 Fiend Hunter Solid ETB removal on a human for a good cost. Must include.
3 Gallows Warden Weak anthem for spirits
3 Gavony Ironwright Strong anthem if we can get it online, but that is unreliable and this card offers little else.
3 Geist of the Lonely Vigil Delirium comes online too slow for this to be much more than a novelty.
4 Geist-Honored Monk Solid inclusion in WB tokens
5 Gisela, the Broken Blade Ungodly solid beater -- every deck wants this.
4 Goldnight Commander Works best with tokens, but humans like it too.
3 Goldnight Redeemer Hilarious life gain in tokens, but otherwise just soso
3 Guardian of Pilgrims Kind of a minor combat trick, but nothing special honestly.
5 Hanweir Militia Captain Strong in nearly every build.
4 Herald of War The stacking counters is the biggest draw here, as humans are cheap anyway.
2 Hollowhenge Spirit Overcosted, not especially useful, better options in the combo for similar effects
3 Holy Justiciar Shaky removal, relevant creature type, nothing else of note.
1 Inquisitor's Ox No real synergy.
4 Inspiring Captain Decent AoE boost on a relevant creature type.
4 Ironclad Slayer Recursion, most useful for removal auras.
5 Lone Rider Extremely strong on the flip, excellent equipment target, any deck that can buff it wants it.
5 Loyal Cathar Any deck able to run it wants to run it, especially WB.
4 Mausoleum Guard WB wants this; 3 bodies for 4 mana is a solid rate.
5 Mentor of the Meek Nearly all white builds will be able to use this solidly
4 Midnight Duelist Solid protection type, low cmc
3 Midnight Guard Some value with certain auras, but otherwise unexceptional
2 Midvast Protector Without flash this card is unimpressive. It does not have flash.
5 Mikaeus, the Lunarch Every deck that can use this card wants to use it.
3 Militant Inquisitor Decent equipment payoff, little else
2 Moonlight Geist Not an especially relevant ability.
2 Moorland Drifter Little reason to run it over Geist of the Lonely Vigil.
3 Moorland Inquisitor Possible use with werewolves to sink mana for a flip turn, but otherwise unexceptional.
4 Nearheath Chaplain 3 mana for 2 tokens is solid, and the card doesn't care how it gets to the graveyard.
3 Nearheath Pilgrim Lifelink is a solid ability, human is a solid type.
3 Niblis of the Mist Average all around.
4 Niblis of the Urn The combination of evasion and pseudo removal makes for a potent combination for most decks.
4 Odric, Lunarch Marshal Keyword passing is strong, especially in a color with so many fliers.
3 Paranoid Parish-Blade Decent with delirium active, but white isn't the best at doing that.
5 Pious Evangel Every deck can use it, but WB tokens really loves it.
4 Reaper of Flight Moonsilver Ho-hum on its own, but extremely dangerous with delirium, so, WB deck.
4 Requiem Angel Most decks can use it, but only WB particularly likes it. CMC is high, though.
5 Restoration Angel Extremely strong, every deck wants it.
4 Riders of Gavony Solid human payoff, can end games quickly.
4 Sanctifier of Souls WB can probably use this the best, but honestly any deck with a graveyard won't hate him.
1 Sanctuary Cat No particular synergy
3 Selfless Cathar Single turn anthem is okay
5 Selfless Spirit Any deck that can run this will run it.
3 Seraph of Dawn Decent flier
4 Sigardian Priest Human with reliable pseudo removal
4 Silverblade Paladin Double strike is always dangerous, and this grants it to two creatures
2 Silverchase Fox Enchantment removal on a creature is always good. Creature type is useless here, however.
1 Silverclaw Griffin No real synergy
4 Slayer of the Wicked Basically a removal spell.
2 Spectral Gateguards Not worth the mana investment in the slightest.
2 Spectral Rider Not remotely impressive
4 Spectral Shepherd Allows our spirits to duck removal
3 Steadfast Cathar Decent human, nothing more.
4 Stern Constable Can get cards into our graveyard and tap down a threat while doing so.
3 Subjugator Angel Strong effect on a decent body, but generally unnecessary
4 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben Solid effect, solid stats, just not particularly synergistic with everything.
