legacy merfolk

Legacy s_pellegrino


s_pellegrino says... #1

7/21 recordfirst round bye

1-2 berserk infect. never hit chalice post board, kept some bad 1-landers

1-2 rug delver. 3 tnn g1, played chalice into grudge g2, got blown out by goyfs and rough//tumble, made some shitty plays

2-0 mono red burn. g2 he boarded in 4x ensnaring bridge, forced one and won before he could do anything tbh. very favorable matchup

2-2 overall.

July 21, 2014 11:57 p.m.

s_pellegrino says... #2

-2 pierce +2 flusterstorm. maindeck storm tech seems ok, plus it plays through chalice. still not feeling like maindecking chalice, but who knows. not sure its strictly better than pierce though.

i think my fair deck matchups are tough, its very hard to race t3 batterskull. decks running deed and deluge are rough too, plus they maindeck abrupts so chalice is pretty weak. i see chalice as a good sideboard card for delver and decks running a zillion cantrips to sculpt a combo hand. its pretty bad vs d&t, goblins, shardless, affinity, etc.

+1 cavern. its just too good, even against wastes.

+1 clique in sb, great in a lot of matchups. i wish i could find room for it in main. +1 misdirection in sb just to try to misdirect an abrupt into a liliana or something, or misdirect a hymn

July 30, 2014 6:41 p.m.

s_pellegrino says... #3

8/5 legacy

2-0 'bug control'. no goyfs, delvers, shardless. cosi's did good work, ended up answering deed both games, no deluges, ate a 1-for-1 maelstrom pulse.

2-0 d&t. g1 never drew sfm, but hammered out 3 stp's. tnn carried the game. g2 sfm for jitte, hardcasted body&mind into daze. ended up drawing like 6 lords and 2 images, pretty sick.

1-2 sneak&show. racing 2tnn vs griz, topdecked an image but he ended up s&t into another one. game 2 i ended up losing to a resolved sneak after i ran out of counters. flusterstom performed nicely

0-2 bug delver, stuck on 1 land most of g1&2, pretty shitty loss. guy tried to spell piece a cosi and ended up showing daze. didnt draw land 2 until i was already dead on board, sucks

other decks-loam pox, gate, miracles, affinity. might switch up the SB for future weeks

August 5, 2014 12:20 a.m.

s_pellegrino says... #4

thinking of going 2 jitte main instead of clique. switched out the flusters for ponder to try to fix bad draws. bought a second jitte and 2 more misdirections, after looking at some goofy bant merfolk list running edrick. i still like daze for protecting early chalice and punishing non-blue decks not playing around it. bought some null rods and am still waiting on my bouncer and rootwater thief, so they won't be running in tomorrow's tournament.

August 10, 2014 8:41 p.m.

chicagobearz says... #5

Really like this deck. I have a leg Merfolk Vanyar that i've made into a similar build. It's cool that you get to test yours out so much, and against a variety of deck. My legacy meta is small, so we've play each other almost by memory at this point. The 2x Ponder is def different than my current build. I have 1x Sygg, River Cutthroat and the Silvergill Adept as the only way to draw cards. Check my build out and let me know any potential probems and solutions.

August 13, 2014 2:04 a.m.

s_pellegrino says... #6

had a pretty sick casual match vs reanimator, g1 he walked t2 show&tell off 2 petals into a daze and fow. he later reanimated griselbrand but was unknowingly dead on board when i dropped a lord and islandwalked by. g2 i boarded -4tnn +2tormod +cage +rootwater thief. i landed cage turn 1 and thief turn 2. turn 3 i played a cosi and swung with rootwater thief, eating his elesh norn and putting a counter on cosi. the next turn he show&tell'd in a griselbrand and since i was stuck on single blue i took the opportunity to throw in a lord. he only got two turns with grisel and i managed to meanwhile drop another cosi, image griselbrand, and ate his inkwell leviathan and iona with the rootwater thief.

on another note, thief doesn't work very well versus cloudpost or lands, i ended up with it in play only to find out glacial chasm doesn't reduce damage to zero, it prevents it. this is one of the most monotonous matchups besides pox, but all you really need to do is force crop rotation when they go to switch up their chasms and hope they dont land emrakul/marit lage in the meantime.

August 20, 2014 9:22 p.m.

chicagobearz says... #7

Hey there. Your deck is badass. Merfolk have always been my favorite tribe. I was wondering your thoughts on Back to Basics as an option for sideboarding. Also, Vendilion Clique worth looking into a pair? Does it get much main board time?

August 27, 2014 11:47 p.m.

s_pellegrino says... #8

b2b is too slow to be good in my opinion, we also run a bunch of nonbasics

clique is pretty good- clique in response to miracle trigger- clique in response to show&tell or sneak attack activation- clique in response to reanimator thoughtseizing itself- clique after eye of ugin search vs post- clique after sfm search

basically anything involving tutoring or spells involving other cards being in your opponent's hand

it works versus miracles, combo, blocks flipped delvers, deals with emrakul. i used to run them in the main but jitte is better for my local meta.

August 31, 2014 10:17 a.m.

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