This deck is aimed at shutting down your opponent's board, while using powerhouses like Daxos of Meletis and Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver to steal your opponent's cards. Let me know what y'all think, and give some feedback! Don't forget to leave a +1 if you liked anything!
Aqueous Form - to let through Daxos of Meletis,
Medomai the Ageless
, or any other creature you steal
Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver - takes away your opponents threats and makes them yours, with some massive mill
Bile Blight
- good for clearing tokens, copies, or any arbitrary threat
Clever Impersonator - steal anything your opponent managed to keep on the battlefield
Daxos of Meletis - a card stealer, life gainer, and damage dealer all in one
Dig Through Time - just some card draw, looking for what you want
Disdainful Stroke/
/Negate - basic counter and scry tools
Hero's Downfall - basic creature removal, but also useful for planeswalkers
Medomai the Ageless
- essentially a win con, with utility as well as durability
Murderous Cult - extremely more useful the later in the game it's used
Narset Transcendent - card advantage and removal copying
Ojutai's Command
- very useful in a multitude of situations
Psychic Intrusion
- steal any card directly from what they're holding on to
Valorous Stance
- removal and protection in one