Went to a local Standard event tonight with this deck. Wound up 1-2.
Round 1: Goblins
Game 1: Didn't know what I was playing, kept a slow draw. Got run over.
Game 2: Much closer, burned away all his early plays, got Keranos down and started generating a bunch of advantage, but wound up getting burnt out by three Stokes before I could put together lethal.
Round 2: Green Devotion
Game 1: Burned all his guys, wiped the board multiple times with Volcanic Vision, drew a dozen extra cards from Steam Augury and Dig Through Time and he just never stopped drawing threats. Wound up losing to 12 damage out of nowhere from a pumped creature when I thought I was stable.
Game 2: Stalled on 3 mana and lost
Round 3: Sultai Collected Company
Game 1: Fought back and forth, had to 2 for 1 myself to kill a Deathdealer, managed to kill a flipped Liliana, but was tapped out and couldn't stop the flipped Nissa.
Game 2: Opponent mulled to 4, valued him out. Had a funny back and forth with him trying to keep Narset down with an Elvish Visionary I couldn't be bothered to kill.
Game 3: This was pretty epic. I resolved Narset, who got Downfalled, then resolved Ojutai and opponent just hung his head at using his only removal spell. He managed to get a Herald of Torment on a Deathmist Raptor which took a Stoke and Wild Slash to deal with. Put the nail in his coffin when he flipped Den Protector and I responded to the flip with Learn from the Past to shuffle his graveyard away. Stoked his creature Herald to clear the way for Ojutai putting him to 2 and wiped his board with Anger of the Gods, which got the scoop.
So, managed to win 2 games! Deck functioned about the way I expected and was a lot of fun to play, but just couldn't capitalize on its big plays. Keranos rocked. The one game I resolved him it felt amazing. Narset was also pretty good. Only resolved Goggles once, but they worked about how expected, and double Steam Augury was sweet.
I think the theory for this is sound but it needs some more threats like Keranos or Ojutai main deck that it can stick and put pressure on the opponent. Also I think my lack of experience playing it made it hard to know when I should start going to the head and stop controlling the board.