
Just my mono-blue Tron deck for Modern. Based off a decklist likely found on MTGGoldfish, then with a few additional tweaks. Hasn't been updated in a bit but feel free to discuss or suggest cards!


The deck plays like a normal toolbox deck but with plenty of counterspells and ramp in the early game to set up for the late game with some sweet beatdown or combo finishes. With 12 Urza lands and 4 Expedition Maps, you'll almost always have Tron online by turn three or four. You can counter their spells while you wait to draw gas, or use something like Fabricate or Treasure Mage to search out whatever you need at the moment. The deck has a lot of versatility, but much of it hinges on being able to get Tron online within a reasonable timeframe.

Available Tools

  • Platinum Angel - Slows down or stops combo decks in their tracks until they can deal with it, but it's even better against low-to-the-ground decks like Burn and Zoo. Dies to both artifact and creature hate so be aware, but can be out as early as turn three to keep you alive until you can stabilize with lifelink.
  • Sundering Titan - Punish those greedy manabases or decks that stray from the monocolor light! Against a deck that uses a lot of shocklands or splashes multiple colors, you can sometimes set them back 3 or more lands at a time with this guy. Remember that the land destruction happens when it enters the battlefield and when it leaves, so swing away!
  • Wurmcoil Engine - What can I say about Wurmcoil? This is often the first card you'll want to search up if you don't already have one. With it, you're covered against burn and a lot of go-wide strategies with lifelink and can cut down an opponent's board presence in a hurry with deathtouch. Both abilities work equally well on offense or defense, and if the opponent destroys it it splits into two more annoying wurms.
  • Batterskull - Similar to Wurmcoil, but sometimes you need the vigilance or return to hand options more than straight value. Dodges a lot of removal as long as you leave the mana up, or sticks around after the germ dies so you can suit up and win with a sad robot.
  • Mindslaver - Honestly the most fun part of the deck. Even just a one-off Mindslaver activation without the lock combo ready can turn the game around. Dump it in the graveyard, sabotage your opponent, and find that Academy Ruins when your opponent least expects it!

Win Conditions

Wincons are either just straight value beatdown from the Wurmcoil Engine/Batterskull package or the Mindslaver lock. For the uninitiated, the Mindslaver lock just requires Mindslaver, Academy Ruins, and 12 mana. On your turn, you cast and activate the Mindslaver, sending it to the graveyard. Play Academy Ruins if it's not already on the battlefield and use its ability to put Mindslaver on top of your library. Draw Mindslaver again next turn and repeat the process until your opponent catches on and concedes.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 1 Mythic Rares

7 - 5 Rares

18 - 9 Uncommons

20 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.68
Tokens Phyrexian Germ 0/0 B, Wurm 3/3 C w/ Deathtouch, Wurm 3/3 C w/ Lifelink
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