
Any constructive suggestions are welcome.

The deck is supposed to compete in a competitive 20-30hp 1vs1 environment.

The maybeboard consists of cards that have been part of the deck at some point and may find their way back depending on the meta and my impression of performance.

Common win conditions are Field of the Dead , the Dark Depths / Thespian's Stage combo, land control via Crucible of Worlds / Ramunap Excavator / Life from the Loam and Wasteland / Dust Bowl , or via attacking with some of the big creatures. The most common tutoring target is Primeval Titan , with the whole array of utility lands available to him depending on board state/life points/opponent's deck.


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100% Competitive

Date added 5 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is not Duel Commander legal.

Rarity (main - side)

15 - 0 Mythic Rares

42 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.30
Tokens Ashaya, the Awoken World, Beast 3/3 G, Clue, Eldrazi Scion 1/1 C, Elemental 5/3 G, Emblem Nissa, Vital Force, Food, Marit Lage, Spirit 2/2 C, Zombie 2/2 B
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