

-3 Wildgrowth Walker, -3 Chupacabra, -1 Seekers' Squire, +3 Carnage Tyrant, +4 Duress

This plan is for creatureless decks. If they have enough targets for chupacabra, can leave 1-2 in over contempt/trophy (examples: crackling drake, bolas, niv mizzet, dream eater, doom whisperer).


-3 Wildgrowth Walker, +3 Carnage Tyrant

Mono Red:

-3 Midnight Reaper, -2 Vivien Reid, +2 Deathgorge Scavenger, +3 Moment of Craving

Vivien answers frenzy but isn't good otherwise. Vraska is medium but also answers frenzy and can still be useful otherwise. Midnight reaper just doesn't trade well and the life loss is a real downside in this matchup, it's not terrible but the other creatures are better and a certain number of answers need to be kept in. Find can occasionally sweep things up late game, but also is just good as a way to recur walkers and put the game away. This is primarily for the non-flame version of red. Against flame versions it may be right to go even lower and take out vraska as well, but I'm not sure what I'd put in there (maybe duress).

Mono Green Stompy:

-2 Vivien Reid, -1 Seekers' Squire, +3 Ritual of Soot

Selesnya Tokens:

-2 Golgari Findbroker, -2 Vivien Reid, -2 Vraska's Contempt, +3 Duress, +3 Ritual of Soot

Trophy is kept in for stuff like immortal sun. Duress is good but I don't think I want to draw too many as they can have creature heavy draws. Findbroker seems fine but not sure what else to take out.

Mono White Weenie:

-3 Midnight Reaper, -2 Vivien Reid, -1 Vraska Relic Seeker, +3 Moment of Craving, +3 Ritual of Soot

Just trying to stay alive/wipe the board when they are out of cards or outsize them with a wildgrowth walker. Midnight Reaper seems like it could just fall behind on tempo too easily (and doesn't help the wildgrowth plan like all the explore). Vraska seems fine but I don't think I can risk ever drawing two.

Mono Blue Tempo:

-2 Golgari Findbroker, -2 Vivien Reid, -2 Vraska Relic Seeker, -3 Find // Finality, -1 Land, +4 Duress, +3 Moment of Craving, +3 Ritual of Soot

Taking out the top end which just gets super out tempo'd by cheap counters. Basically all the sb interaction is useful and we just want to remove their stuff and then beatdown. Trim a land because our curve gets brought down a lot.

Boros Angels:

-3 Midnight Reaper, +3 Ritual of Soot

Honestly not sure I want anything here to change. Possible some ritual of soot is fine but the main 60 might also be fine.

Izzet Drakes:

-2 Vraska Relic Seeker, -2 Find // Finality, -1 Findbroker, -1 Vivien Reid, +2 Deathgorge Scavenger, +4 Duress

Questions here are:

What combination of Find / Vivien / Findbroker to take out? All are situationally good but mediocre in many games, vraska feels consistently too slow unless they are just doing nothing.

How many duress? The card seems fine-ish but most of their spells are just cantrips and kind of just do the same thing. Could be just correct to have all for situations where it takes their one removal spell, though.

Carnage tyrant? This one is a harder question. Many of the games you lose it would be way too slow since you are just losing to a bunch of phoenix coming out in the air every turn too quickly to handle. The other type of game the deck seems to lose, though, is when you get ahead early and they keep multiple phoenix back as a defensive force to stabilize and outvalue your creatures. Here tyrant might be a good way to push through, but unless you are pairing it with some other removal to make sure it doesn't get double blocked too easily, it might not even be that great there. Overall I don't think it's quite worth it.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 3 Mythic Rares

22 - 5 Rares

17 - 0 Uncommons

4 - 7 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.32
Tokens Emblem Vivien Reid, Pirate 2/2 B, Treasure
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