This UW control is largely based on the Kibler-Finkel 2012 player's championship deck. I absolutely loved this deck ever since Kuo originally came out with the idea. It fields very well against the meta in modern right now. It weakest match-up is straight burn.
Cryptic Command The all holy cryptic. This card is literally the blue swiss army knife. In today's midrange this card absolutely blows away the competition. . No explanation needed. Went in play testing from 4 to 2. . Then settled on 3. Then finally 4.
Remand This counter may seem weak to newer players, but older players understand that when all you want to do is push to Cryptic Command range or Celestial Colonnade range; this counter allows you to get to the midrange and replaces it self along the way.
Spell Snare This hard counter has it's limits, but it is in modern almost a necessity. With spells like Tarmogoyf and Voice of Resurgence, this counter does work. It is super important against deck that splash blue as well to hit other Snapcaster Mages and 2 mana counter spells. . . This is a must.
Silence Casting this on opponents upkeep is often-times crippling. Every time I've playtested this my opponents cringe. Chaining with Snapcaster Mage is really powerful as well, or turn 4 Silence into Vendilion Clique on drawstep is powerful.
Snapcaster Mage to regain value for all your spells, these guys need no explanation. Killing people with sword wielding snapcasters is some of the most satisfying modern play you'll have.
Geist of Saint Traft represent one of the most resounding UW threats out there. They are pure headache for your opponents.
Kitchen Finks are pure tar pit. Seriously these are as good as any walls the UW decks run, gain life and wield swords. Pure value.
Vendilion Clique eating artifact removal with a turn 4 clique and equipping a clique with a sword turn 5 is freakin' epic. No explanation needed.
Mirran Crusader Killing somone with a turn 5 Sword of War and Peace is really, really satisfying. He is a House.
Sword of War and Peace Great card for today's meta, stops Path to Exile and Lightning Bolt the premiere removal in modern right now. Punishes opponents for having cards in grip and gives you the all important life gain.