As everyone knows, werewolves are the Epitome of Badassery! This deck was my very first magic deck, and is what got me into the game in the first place, so it is very dear to me. Werewolves aren't the most powerful tribe, they get rundown quickly because they are fragile (in human form) and take a some time to set up, but one transformed attack from a few werewolves is usually devastating. They are a ton of fun to play, and I personally love the Flip/Transform mechanic. So with that, lets get started.
Card Choices
The selection of the werewolves is pretty straight forward, there aren't a whole many to chose from but there are some very good cards among them.I will highlight the key choices.
1)Huntmaster of the Fells
This guy literally eats people alive. He really hurts people who continually let him flip back and forth, giving health, dealing damage, killing shit, making babies. This guy does it all. Huntmaster is my favorite card, and he's as MLG as it gets. Just give him an Intervention and watch him tear the Faze Clan a new one.
2)Mayor of Avabruck
buffs your humans and werewolves, plus his Howlpack Alpha form is a huge threat if not dealt with
3)Wolfbitten Captive
Excellent 1 drop, become a huge beater, but he does require investment
Helps make your werewolves less unpredictable, but takes away the huntmaster's flip prowess. Its meant to give you some unblockable and give your werewolves some sustained power.
5)Full Moon's Rise
This card is awesome, swing for huge damage then regen. enough said
This card will save your wolves asses so many times its ridiculous
I like to play it aggressively, trying to get some werewolves down until
Huntmaster of the Fells
or Immerwolf hit the field, and then either let hunt master beat face by getting him to flip back and forth or unleashing a massive attack with huge bodies after Immerwolf comes down
Thank you for reading this,I hope you enjoyed the deck and hope it brings you as much fun as it does for me. I appreciate the feedback! Thanks!