This deck is based around getting creatures to sacrifice into play (preferably eldrazi scions), and using various spells and creatures that benefit from them them being sacrificed. Here's an explanation for the cards I put into this deck:
Blisterpod: Good creature to sacrifice to a sac outlet because it gives us a scion. This is a good two-for-one creature.
Brood Butcher: Good for potential creature removal and gives us a scion.
Catacomb Sifter: Lets us scry whenever we sacrifice a creature (this is very good given the amount of creatures we will be sacrificing) and also gives us a scion.
Smothering Abomination: This creature is absolutely amazing for our deck. Not only is it a 4/3 flyer, but it also provides us with a sac outlet and a great card draw engine.
Zulaport Cutthroat: Another very important card in this deck. This card lets us benefit even more from sacrificing creatures.
Some of these creatures provide us with creatures to sacrifice, some give us outlets to sacrifice creatures, and some do both. All of these creatures are very important to the deck and are the basis for what we've got going on here.
Altar's Reap: This card lets us get some card draw going, and fits in the with the sacrificing theme in the deck.
Plummet: This deck has some trouble with flying creatures and this card lets us try to deal with that.
Ulcerate: Good removal when we're in a pinch.
Ultimate Price: More good removal.
These instants give us good board control to help keep the opponent's board clean while we work up into our sacrificing combos.
Bone Splinters: Good cheap removal.
Call the Scions: Gives us some more scions to sacrifice.
Evolutionary Leap: Great sac outlet that also lets us dig another creature from our library.
From Beyond: Allows us to search for Smothering Abomination and also gives us some more Scions.
Vampiric Rites: Gives us good life gain and card draw when in a pinch.
These enchantments are essential to our deck. This is where we get most of our good combos from through our sac outlets.
Land:Pretty straightforward. Going for a budget approach, so nothing too fancy here.