Third remake of this deck. Main problem with boros I keep finding is that not enough damage is being done in the early game and the opponent is answering to pull a win once I start top decking when boros starts to fizzle out. Tried it with risk factor but its unreliable for cards and the damage isn't high enough to make our opponent not take it unless we are already winning. So I've added Chandra and experimental frenzy based off the faster red aggro.
Similar play style as most boros aggro decks but with a slight difference with experimental frenzy and Chandra for card advantage and karns bastion if for some reason you get stuck and need more power. Early game is casting as many creatures as possible and pushing for early damage. This deck is utilizing a go wide strategy and uses mentor to keep creatures a more relevant threat for longer.
1 drops:
Goblin Banneret - self pump +2/0 for 2 with mentor ensuring that even if you only are attacking with 1/1s you can still add counters.
Healers hawk - evades most blockers (especially in green) and helps you maintain life against the faster mono red till you can equalize out.
Haazda marshal - adds extra bodies to go wide with, token drops by turn 3 as chump blocker with lifelink
Samuts sprint - use it for offense making one of your creatures hit harder or out of the gate, use it for defense with the +1 toughness, help fix a vital draw with scy, trigger mentor if all creatures gave the same toughness all for one red!
2 drops:
Swiftblade vindicator - swing with it once with anything with mentor and it gets crazy. Tag it with samuts sprint and attack out of the gate with a 3/2 double strike trample on turn 3 and watch your opponent really sweat!
Boros challenger: 2/3 mentor with a bit expensive pump.
Justice strike - great removal for almost any threat, this may end up getting sided out if your opponent is running higher toughness though.
3 drops:
Tajic - helps the rest of your creatures to survive, haste, mentor, activate for first strike everyone knows why this is here. Yes running four even though its legendary, this is usually the first target of any removal and is a faster threat than warboss
Legion warboss - making extra bodies with mentor means attack for at least 4 over 2 bodies each turn, can easily start overwhelming the opponent the longer he stays alive
4 drops:
Aurelia - only 2 as more reliance at this point to get cards with experimental frenzy and Chandra but when unanswered can win the game
Experimental frenzy - you might not be able to net the same amount of cards as red but you should get at least 2 - 3 cards with at least 5 lands, which at this point you should have no hand anyways
Chandra - slightly slower than frenzy but get her to seven to draw 7 cards and deal 7 damage and see if your opponent can deal with the bodies then
Karns bastion - only two because it stalls so bad on the open hand but if you are having trouble getting any damage through this will help make your creatures bigger and help with Chandra as well. (Still testing this change, leave a comment with what you think or discover)
Take a look and let's see if we can get boros aggro back in the spotlight, also to find a spot for our new 2 drop skyknight vanguard.