4 Thalia, Heretic Cathar Stronger effect in limited, slowing our opponent's defensive game.
3 Thalia's Lancers Really hit and miss on the strength here. You need legendary cards, and probably a bounce.
5 Thalia's Lieutenant Best human in the second block.
4 Thraben Doomsayer Strong token producer, especially in the unlikely chance we get the anthem online as well.
3 Thraben Heretic Graveyard hate is valid, human is relevant
5 Thraben Inspector Decent body and a card -- everyone can use that.
1 Thraben Purebloods No real synergy
3 Thraben Sentry Strong on the flip, but nothing special.
5 Thraben Standard Bearer Discard token generation, most white decks want this.
2 Thraben Valiant Ho-hum human
4 Topplegeist Disruptive, efficient, wu staple
3 Town Gossipmonger Efficent WR creature, little else.
4 Unruly Mob Strongest in WB, but solid in most builds
3 Village Bell-Ringer Eh, some minor application, but not especially interesting.
2 Voice of the Provinces Massively overpriced and offers little real value.
2 Voiceless Spirit Ho-hum spirit
===endspoiler ===spoiler:White Spells
4 Always Watching w u r g
4 Angelic Purge b
3 Bar the Door u b r g
4 Blessed Alliance a
5 Bonds of Faith r g
3 Break of Day u r
4 Defang
5 Ghostly Possesion
4 Rebuke
0 Seance
3 Tenacity
3 Terminus
- Blue Cards -
===spoiler: Blue/White Spirits
===spoiler: Blue/Blue Goodstuff
===spoiler: Blue/Black Zombies
===spoiler: Blue/Red Spells
===spoiler: Blue/Green Ramp/Emerge
===spoiler:Blue Creatures
4 Advanced Stitchwing b/g
3 Alchemist Apprentice r/g
3 Armored Skaab b/g
5 Civilized Scholar b/r/g
3 Daring Sleuth g
5 Deranged Assistant u/b/r/g
5 Docent of Perfection u/r
4 Dungeon Geists w
4 Erdwal Illuminator w/g
4 Exultant Cultist g
3 Fettergeist w
4 Forgotten Creation u/b/g
4 Geralf's Masterpiece u/b/g
3 Geralf's Mindcrusher b/g
3 Grizzled Angler b/g
5 Havengul Runebinder u/b
3 Headless Skaab b
5 Identity Thief u
3 Ingenious Skaab b/r
4 Invisible Stalker u (might be too strong in this cube)
3 Laboratory Brute b/g
4 Laboratory Maniac u (might be too weak in this cube)
3 Lantern Spirit w
3 Latch Seeker w
3 Lone Revenant w/r
5 Ludevic's Test Subject u/g
3 Lunar Mystic r
3 Makeshift Mauler b/g
4 Mindshrieker w/u/b/g
3 Mirror-Mad Phantasm w/b/g
4 Mist Raven u
3 Moon Heron w
4 Murder of Crows u
4 Nebelghast herald w
3 Niblis of Dusk w/r
5 Niblis of Frost w/r
5 Rattlechains w
4 Reckless Scholar u/b/r/g
3 Relentless Skaabs b/g
4 Screeching Skaab b/g
3 Seagraf Skaab b
4 Shriekgeist w
4 Skaab Goliath b
5 Skaab Ruinator u/b/g
0 Snapcaster Mage Not included
4 Soul Seizer w/u
4 Stitched Drake b/g
3 Stitched Mangler b
5 Stitchwing Skaab b/g
3 Stormbound Geist w
5 Sturmgeist w/u
4 Tandem Lookout u
3 Tattered Haunter w
5 Thing in the Ice r
3 Tower Geist w
4 Undead Alchemist b
4 Wingcrafter u
===endspoiler ===spoiler:Blue Spells
- Black Cards -
===spoiler: Black/White Token/Aristocrat
===spoiler: Black/Blue Zombies
===spoiler: Black/Black Goodstuff
===spoiler: Black/Red Vampires
===spoiler: Black/Green Delirium/Graveplay
===endspoiler ===spoiler:Black Creatures
3 Abattoir Ghoul UB/BB
2 Accursed Witch WB
5 Asylum Visitor UB/BB/BR/BG
0 Bitterheart Witch - Curse support too low in the cube.
3 Black Cat WB/UB/BB
5 Blood Artist WB/BB/RB/GB
2 Bloodflow Connoisseur w/b/r/g
4 Bloodgift Demon b
5 Bloodline Keeper w/b/r
2 Butcher Ghoul w/u
2 Chosen of Markov r
2 Corpse Traders w
