Selvala, Explored and Returned with tokens

Commander / EDH griffstick

SCORE: 241 | 189 COMMENTS | 34187 VIEWS | IN 82 FOLDERS

logansullivan says... #1

Is this a budget edh deck?

October 6, 2014 12:26 p.m.

griffstick says... #2

Well kinda. Cause for cards like elspeth garruk Vigor , and Doubling Season your looking at 50$ to 60$ right there. I dont like to spend over 5, 6, maybe 7 on cards,

October 6, 2014 2:55 p.m.

griffstick says... #3

Suggest whatever you want. Im still building and improving

October 6, 2014 3:20 p.m.

Umbreon_jj says... #4

i have been saying this to almost every white token deck I see. haha. Congregate is a great card to get up life quick. and its only 25 cents on tcg player. hope this helps :D

October 14, 2014 7:11 p.m.

griffstick says... #5

You know i do have one laying around i will give it a shot

October 15, 2014 10:18 a.m.

LittleBlueHero says... #6

Selvala's Charge , I can't begin to tell you how many times this has worked for me in my Selvala deck.

for 5 you are usually getting two to three 3/3 tokens at a minimum. Obviously only run this if you play primarily multiplayer.

October 15, 2014 2:06 p.m.

griffstick says... #7

Not a bad card @LittleBlueHero could work great, could not. Selvala is quite the gambler and i like to gamble.

October 16, 2014 4:25 a.m.

zinv72 says... #8

Try checking out my Selvala EDH? Fantastic Inspiration Moving Into New Territ-try

Mine is more focused around getting a large mana base, then either build up protection, or go for the kill.

October 17, 2014 2:59 a.m.

griffstick says... #9

You got a good deck there

October 17, 2014 4:33 a.m.

True it is a gamble of sorts, but what I love is that even if it totally fails you still have a much better idea of what is going on in your opponents hands. Everyone draws a card is always a good way to make friends :)

October 17, 2014 1:26 p.m.

griffstick says... #11

What else you got?

October 17, 2014 4:12 p.m.

ZombieSpy98 says... #13

I just playtested three times in a row and got mana screwed all three times. not sure why as the deck already has 38 lands, but it might be something worth looking into.

October 20, 2014 10:37 a.m.

Honestly, with 38 in here, you might have just had some serious bad luck. However, he has no ramp. I would suggest Harrow especially for this deck. Drop Transguild Promenade and Rupture Spire . They're horrible. Expedition Map is good. Same with Nature's Lore

October 20, 2014 12:33 p.m.

zinv72 says... #15

36 lands is a very solid number for two color EDH.

Even though EDH is a 100 card format, you can still be tight on space. Expedition Map is slow, and not even ramp. If you're going to suggest that, why not Armillary Sphere ? (though personally, in a green deck, you have much better options than artifact ramp)

Since you're running green, the best ramp spells are Cultivate , Kodama's Reach and Sakura-Tribe Elder .

The next ones I recommend are Skyshroud Claim , Explosive Vegetation , Ranger's Path , and Nissa's Expedition . These are good because you are spending one card to ramp two land that turn.

If you still want more ramp, there's Rampant Growth and Nature's Lore . (however these are one card for one land that turn. If you're tight on space, I wouldn't include these.

October 20, 2014 12:45 p.m.

Yeah that much mana plus a general who gives you mana should make it hard to get screwed.

I wouldn't spend a lot of card slots on ramp though. Its most likely just a case of really bad luck. If you want to add some ramp I would add creatures that can get you some value. I agree with Sakura-Tribe Elder . I put that guy in anything I run with green. The other card that finds its way into almost all my decks is Solemn Simulacrum .

October 20, 2014 1:11 p.m.

zinv72 says... #17

October 20, 2014 1:23 p.m.

griffstick says... #18

Mana isnt a problem. 16% of the time i get screwed. I have an app to run a sim on it 5,000 times and its 71% fine, 6% mana flood, 5% color screw, and 16% mana screwed. Thanks for the good input though. If i had better lands 71% would go up and color screw would go down.

October 21, 2014 1:44 a.m.

griffstick says... #19

I know thats not 100% percent cause the app doesnt use percentages. it rounds it up or down. Just add 0.5 to all of them lol

October 21, 2014 1:47 a.m.

griffstick says... #20

Made some changes thank you everyone for the help. Special thanks to Steven_Fuckin_Hyde for all of what you suggested. And Umbreon_jj for suggesting Congregate, works great. The changes i made have geared this deck more towards power in streangth and numbers, by adding more token generaters and creature buff both by enchantments and +1/+1 counters

November 7, 2014 4:51 p.m.

griffstick says... #21

Gavony Township is a bit too pricey but when i feel like spening tje extra money i will get it

November 7, 2014 4:53 p.m.

Good luck man. If you want anymore suggestions just mention my name

November 8, 2014 6:41 p.m.

Mknz_Riley says... #23

I love the look of your deck, tokens are incredibly fun to play with. I have a Trostani token deck myself that you can look at Trostani's Protectors


Rhys the Redeemed

Brimaz, King of Oreskos

Darien, King of Kjeldor

November 12, 2014 2:29 p.m.

griffstick says... #24

I want Rhys the Redeemed, Brimaz, King of Oreskos, and Darien, King of Kjeldor. Rhys the Redeemed may be the first one i add to this deck when i feel like spending that much $ on a single card. With that being said, Brimaz, King of Oreskos @40$ is out the question. Unless i aquire it some other way. Darien, King of Kjeldor i really dont like that much but is still a better card then some other cards in here. The problem i have with him is i need to recieve damage for his ability to go off. So he is not an imediate token generator. Plus damage doesnt include life loss. Good suggestions, thank you, i use your Trostani's Protectors for more suggestions. Nice deck

November 12, 2014 3:29 p.m.

I'm not sure why you would have Selvala, Explorer Returned as your commander in a token deck. You should try Trostani, Selesnya's Voice or Rhys the Redeemed

November 13, 2014 1:28 p.m.

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