
Budget Mimeoplasm Combo Deck

This deck can be played as a combo deck or as a Voltron deck.

I need your help! I'm trying to get the price of this deck below $50, any suggestions on card replacements to reduce The cost of The deck while still maintaining the same or similar combos is greatly appreciated. The deck price as of 4/29/17 on TCGPlayer is $69.85 for all 100 cards, not including shipping and including cards down to heavily played condition. This deck is an insane combo deck that is extremely resilient and has multiple combos so it's very hard for other players to deal with. Let me know what you think in the comments section!

These combos will mill the entire deck.

If you used Hermit Druid to mill then activate Haunted Dead to get it and a spirit token onto the battlefield then sacrifice all 3 creatures to flashback Dread Return and reanimate Necrotic Ooze to do a bunch of ridiculous combos.

I'll need a bunch of mana and the highest life total. I didn't include a way to make infinite mana but I did include a few different combos to make sh'loads. To make sure I have the most life I cast Gnaw to the Bone a few times.

Using any of these combos net me enough mana to nuke everyone and for those pesky life-gain decks, Tree of Perdition can bring them into range.

**IMPORTANT: The below combos assume listed creatures are in play and you have OR Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord and Necrotic Ooze are on the battlefield and the other creatures are in the graveyard

  1. Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord + Wall of Blood = Kill all opponents at once if you have the most life. Use Gnaw to the Bone to make sure you do.
IMPORTANT: The below combos assume the listed creatures are in the graveyard and that Necrotic Ooze is on the battlefield.
  1. Tree of Perdition = Change an opponents life total to 3
  2. Wall of Blood + Trespasser il-Vec = Lots of unblockable damage

Cards that help you keep Necrotic Ooze on the battlefield

Most have these cards have been removed but I decided to leave this here in case you want to build in this alternate win condition.

Primary Targets (Copy)

Secondary Targets (+1Counters)

These cards are to make the combo resilient to removal.
Thank you to (your name here) for featuring this deck!

Thank you T12H for your great feedback and pointing out the Animate Dead + Kederekt Leviathan combo!

YOU can be immortalized in this decks description FOREVER, all you have to do is feature the deck on the main page and let me know.

Don’t forget to +1!


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94% Casual


Revision 27 See all

(5 years ago)

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Date added 7 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

28 - 0 Rares

46 - 0 Uncommons

19 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.48
Tokens Elephant 3-3 G, Spirit 1/1 W
Folders Memeoplasm, gravyard, Decks I like, Cool Stuff, Interesting Builds from Tappedout, EDH interests, Deck box, Cool EDH Decks, mimeo, Other
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