This is a deck that I want for FNM. So far my biggest concern, is: is it fast enough? Trying to make it a post RTR set, might have to buy some cyclonic rifts though, i don't wanna spend any money on stuff that will be going out. M15 though yes.
I want to be able to switch from Aggro to Mill at anytime for a Win.
Cost of cards aren't a big deal to me, Any suggestions are welcome, please +1 if you like the deck!
Simple Combos that can be deadly
Master of the Feast + Fate Unraveler - early aggression with Master and now your opponent will die in 10 turns from 1 damage each turn. Plus if you are able to swing and hit with Master, the game will be over before it even started.
Sylvan Caryatid + Kioras Follower = means your going to hopefully bust through your deck faster than normal and get out an early Phenax
Sylvan Caryatid + Nighthowler = A very strong blocker, Now add Phenax on top of this, each time you mill = the stronger Nighthowler gets, unless the player board wipes you can now mill for however "tough" Sylvan is. Now add Kiora's Follower in to the mix, lets say you milled out 8 cards into your opponents graveyard, and even if you got 4 creatures from that, now you can tap and mill again for 12 cards = in one turn you milled 20 cards and thats not including other creatures on your field.
You can play Prophet of Kruphix, and then on your opponents turn Phenax, thus letting you have 2 5 drop creatures before your next turn of which, at the end of your turn, you're going to tap and mill your opponent.
Ashiok = keeps early mill aggressively going, can steal creatures to add for mill/defense or Devotion depending on who i'm fighting against plus the occasional full
Kiora = adds control, draw or a 9/9 asshole each round which can easily be used for milling or aggro
Ashiok + Nighthowler = hurt each other, so thats a bit counter productive.
Current Issues i'm facing, its nice to scry ALOT with the lands but makes you a turn late. So the "new" 2015 dual lands are going to be used to cut down on alot of the "jesus why do i have to wait for forever just to make this happen"
Athreos may or may not be helping the deck, i'm not sure at the moment but with the 2015 lands, i'm thinking I can just easily add white in for the control and run with it. What do you guys think?
Additions i may need= 3rd Phenax, he helps the deck alotadd 1 more hero's downfall on main