
Creature (2)


Creature (1)

  1. Incandescent Soulstoke + Thunderkin Awakener - let's you take more powerful creatures from graveyard like Nova Chaser or Thunderblast
  2. Thunderblust + Thunderkin Awakener - if you manage to bring Thunderblust back to the game (e.g. using combo from 1.), it will attack and return to battlefield permanently
  3. Flamekin Harbinger + Nova Chaser - champion Harbinger, when Chaser dies, you can search your library for new creature you currently need (e.g. next Nova Chaser). Incandescent Soulstoke + Nova Chaser + Smokebraider you can pay mana from Smokebraider, use Soulstoke's ability to put Nova Chaser to the battlefield, attack and if Nova Chaser dies somehow (due to the block or if you use Fling), Smokebraider will be back untapped giving you next 2 mana
  4. Spitebellows + Thunderkin Awakener - cast Spitebellows for it's evoke cost when Thunderkin is on the battlefield. You will hit opponent's creature, attack with Thunderkin bringing Spitebellows back attacking and hit your opponent's creature again.
  5. Fling + Unleash Fury or Thud - double creature's power then deal that damage directly into your opponent. If you will do it on Nova Chaser when your opponent has no block, you can deal 40dmg at once (20dmg in combat, 20dmg in fling)!!!

The general idea of this deck is to power up your creatures which dies at the end of turn with Temur Battle Rage or Unleash Fury, attack and sacrifice them with Fling or Thud. Then you can revive them using Thunderkin Awakener (and sacrifice them again with those spells).

The best possible opening is: 1st round Spark Elemental, 2nd round Thunderkin Awakener bringing back Spark attacking. It will leave your opponent with 13 HP, usually Thunderkin remains on the table if you start the game (there are not too many creatures with power 2 for 1st drop to block it).


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94% Casual


Date added 3 years
Last updated 3 years
Key combos

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

21 - 2 Rares

16 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.55
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