

The goal of this deck is to abuse mentor and beef up an army as efficiently as possible. Please upvote and give feedback!

The Creatures

Torch Courier lets us rush out bigger Mentor guys to get counters onto smaller ones, plus it's a great turn 3 play following a 2-drop Mentor or a Goblin Banneret pumped via his +2/+0 mana ability. Sunhome Stalwart because a 2/2 First Striker that permanently pumps is just value. Boros Challenger has a big butt and can grow out of Deafening Clarion range and even Lava Coil range relatively easily. Turn one Goblin Banneret into Turn 2 Challenger or Stalwart followed by a Torch Courier and some combat tricks will place your creatures out of burn range real quick, so your opponent had better be packing some board wipe.

Swiftblade Vindicator is so good! I wanted to run a full playset, but late-game drawing a 1/1 two drop that doesn't immediately impact the board can be a bit of a bummer, so it's a 3-of. Tajic, Legion's Edge and Goblin Banneret round out our 3-mana creature curve. The goblin gives us more bodies to mentored on the field, and Tajic's Haste lets us get an extra +1/+1 counter on a few more creatures with enough mentors on the board assuming you stack your Mentor triggers properly. You can also pay to give him first strike and he pretty much makes your dudes hexproof against burn.

Our curve tops out at Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice who is a bit of a powerhouse. I'm slightly bummed that she doesn't have Haste, but she's still pretty dang sweet and can outright close games.


A pair of Deafening Clarion lets us play early control to turn 3, then start drop out our army on turn 4. The sweeper also comes in handy late game when our guys have been pumped to 4 or higher, or when we just really need to reset the board. From there, removal dips down to two copies of Justice Strike with a 3rd in the sideboard if Big Creature decks or Deathtouchers give us trouble.

Combat Tactics

The Boros Legion is all about war tactics, and this deck is the perfect reflection of that! What we want to do is keep our creatures on the board long enough to get Mentored safely away from Lava Coil range, our best bet is to get through with cheap combat tricks. Gird for Battle helps get our peeps out of burn range faster. Integrity / Intervention can be removal when we need it to and it lets our 2/2's survive Shock and Lightning Strike. Pumping also helps active Mentor when our Mentor guys are tied-with or lower-in-power-to another creature on our side. Demotion is far better than burn removal in a deck like this. It lets us keep swinging in the early game while keeping our Mentors on the battlefield where they can build up their young cadets. While it's nice to be able to sling a spell straight to our opponent's dome, one and two-drop burn spells can't get us past creatures with Deathtouch or defensive low-cost creatures with big butts (i.e. low power, high toughness).

A single Guildmages' Forum let's us cast a Boros Challenger that survives Deafening Clarion and helps pump our multicolored mentor creatures so that they can Mentor for another attack before the mentee becomes tied in power and Mentor no longer triggers on the swing.


Knight of Grace and Tocatli Honor Guard get swapped in against black decks which will likely be running Ravenous Chupacabra. A third Deafening Clarion comes in against other aggro decks. On the draw, we can play control and let them drop weenies for the first few turns before wiping their board. The lifegain comes in handy in the lategame. Vanquisher's Banner comes in against control. Since we’re only running mostly Soldiers, the Banner is perfect for beefing them up and drawing cards which can be a HUGE draw engine in the late game since the deck runs mainly 1 and 2-drops. The second half of Response/Resurgence also helps against control to get in some direct damage when we need it. Lava Coil helps us against Rekindling Phoenix and Arclight Phoenix. Bounty Agent gives us a body that can be sacked against Angel decks running threats like Shalai, Voice of Plenty and Lyra Dawnbringer. We'll also be siding in an additional Justice Strike and a pair of Response / Resurgence in those matchups and against big green monsters.

Still needs work

I think Control is this deck's biggest weakness. The only thing to do is play smart and hold onto some creatures so they don't get wrathed. I think Chance for Glory would be the perfect sideboard card against control, but I'm just not sure what to cut for it. All suggestions are welcome!


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

20 - 10 Rares

21 - 5 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.18
Tokens Goblin 1/1 R
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