A Post Rotation Mono-Green Ramp Deck where the all stars are Genesis Hydra, Polukranos, and Hydra Broodmaster creating problems for your opponent.
Life's Legacy- allows for card draw that can bring out more fatties and lands for more spells.
Genesis Hydra- Make an X/X and also be able to bring out another creature, make this sucker a 7/7 and you can place any other creature onto the battlefield, but making him a 5/5 can still get you over 80% of the non-land cards.
Polukranos- The World Eater from Theros, this guy is a monster when it comes to getting rid of your opponents creatures and clearing the board for your other creatures to swing for lethal.
Setessan Tactics- This card was added to deck after playing against Mono-Black and Mono-Blue due to their amount of evasion. Great card that completely shuts down Mono-Black Devotion Gary Strikes.
Hydra Broodmaster- A great card that green needed. This card is not only a 7/7 for 6 but it also has the ability to pump out mini Hydras. There have been times when I would make 8 8/8's without contest and win the game on the next turn.
Arbor Colossus- Great Devotion adding machine that also gets rid of that pesky Stormbreath Dragon.
Courser Of Kruphix - Great Mana fixer that allows me to plan on my next turn. Amazing amount of life gain if Nissa can reach ultimate.
More Descriptions to Come