Mimeoplasm, Extreme Sub $70 Budget EDH

Commander / EDH Squirrel_of_War


Hey really love this deck. I am making it myself however I was wondering, I have a few extra $ I can spend are there any better cards to replace any in the deck any kind of list would help! Thanks for showing me this

May 3, 2017 1:47 a.m.

@Jones.derek1690:Here is what it looks like with all the upgrades. I hope you like it. If you do, don't forget to drop me a +1 on both decks. :)


Commander / EDH* Squirrel_of_War


May 3, 2017 4:14 a.m. Edited.

thijmnesoy says... #3

this deck looks awesome!!!1!

May 7, 2017 10:56 a.m.

Lilbrudder says... #4

Ixidron Birthing Pod into Massacre Wurm is pretty great

May 18, 2017 10:01 p.m.

That's hilarious! Those are a little too expensive for this build since I'm teeing to reduce the price even further but I'll put that in my other Mimeo deck. Thanks!

May 19, 2017 10:10 a.m.

Lilbrudder says... #6

I figured lol. That was just my favorite board wipe back in the day.

May 19, 2017 12:31 p.m.

My favorite and all my fiends least favorite is Natural Affinity + Massacre Wurm

May 19, 2017 2:24 p.m.

nayaman says... #8

( I have a question on this combo (Hermit Druid + no basic lands)

when do u stop isnt this an auto loss..i normally have 3 basic lands to prevent milling myself out ?!

please clarify thanks

June 21, 2017 12:39 p.m.

You lose when you go to draw a card and can't draw a card. Milling a card from your library won't do anything when there is no library to mill. To supplement the combo you can add Laboratory Maniac and reanimate him and draw a card by flashing back Deep Analysis to win the game. I took him out because he was not fun though.

June 21, 2017 1:48 p.m.


October 6, 2017 1:28 p.m.

Blanchy says... #11

Nicely done, love the oversized alter thing.. How'd you make it?

November 22, 2017 12:32 a.m.

Blanchy, glad you like the deck, I followed
thos tutorial.

November 24, 2017 9:17 p.m.

J.Wilcox99 says... #13

And then no one has any answers to a blood moon lol

I like the deck, thinking about trying it out to see how it works. Nicely done +1 from me

January 1, 2018 11:03 p.m.

Lol, if someone drops Blood Moon I'll just concede. I actually might build in a way to make the combo a little more resilient. As it is now, if Necrotic Ooze makes it onto the battlefield there is (almost) no way to stop the combo but if Dread Return gets countered, I'm a sitting duck until my next turn.

January 2, 2018 1:11 p.m.

Narayan999 says... #15

There is an infinite combo that can be included, which is Necrotic ooze on the Battlefield with a phyrexian devourer and triskellion in the graveyard

February 24, 2018 1:43 p.m.

byxis says... #16

Why not use Rogue's Passage? Could be useful for an unblockable creature.

August 10, 2018 12:46 a.m.

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