Mono-Red Haste
Need Sideboard Pl0x —Oct. 29, 2017
I need a sideboard and I suck at creating one, can you guys help?
jon_hill987 says... #2
I'm not sure why you think removing them will cause mana problems, you will still have the same number of lands they just won't enter tapped. Between Hazoret and Ramunap you really don't have to worry about flood. During the recent Pro Tour there were mono red decks running 15 mountains, 4 Sunscorched and 4 Ramunap because they were more worried about hitting their land drops than flooding out. Evolving wilds can lose you your turn one or two play as it enters tapped and the thinning really is minimal. I would never run them in a mono colour deck and would put in basics first.
August 7, 2017 3:10 a.m.
jon_hill987 says... #3
If you are worried about the mana cost of Brute Strength, Rush of Adrenaline is still in Standard.
August 7, 2017 3:12 a.m.
thanks jon_hill987! I'll try between these different pump spells. Didn't even know about Rush of Adrenaline, thanks for suggesting that
Alaeva says... #1
TakkunSezHaii I'll try your setup, with removing the built to smashes and doing that, see if what's more efficient
and to jon_hill987 I will try swapping out the wilds for the ruins and I'll see what will happen. might remove the 2 Cartouche of Zeal and add 2 mountains as removing the evolving wilds can cause some mana problems (probably)
August 7, 2017 12:57 a.m.