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Mono Black Eldrazi

Standard Eldrazi Mono-Black



This is a deck I have tested over and over and this is, at least by now, its ultimate form.Suggestions are more than welcome.

The deck relies on mostly creatures, but it has a strong control also.

Control Part:

Transgress the Mind : Great for knowing your opponent's hand and getting rid of a threat, and a way to exile cards for Wasteland Strangler to use.

Thought-Knot Seer : Also exile a threat from opponent's hand, and good sinergy with Wasteland Strangler.

Bearer of Silence : a 2/1 flying creature that most of the times is a 4-Drop, but that makes opponent sacrifices, excellent against EsperDragons, but not so good against decks that have a lot of creatures, like a 4c-Rally, Elves,...

Spatial Contortion : A 2-Drop instant speed card that can Kill an opponent's creature or can buff the bigger eldrazis in deck. Kills Jace really easy.

Warping Wail : Really good for killing Jace, 4c-Rally creatures. You can also get a scion token to speed the mana curve and get a Turn-4 Reality Smasher. Or if you're lucky you can counter a Painful Truths + Read the Bones , or a Ramp spell.

Wasteland Strangler : Many times can kill a creature Turn-3. Deals with Jace, and other small creatures.

Aggro Part:

Hangarback Walker : It is not an aggro creature, but in Turn-3, if you have an untapped Ruins of Oran-Rief, you can get it to have 2 counters. Also Ghostfire Blade is really strong with thopters.

Reality Smasher : One of the best Standard cards in my opinion. A 5/5 Haste/Trample creature that also has a self-protection? Couldnt be better. Sometimes you can get to cast him, and put a +1/+1 counter with Ruins of Oran-Rief or equip Ghostfire Blade.

Ghostfire Blade : All the creatures are Colorless, so the equip cost will always be .


The lands are the best combination I could figure out to both give me all benefits the new colorless land could give and still have black mana available. (In the start, sometimes I would have to mulligan to 5 cards to get some black mana).


The main decks that I play against are: EsperDragons, 4c-Rally, Eldrazi Ramp, Elves and B/W Warriors.


In : 3 Reality Smasher + 3 Duress + 2 Warping Wail

Out: 2 Spatial Contortion + 4 Wasteland Strangler + 1 Endbringer + 1 Ghostfire Blade


In : 2 Cranial Archive + 3 Flaying Tendrils // Maybe 2 Infinite Obliteration

Out: 4 Bearer of Silence + 1 Endbringer


In: 3 Flaying Tendrils + 2 Infinite Obliteration + 2 Warping Wail

Out: 4 Bearer of Silence + 3 Ghostfire Blade

--B/W Warriors:

In : 3 Flaying Tendrils

Out : 2 Warping Wail + 1 Transgress the Mind

--Atarka Red:

In : 3 Flaying Tendrils + 3 Duress

Out : 2 Transgress the Mind + 4 Bearer of Silence

--Bant Company:

In : 2 Cranial Archive + 2 World Breaker

Out : 1 Endbringer + 2 Warping Wail + 1 Hangarback Walker

--B/R Dragons:

In : 3 World Breaker + 2 Warping Wail + 2 Duress

Out : 4 Bearer of Silence + 2 Wasteland Strangler + 1 Ghostfire Blade


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 8 years
Key combos

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 3 Mythic Rares

34 - 2 Rares

12 - 5 Uncommons

6 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.58
Tokens Copy Clone, Eldrazi Scion 1/1 C
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