So I wanted to break into the format. I also, like many people, can't just throw $500+ at 75 pieces of cardboard. But this isn't your everyday average budget deck, this thing has actual game! You slam down your big guys and smash face, if they stumble you win and if they don't you've got plenty of interaction. Experiment One and Strangleroot Geist allow Avatar of the Resolute to do a pretty good 'Goyf impression, but also with trample and reach, which is not nothing. Use Aspect of Hydra and Rancor to get through big damage, and Vines of Vastwood to protect your guys as well as pump.
Twin is everywhere in the format right now, correct? While this list may not look it, the maindeck actually has SEVEN answers to twin, and I guarantee they never expect it game one. Vines of Vastwood is able to target their deceiver in response to their twin, and it fizzles - for one mana. Additionally there are 2 Dismember as well as a Spellskite that give them just as much trouble. Two more disruption spells out of the side in the form of Beast Within seals the deal for a surprisingly good matchup.
One more thing I wanted to mention off the top of my head is the sideboard plan. Against Delver, Twin, Burn, or anything else that really goes overboard on the creature kill, you can transform into this hexproof creaturebase via
and Thrun, the Last Troll that actually makes many of their cards just dead in hand. Who knew Witchstalker could actually be a card, right?? I'm actually not convinced that the Witchstalkers are better than the 3rd and 4th dungrove elders, but in certain matchups it seems like the Witchstalkers could get bigger.
I haven't found a deck in modern that is this competitive for the price, and I urge anyone to give feedback and suggestions. The maybeboard is a bit jumbled full of leftovers from the deckbuilding process as well as just cards for me to remember if the format takes any drastic turns, but don't give it too much thought.
Thanks for viewing and don't forget to +1!