Any comments appreciated and thanks for any +1 Upvotes. Thanks :)
If you have any good green card kill spells please tell me.
Savage Summoning: Is a great way to bring a big creature out like
without having to worry about it being countered, and it gets a +1/+1 counter.
Aspect of Hydra: Works really well with devotion and can make a creatures deal massive amounts of damage to your opponent.
Bow of Nylea
: Gives all your creatures deathtouch which can be useful and has other special abilities. If you can think of any replacements that would be appreciated.
Experiment One: Is just a good one green mana drop which can turn into a big creatures after a while and can be regenerated.
Genesis Wave: With devotion I can put heaps of permanents onto the battlefield without paying their mana cost. If you have
Primeval Bounty
out you can gain heaps of life (not sure if you get tokens as well)
Kalonian Tusker
: Just a good two green mana 3/3.
Khalni Hydra
: Works wonders with devotion and you can cast it for low mana quite quickly.
Leatherback Baloth: A great 3 green mana 4/5
Naturalize: Can get rid of annoying enchantments or artifacts.
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx: You need this card to play devotion.
: Can become massive with devotion especially if you have
Khalni Hydra
out on the field.
Primeval Bounty
: a great card which works well with Genisis Wave and can with casting
Khalni Hydra
for a very low mana cost.
Reverent Hunter: Works really well with devotion and can become very annoying.
Strangleroot Geist: Is a good two green mana creature that can have two chances at life.
: A good green kill card but if you have any good green card kill spells please tell me.