Edgar Aggro

Commander / EDH tkjanacek


Last_Laugh says... #1

Reconnaissance over Throne of the God-Pharaoh - Recon allows you to attack with EVERY creature you have safely, deal combat damage in most situations, and have every one of those creatures untapped and ready to block.

Feel free to check out my list for ideas. It's one of the top rated Edgar lists on this site and there's also over 140 comments to sift through for more ideas. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Edgar's Dega Vampires

October 25, 2019 9:29 a.m.

tkjanacek says... #2

Thanks for the recommendation. I haven't really had the issue of running into too many blockers, if the meta shifts, i will try Reconnaisance out.

October 25, 2019 10:08 a.m.

Last_Laugh says... #3

It's not a matter of how many blockers you run into... it's more of a safely push the highest amount of damage you can every turn and not leaving yourself open for counterattacks.

Recon allows you to untap to avoid bad blockers (obvious face value of the card), it untaps after first strike damage but before normal combat damage is dealt (great with Drana to get counters on your whole team and disgusting with Stromkirk Captain and Stensia Masquerade), and it even untaps after normal combat damage is dealt due to being an 'attacking creature' until the end of combat step ends (you untap in the middle of this step).

October 25, 2019 10:15 a.m. Edited.

JRaynor says... #4

Ohhh, Idol of Oblivion works great here. I never thought of that before!

June 9, 2020 10:28 a.m.

Last_Laugh says... #5

How do I downvote this deck?

July 11, 2020 3:32 a.m.

Lol why would you want to downvote it?

July 30, 2020 7:24 p.m.

Gazanova90 says... #7

Hey hey check out my edgar deck

Vamp-cleric tutor

It doesn't have your game plan in mind but it has a few cards you might like you may have missed

October 31, 2020 7:34 a.m.

VampRamped says... #8

This is a decent Edgar Markov list I just had a few questions and comments about choices

  1. You are playing swords to plowshares and path to exile in your deck what creatures are you worried about dealing with.

2.I know you have in maybe board but for 1 mana more than Vampire Aristocrat you get a much better card in Falkenrath Aristocrat as it has much better stats, evasion, and protection in addition the new Immersturm Predator is also a very good vampire sac outlet that is targeted graveyard hate.

3.What is your goal with this deck you say it's more and more a combo deck but it still has vampire aggro elements of it. While I think having multiple strategies within Edgar Markov is actually a good strategy with Edgar Markov. For example not only is Oathsworn Vampire a component of a decent combo but is actually pretty decent for the aggro beatdown Worldgorger Dragon while technically part of a more efficient combo is actually terrible for your vampire aggro deck. My suggestion would be to remove Worldgorger Dragon from your deck. doing so also allows to remove Heir of Falkenrath  Flip and Olivia's Dragoon which are not very good cards and are only really in for worldgorger in the first place.

Things I like about your deck

  1. Living Death : I think it is arguable the best card in an Edgar Markov deck not only an immediate board reset after a wipe but with a sac outlet you get a one-sided board wipe with all the effects of the sac + death triggers

  2. Multiple win cons: I did sort of mention this before but you also seem to recognize that Edgar Markov is a deck that can benefit exceedingly from a multitude of win conditions. This I think is because Edgar Markov identity is a momentum-based strategy, and thus is at its worst when your ground to a halt, or when you divert attention away from building momentum, which is also why I asked about your choice of strictly creature removal.

If you wanted to get some insight into how I personally balance multiple strategies in my personal deck, in addition to some very interesting vampire combo's I will put a link here.

March 19, 2021 9:34 p.m.

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