Demons, Dragons, and Angels, Oh My!

Commander / EDH Rheunon


logansullivan says... #1

one awesome card for kaalia is Master of Cruelties because if there are no blockers it's an instant kill

June 4, 2014 8:34 p.m.

Rheunon says... #2

Perfect! Thanks! That is exactly the kind of thing that I'm looking for!

June 4, 2014 8:36 p.m.

Chaser121 says... #3

Very good deck. I have been looking for a powerful kaalia deck, and I reckon I have found it. Great job

June 13, 2014 9:07 p.m.

Rheunon says... #4

Thanks Chaser121, that actually means a lot to me. I appreciate it. :)

June 13, 2014 9:15 p.m.

cujo253 says... #5

Rakdos the Defiler instead of Rakdos, Lord of Riots as when he cheats out with kaalia, they have to sack half their permanents, not you. Scourge of the Throne as well is a new one that allows for a extra turn, and Kaalia plus extra turns results in broken friendships. Also, personally, my table has a lot of tutor mechanisms (cough cough, looking at you Karametra) so I like Stranglehold in my Kaalia deck, as I don't really search my own library that much anyway (doesn't restrict me anyways, only opponents) so that they can't search their libraries, Aven Mindcensor also has a similar affect, though not as effective,

June 17, 2014 4:33 a.m.

Rheunon says... #6

Thanks for the feedback cujo253 I might just add Rakdos the Defiler , as it definitely help my weak control side of the deck as well as Scourge of the Throne for all dem extra turns! Luckily, there isn't that much tutoring where I play, but there might be sometime, I'll sideboard that stuff. I'll make those changes. Thanks a lot!

June 19, 2014 12:49 a.m.

Asher18 says... #7

I don't believe that Angelic Skirmisher is the best fit for this deck, as you must wait a turn before using its ability. a better fit might be Akroma, Angel of Fury

June 22, 2014 7:20 p.m.

Asher18 says... #8

also, Griselbrand

June 22, 2014 7:21 p.m.

Rheunon says... #9

@Asher18 Thanks for the suggestion! I've actually had this issue on my mind for a while now. I'm just gonna lead this out with the fact that Griselbrand is banned in commander, so unfortunately, I can't put him in the deck. The next thing that I'd like to bring up is that while Angelic skirmisher Isn't very fast, it actually brings more to the table than Akroma, simply because two of Akroma's abilities are rendered null because we wont be casting her. Meanwhile, Skirmisher will serve our purposes perfectly as an aggro deck. I really appreciate your feedback though, and please, feel free to let me know if there are flaws in my logic. :)

June 23, 2014 12:38 a.m.

Asher18 says... #10

I see very few besides minor control that can occur such as Thoughtseize , Hero's Downfall , and possibly Sarkhan the Mad . Why is griselbrand banned?

June 23, 2014 10:44 a.m.

cujo253 says... #11

Griselbrand is hilariously one sided, as a commander in EDH there are combos with him that allow for consistent turn 3-4-5 wins. If you play edh to any degree you should now that is incrediblely one sided, as it happens, Griselbrand isn't banned on the french ban list I believe. So if you're playing one-on-one, throw that sucker in there, he is without a doubt the strongest demon, ever.

June 28, 2014 9:24 p.m.

cujo253 says... #12

Also, looking over this again, I'd suggest Wheel of Fortune &/or Reforge the Soul as a form of refilling your hand beyond Dragon Mage . Also, as a personal note, I've been playtesting with Athreos, God of Passage and so far it's quite ncely fitting in as it doesn't compete with kaalia's casting cost and once you start cheating your fatties in you have guaranteed ping damage. Also, Demon At Death's Gate is an amazing beat stick, and if you also run Sorin Markov , well, friendships will be broken. An expensive add in, if you can afford it, is Sneak Attack . Read the card, it explains itself.

June 28, 2014 10:13 p.m.

sp1jp says... #13

Love this! But where the heck is Basandra, Battle Seraph

July 15, 2014 4:06 p.m.

Rheunon says... #14

@cujo253 Unfortunately, I almost never play 1v1 so Griselbrand isn't very applicable for this deck, trust me, I wish I could use him :/. I'm definitely considering Sorin Markov and Athreos, I just dont know what I'd cut. As for the Wheels, I also think that they'd definitely make the cut. I'm just trying to think of what to cut, if you have any ideas for things that look weak or redundant, please let me know, I'd appreciate it.

@sp1jp Good point haha, I didnt actually see this card when looking at the database on cardkingdom, as it's from conspiracy, thanks for pointing it out though :). However, I'm having the same issue, I don't know what to cut :/ just as the other suggestions, i'll give it a look, but I doubt my ability to look at this objectively. So if you couls, would you please give me some suggestions?