3 Crow of Dark Tidings u/g
3 Crypt Keeper u/b
5 Cryptbreaker w/u/b/r/g
3 Dark Impostor r
4 Demonlord of Ashmouth w/b
3 Diregraf Ghoul u
4 Dread Slaver w/u
3 Driver of the Dead w/u/r/g
1 Dusk Feaster r/g
4 Elusive Tormentor r/g
5 Falkenrath Noble w/b/r
3 Falkenrath Torturer w/r
4 Fiend of Shadows w/r
4 Gavony Unhollowed w/u/b
5 Geralf's Messenger - u
4 Ghoulcaller's Apprentice - w/u/r/g
3 Ghoulraiser u
3 Ghoulsteed u
5 Gravecrawler u
0 Griselbrand - Not included
4 Harvester of Souls w/b
4 Haunted Dead w/u/b/r/g
2 Highborn Ghoul u
3 Hunted Ghoul u
5 Indulgent Aristocrat w/b/r
4 Kindly Stranger g
4 Liliana's Elite u/b/g
3 Maalfield Twins w/u
2 Markov Crusader r
3 Markov Dreadknight r/g
2 Markov Patrician r
4 Marrow Bats b
4 Midnight Scavengers w/b/g
5 Mikaeus, the Unhallowed w/u/b/r/g
4 Mindwrack Demon u/b/g
4 Morkrut Banshee b
2 Morkrut Necropod w
4 Noosegraf Mob w/u
4 Olivia's Dragoon r/g
3 Polluted Dead u
4 Rancid Rats b
4 Ravenous Demon w/b
4 Reaper from the Abyss w/b
5 Relentless Dead u
2 Rotting Fensnake u
3 Screeching Bat r
2 Sightless Ghoul w/u
3 Skirsdag Flayer w
4 Skirsdag Supplicant u/b/r/g
3 Soulcage Fiend w/b
5 Stromkirk Condemned u/b/r/g
3 Stromkirk Mentor r
2 Stromkirk Patrol r
3 Tooth Collector g
4 Typhoid Rats b
3 Undead Executioner w/u
4 Vampire Cutthroat b/r
2 Vampire Noble r
2 Vengeful Vampire w/r
3 Village Cannibals w/b
5 Voldaren Pariah w/b/r
4 Wailing Ghoul u/g
4 Wakedancer u
3 Walking Corpse u
2 Weirded Vampire r
===endspoiler ===spoiler:Black Spells
3 Apatite for Brains
5 Cemetary Recruitment
- Red Cards -
===spoiler: Red/White Humans
===spoiler: Red/Blue Spells
===spoiler: Red/Black Vampires
===spoiler: Red/Red Goodstuff
===spoiler: Red/Green Werewolves
===endspoiler ===spoiler:Red Creatures
4 Afflicted Deserter - g
4 Archwing Dragon r
3 Ashmouth Hound r
4 Assembled Alphas r/g
4 Balefire Dragon r
5 Bedlam Reveler u/b/r/g
3 Bloodmad Vampire b
2 Bold Impaler b
2 Brazen Wolves g
4 Breakneck Rider w/g
4 Charmbreaker Devils u/r
4 Conduit of Storms u/r/g
3 Convicted Killer g
3 Crossway Vampire b
2 Deranged Whelp g
3 Ember-Eye Wolf g
3 Erdwal Ripper b
2 Feral Ridgewolf g
3 Fervent Cathar u
4 Flameblade Angel r
5 Furyblade Vampire b/g
3 Gang of Devils r
5 Hanweir Garrison w
3 Hanweir Lancer w
4 Havengul Vampire b/r
5 Hellrider r
4 Impetuous Devils r
5 Insolent Neonate b
4 Instigator Gang w/g
4 Kessig Forgemaster w/g
4 Kruin Outlaw g
4 Kruin Striker w
3 Lightning Mauler w/r
4 Mad Prophet u/b/g
4 Malignus r
3 Markov Warlord b
5 Mirrorwing Dragon u/r
4 Mondronen Shaman w/g
4 Moonveil Dragon r
3 Night Revelers b
3 Pitchburn Devils r
4 Pyre Hound u
3 Pyreheart Wolf g
4 Rage Thrower w/u/r
5 Rakish Heir b
4 Ravenous Bloodseeker b/g
4 Reckless Waif g
4 Riot Ringleader w
2 Russet Wolves g
3 Sanguinary Mage u/b
3 Scalding Devil r
4 Sourge Wolf g
5 Sin Prodder u/r/g
4 Skirsdag Cultist w/r
3 Stonewright w
4 Stromkirk Noble r/b
5 Stromkirk Occultist u/b/r
5 Thermo-Alchemist u/r
3 Torch Fiend r
3 Tormented Pariah g
3 Ulrich's Kindred g
5 Vexing Devil r
3 Voldaren Duelist b
4 Wolf of Devil's Breach b/r/g
===endspoiler ===spoiler:Red Spells
2 aggrivate
5 alchemist greeting
0 curse of stalked pay
4 Demolish
5 Fling
3 rolling tremblor
3 Wrack with Madness ===endspoiler
- Green Cards -
===spoiler: Green/White Humans
===spoiler: Green/Blue Ramp/Emerge
===spoiler: Green/Black Delirium/Graveplay
===spoiler: Green/Red Werewolves
