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With the introduction to the new Dragons of Tarkir, I wanted to take advantage of the awesome new dragons they printed and the synergy they have between them. It's aggressive style and aimed to get rid of my opponents early game and bombard them with dragons. With the combinations of ramp and damage with card's like Atarka's Command , Dragonlord's Servant, and Draconic Roar I am able to play my dragons fast and making them an immediate threat. The synergy given with the FRF Dragons give my dragons the ability to be lethal every hit. Thunderbreak Regent allows me to still get ahead in the damage race even if I become slightly behind in board-state.

The usual plan is to make sure their board is clear in the first few turns so they don't gain too much momentum. Once my dragons start coming out, they are immediate threats that need to be dealt with. With Dragon Tempest if my opponents can't deal with them the turn they come out, then they will be coming in for a good amount of damage. If dragons don't come early, then I use the burn spells to disrupt their board state and deal them direct damage. In that case I can whittle them down so as soon as I get a dragon out, they are dead.

Sideboard Plans:

For Aggressive: Bring in Crux of Fate and Kolaghan's Command for Roast to disrupt their early board state better and to make sure if they burn out, they never regain momentum. Maybe Lightning Strike for direct damage and creature removal.

For Control: Bring in Humble Defector to gain an early board state and the ability to regain momentum when its lost. Take out most creature removal and exchange Draconic Roar with Lightning Strike so I have the ability to deal direct damage. U/W Control will probably pop up in Standard now so I'll side in the Rending Volley 's for some of those pesky win cons (It can take care of Dragonlord Ojutai .

For Midrange: Bring in Ultimate Price for those big threats, but for the most part I feel my mainboard deals with it well.

I am open to any suggestions! I have followed the new DTK spoilers closely while creating this deck, but if I missed any key cards to put in, or key cards that are bad match-ups let me know what you think I should do to change it up!


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

31 - 2 Rares

11 - 5 Uncommons

0 - 8 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.37
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