Ended up going 4-1 taking 2nd place.
1st Round vs Mono Green (hydras) (2-0)
Match 1
He had a very fast start with ramping into back to back 10/10 Mistcutter Hydra's unfortunately for him chumpblockers in the form of High Priest of Penance meant he wouldn't be able to swing. a few well placed Banisher Priest and Banishing Light led him to having no real blocker and i began to poke away
Match 2
He was stuck on 2 mana for 5 turns and by the time he hit his 3rd mana, Obzedat, Ghost Council had already put the game more than outta reach.
2nd Round vs Big Red (2-1)
Match 1
Removal was too much for him and Athreos, God of Passage kept any kill spell attempt at bay
Match 2
I lost this one due back to back Stormbreath Dragon's comming down. Being a primarily white deck, i couldn't due much of anything
Match 3
Same as Match 1 except this time obzedat was out and doing work.
Round 3 vs. Simic Counters (2-0)
This deck was just a weird wonky combination of evolution creatures, never really had a threat in either game and easily won both games
Top 4
Round 1 vs Izzet counter burn (2-1)
Match 1
He never really drew anything besides land and i quickly beat through his life.
Match 2
He played a grand total of 1 Spellheart Chimera and i just couldn't get rid of the damn thing. Every removal attempt at it was countered away and the chimera would get bigger and bigger. 4 turns later it was game.
Match 3
Match went back and forth the whole time. I had just enough life gain to help me out when he attempted a game finishing Riddle of Lightning i was at 3 life. he scryd away 2 lands and a Spite of Mogis hoping for a cmc 3 card and hit a land with the reveal. My next turn i finished him off.
Round 2 vs mono blue devotion (0-2)
Match 1
the Master of Waves
tokens just get to be too much too fast. Game was over fairly quickly after he dropped a second MoW.
Match 2
i said ok. i got this. im gonna save removal for MoW and be fine. NOPE. in comes from his board Mana Confluence's and Detention Sphere's so after Banishing Light 2 of his MoW he drops D-sphere naming Banishing Light and that was all she wrote.
All in all im happy with how the deck preformed taking 2nd place in it's first FNM use is a good sign with the variety of decks it played. Heres to next week and hopefully getting first. Cheers!