
Ranar the Ever-Watchful

"In life, Ranar was an honored warrior in service to a noble jarl. During a Doomskar, his kingdom was assaulted by raiders from another realm. The jarl himself led a warband to intercept the raiders' forces, leaving Ranar alone to guard the kingdom's children... and then the Omenpath closed around the warriors, trapping them in the invaders' realm. With no one to give him orders and no shieldmates by his side, Ranar refused to abandon his post. He fought off raiders and beasts, hunted for food, and taught the children to protect themselves. When the children were grown, he finally allowed the Valkyries to take him. They named him the guardian of Istfell and tasked him to keep watch over the gates of the spirit realm as nobly as he guarded those children for so many years."

This deck focuses primarily on Ranar's exile effect, wanting to flood the board with flying spirits and overwhelm its foes. With a blink/flicker theme to support that goal, this deck doesn't have a lot of trouble getting off the ground (ba dum tss), and a foretell subtheme which only helps to produce more spirits while also adding an aspect of mystery for your opponents? Have you foretold a counterspell or a board wipe? They won't know until you reveal it!

The maybeboard consists of a few groups of cards. Some of them are cards I've pulled from the precon but are being considered for re-addition as I get a better feel for the deck, while others are my own ideas or recommendations from others in the community; if you have any recommendations, feel free to leave a comment and I'll add any that appeal to me to the maybeboard for consideration!


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91% Casual


Top Ranked
Date added 4 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

48 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.73
Tokens Bird 1/1 U, Copy Clone, Emblem Venser, the Sojourner, Foretell, Illusion */* U, Shard, Spirit 1/1 W, Treasure
Folders Ranar
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