===spoiler: Green/Green Goodstuff
===endspoiler ===spoiler:Green Creatures
5 Ambush Viper - excellent green removal; all green decks want this
4 Avacyn's Pilgrim - Ramp is always nice, however, wg humans don't really need ramp
3 Backwoods Survivalists - Not impressive, honestly.
5 Bloodbriar - Supports clues, emerge, and aristocrats
5 Boneyard Wurm - Supports delirium and mill
4 Borderland Ranger - human that pulls us a land
5 Briarbridge Patrol - Human card advantage engine, clue support, and can cheat creatures for us.
3 Briarpack Alpha - Decent combat trick creature, wolf is relevant
4 Byway Courier - Emerge target, sac target, human, clue support
5 Champion of Lambholt - Ends games, full stop. Every deck that can run it wants to run it.
0 Craterhoof Behemoth - Not included
3 Crossroads Consecrator - Unexceptional human payoff.
4 Cult of the Waxing Moon - Dangerous top end for werewolf decks
3 Darkthicket Wolf - Mana sink, which werewolves like, but nothing special.
5 Dawntreader Elk - Ramp that aids Delirium and stocks the graveyard for UG
4 Daybreak Ranger - Human, werewolf, removal
5 Deathcap Cultivator - Dangerous ramp with delirium payoff
4 Deranged Outcast - Aristocrats payoff, UG wants it, BG can use it
3 Diregraf Escort - Zombie protection is relevant, but not exceptional
3 Druid's Familiar - Usefulish for making small targets bigger
5 Duskwatch Recruiter - Human, Werewolf, Card advantage, and Ramp. Oh my.
3 Elder of Laurels - Powerful ability, but also extremely expensive.
5 Emrakul's Evangel - Makes extremely dangerous tokens, sacrifices to make said tokens.
5 Essence of the Wild - Everything is a 6/6! Whoo!
3 Festerhide Boar - Good value with morbid trigger.
2 Flowering Lumberknot - Soulbond is not supported heavily in our cube.
4 Foul Emissary - Human that draws us a card. It'd be MUCH better if it didn't require Emerge for its second condition.
3 Gatstaf Shepherd - Nothing special; werewolf
2 Geist Trappers - Overpriced for its ability.
5 Ghoultree - Support delirium and mill strategies
3 Gloomwidow - Pretty whatever spider
5 Gnarlwood Dryad - Removal and efficent beater with delirium
4 Graf Mole - Clue support, lifegain, UG
3 Grave Bramble - Not type synergy, but pro zombie is nice
4 Gravetiller Wurm - Easy to make into an 8/8 trampler
3 Grizzled Outcasts - Hohum werewolf
3 Groundskeeper - Returning land is occasionally useful, but really only in heavy mill
5 Hamlet Captain - Human anthem, whoo!
4 Hermit of Natterknolls - Helps recover from removal; werewolf
3 Hinterland Logger - Trample is nice; 2 toughness on the flip is not.
1 Hollowhenge Beast - No synergy
2 Hollowhenge Scavenger - No synergy, lifegain is fairly hohum
3 Howlgeist - Basically unblockable and has to be killed twice. Also is wolf.
3 Inexorable Blob - Makes a wide board with delirium, but easy to remove.
3 Intrepid Provisioner - Combat trick, sorcery, unimpressive for the cost.
5 Ishkanah, Graf Widow - Excellent delirium payoff
5 Kessig Cagebreakers - Extremely dangerous delirium, mill, and werewolf payoff
2 Kessig Dire Swine - No real synergy
5 Kessig Prowler - Excellent wolf 1 drop
3 Kessig Recluse - good antiflier
1 Kindercatch - Why?
4 Lambholt Elder - This is a hell of a wolf if we can flip it. Excellent stats and card draw.
4 Lambholt Pacifist - Efficient beater
4 Loam Dryad - Ramp, albeit unexceptional ramp.