I appreciate the suggestions guys, thank you so much for helping me on this :p.

July 15, 2014 6:37 p.m.

cujo253 says... #15

Sorin Markov in for Blinding Angel as I personally see her as a little redundant with Angelic Arbiter already in the deck. Sorin Markov is just a win condition unto himself, and Blinding Angel , while having a coolish effect, does nothing to swing the game in your favor, especially as you noted with giselbrand, you're not playing one-on-one and it's effect will only serve to anger somebody at the table who will be looking to get back at you later. I would say, if you are going to run Athreos, God of Passage to take out Edgewalker . I don't really see the upside to Edgewalker , I'd very much like to hear if he's part of some combo I'm missing or if he really is just a way to cheat Kaalia in again late game. If that is his only purpose, I think Mother of Runes would be a better substitute for him anyways, as she would protect and keep Kaalia on field. Kaalia is an aggressive general, and aggressive generals need to lead on the battlefield for as long as they can aye? I would say for your deck, take out Armageddon for Wheel of Fortune , you don't have any means of protecting your own lands past Avacyn, Angel of Hope and that's a fragile combo that's unlikely to come together. Also, I would still recommend swapping Rakdos the Defiler in for Rakdos, Lord of Riots as again, the Defiler will* knock somebody so far back that they've essentially lost the game, or if your attacking the strongest player, you've evened the playing field with him. The defiler is again, just another win condition and a top deck you're happy to see at almost any time really.

July 17, 2014 2:44 p.m.

cujo253 says... #16

If you can spare the time, I'd appreciate hearing what you think of my Kaalia deck, it's a little more competitive, but I'd appreciate the insite. Kaalia's Avengers

July 17, 2014 2:48 p.m.

Psyloarchy says... #17

July 24, 2014 6:59 p.m.

Rheunon says... #18

@Psyloarchy I've looked over all of these, and personally I decided not to use them simply because they're all beaters. And of all three of them, only Baneslayer Angel has any evasion. (I also have a problem with landfall cards, just a personal preference) Thank you for your advice though :) I appreciate it.

@cujo253 Those all look like pretty good changes, I'll work on that (maybe with a few personal changes). I really appreciate your help on crafting this deck :) and I'll make sure to take a look at your Kaalia. Thanks!

July 24, 2014 9:27 p.m.

Psyloarchy says... #19

Wait... Are you saying that you don't want to use the cards I suggested because "they're all beaters"? Chould you please clarify what you mean by "beaters"?

July 26, 2014 2:48 p.m.

Whitecap says... #20

Platinum Angel along with Avacyn, Angel of Hope is just a game ender

July 26, 2014 10:22 p.m.

Rheunon says... #21

@Psyloarchy In most EDH decks, this one especially, you usually want to look for more in a card than just being able to swing for a static amount of damage (AKA a "beater"). Even if it does have evasion. If you'll notice, all of my creatures have some sort of ability that gives them more value than if I just used them to beat down the opponent. However, I can see the angle that you're coming from, and a lot of players do run Kaalia more aggro than I, with more beaters in them. Those decks can be very competetive and undoubtedly more successful than mine. However, I hope that people realize that I'm not putting this list together as a deck that should always crush other decks as fast as possible. No, this deck is meant to be fun to play with and against. That is probably just be because I play with a more casual group of players, and if you're looking for the most effective possible Kaalia ever, you may want to keep searching. Sorry about the unclear answer the first time, and I hope that my one sentence answer followed by a completely unrelated tirade helped shed a bit of light on the subject. Thanks for your feedback! And please let me know if you have any further questions.

July 28, 2014 8:40 a.m.

Gidgetimer says... #22

To further illustrate his point compare Mahamoti Djinn to Consecrated Sphinx . Mahamoti Djinn is a beater, and Consecrated Sphinx is a utility creature. If we were comparing them based solely on P/T the Djinn would be a better creature, but the Sphinx allows you to draw so a many card that it is just straight up disgusting.

July 28, 2014 11:27 a.m.

Djamerson14 says... #23

Mycosynth Lattice to use with Hellkite Tyrant explanation needed

August 2, 2014 4:57 p.m.

logansullivan says... #24

if you want to be a dick you can throw an Ob Nixilis, Unshackled in for Yosei, the Morning Star

August 14, 2014 8:15 p.m.

logansullivan says... #25

also if you ever want to take this deck one on one just change out Sol Ring for Griselbrand

August 14, 2014 8:33 p.m.

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