Before I respond to the request to put Progenitor Mimic in my deck, should it be banned?
December 2, 2014 6:50 a.m.
The_Dragonmaster says... #9
It is so good and it will cause the format to heavily invest in GU so I think it should. Yeah Phage the Untouchable is pretty op with those Invisible Stalker's too. I think phage should be banned but the stalkers are fine. Vraska the Unseen's final ability is powerful here, it just would never go off.
December 2, 2014 9:09 a.m.
The_Dragonmaster says... #10
Oh, phage is already banned okay. Also Celestial Mantle and Serra Ascendant. Those are good things to ban.
December 2, 2014 9:11 a.m.
The_Dragonmaster says... #11
So far I can say that cool stuff for this format is Spawnwrithe, Invisible Stalker, Thrun, the Last Troll, Go for the Throat, Mind Control, Phyrexian Ingester, Hero's Downfall, Rapid Hybridization, and Victim of Night
December 2, 2014 9:29 a.m.
Thanks for all the comments. I have taken all of them into consideration. You are all helping me to shape this new format. Thank you.
December 2, 2014 3:04 p.m.
The_Dragonmaster says... #14
Ok I finished mine. And I also made a complete list of the bans.
Battlebudies: Mono Black Playtest
SCORE: 0 | 0 COMMENTS | 1 VIEWSDecember 2, 2014 6:36 p.m.
From looking at HostOfSmallPox's new deck, I just realized that Sorin Markov should probably be banned. It's -3 affect is CRAZY,and can be activated quickly. Should it be banned?
December 2, 2014 7:23 p.m.
Skullman571 says... #16
So bassicly... Two creatures you control gain banding. I know its more complicated than that, but still.
December 4, 2014 10:11 a.m.
Except it is a lot more complicated and cooler than that, and adds a whole new strategy to the game
December 6, 2014 12:37 p.m.
I might have missed it, but can you "buddy" creatures at instant speed, or only during your turn? Also needs a new name, maybe "battle bros"?
January 18, 2015 9:48 a.m.
You can only team up creatures on the first main phase.
January 18, 2015 9:50 a.m.
The_Dragonmaster says... #22
Oh, hafnera, you can make the rules easier to read by putting some >br< tags in the description. (switch the signs though) It Breaks the lines and starts a new one. So that you don't have two different rules on one line.
January 18, 2015 10:02 a.m.
greenkingwashere says... #23
The 22 mountains in this deck make zero sense
January 18, 2015 10:03 a.m.
o, thanks HostOfSmallPox, and, yes, obviously I have not worked out the land situation yet. Thats part of the reason this is a prototype.
January 18, 2015 10:22 a.m.
My brain hasn't hurt quite so much since I tried to figure out banding when I was a kid. That said this seems like much more fun. Cool idea. I wonder how it will work out in practice? Have you tried the format with anyone? +1 anyhow.
The_Dragonmaster says... #5
Have you thought about the power of Progenitor Mimic though?
December 1, 2014 8:08 p.m.