5 Lumberknot - Nasty in the right decks and a bitch to remove.
5 Mayor of Avabruck - Exceptional human and werewolf support.
3 Moldgraf Monstrosity - The effect is super nice, but most green decks will have a lot of weak random targets.
3 Moldgraf Scavenger - Efficient beater, with delirium, but nothing else.
1 Nettleswine - No synergy
4 Nightshade Peddler - Passing around deathtouch is terrifying.
4 Noose Constrictor - Discard is useful in the block, as is reach
4 Obsessive Skinner - Plus counter generation
3 Orchard Spirit - Psuedo Flier. Uninteresting.
3 Pack Guardian - It'd be okay if it didn't require the land discard.
3 Pathbreaker Wurm - Trample is okay, but the creature is unexceptional.
4 Permeating Mass - Amusing removal.
5 Predator Ooze - Scary counter based creature.
5 Primal Druid - Wonky ramp; Emerge and sacrifice target.
2 Quilled Wolf - Why?
4 Sage of Ancient Lore - Werewolf, human, draw
4 Scorned Villager - Ramp, solid ramp at that.
3 Shrill Howler - Powerful once flipped, but expensive to flip.
5 Silverfur Partisan - Provides targeted removal protection and makes pump spells stronger for werewolves.
3 Solitary Hunter - Ho-hum werewolf
1 Somberwald Dryad - No synergy
4 Somberwald Sage - Creature ramp
2 Somberwald Spider - Nothing special.
4 Somberwald Stag - Removal spell creature
4 Soul of the Harvest - Draw engine
5 Soul Swallower - Must be answered Delirium threat.
4 Spirit of the Hunt - Flash wolf support.
5 Splinterfright - Amazing UG and BG creature.
3 Stoic Builder - Ho hum human.
4 Strangleroot Geist - Aggressive beater.
3 Swift Spinner - Flash spider.
3 Tangleclaw Werewolf - No reason to run this.
3 Thornhide Wolf - No reason to run this.
3 Timberland Guide - Ho hum human
5 Tireless Tracker - Exceptional human and draw engine
2 Tree of Redemption - Meh.
3 Trusted Forcemage - Meh.
3 Ulvenwald Bear - Meh.
4 Ulvenwald Captive - Solid ramp.
4 Ulvenwald Hydra - Ramp + beater
3 Ulvenwald Mystics - Average werewolf.
3 Ulvenwald Observer - Draw engine
4 Ulvenwald Tracker - Human reusable removal.
3 Veteran Cathar - Human, double strike is good.
3 Village Survivors - Human, otherwise ho hum
3 Villagers of Estwald - Ho hum werewolf
2 Vorapede - No real synergy.
2 Vorstclaw - No real synergy.
2 Wandering Wolf - No real value.
3 Watcher in the Web - Oddly useful ability.
2 Wildwood Geist - No real synergy.
3 Wolfbitten Captive - Solid manasink for werewolves.
3 Wolfir Avenger - Tenacious werewolf.
4 Wolfir Silverheart - +4 is a nasty boost.
3 Woodland Patrol - Average human.
3 Woodland Sleuth - Average human.
2 Yew Spirit - Strong with a lot of mana, but no synergy.
5 Young Wolf - Aggressive wolf 1 drop.
===endspoiler ===spoiler:Green Spells
3 Aim High
4 Bramble Crush
3 Grounded
5 Moonmist
5 Mulch
4 Root Out
4 Weirding Woods
5 Wreath of Geists ===endspoiler
- Colorless -
===spoiler: Scarecrows
===spoiler: Artifacts
===spoiler: Lands
===spoiler:Artifact Creatures
3 Abundant Maw wb
4 Creepy Doll c
0 Emrakul, the Promised End Not included
4 Wicker Warcaller
===endspoiler ===spoiler:Gold
===endspoiler ===spoiler:Artifact Non-Creatures
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Date added | 4 years |
Last updated | 4 years |
Legality | This deck is Unknown legal. |
Rarity (main - side) | 1 - 0 Uncommons |
Cards | 1 |
Avg. CMC | 4.00 |
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