The Hive

Modern* Dunadain


Nickick says... #1

The cards which look old aren't modern legal.

also, suggestions:

Aspect of Hydra

Coat of Arms

Wrap in Vigor (as sideboard tech)

Oh, and don't not put Hornet Queen in there!

March 7, 2016 10:50 a.m.

Nickick says... #2

Oh, and in a mono green deck, 20 - 22 lands is plenty

March 7, 2016 10:51 a.m.

Dunadain says... #3

Thanks for the quick responses!!!!!

Nickick, Thanks I did some expirimental hands and you were right, this deck has some serious mana flood, thanks again.What! Saber Ants isn't Legal!! =( I'll fix itAs for Coat of Arms I figured Door of Destinies was slightly better becasue it is cheaper to lay and being a tocken themed deck my creatures will come and go fast but the counters on Door of Destinies won'tAspect of Hydra Sounds like a good Idea

Finally, Whats wrong with Hornet Queen?

I realize that you probably know a lot more about magic to me so if any of my arguments are flawed please tell me why =)

March 7, 2016 11:02 a.m.

Nickick says... #4

I meant you hadn't put Hornet Queen in as it's in the maybeboard (you should)

Also, for consistency it's a lot better to have 3-4 of of a few creatures than 1-2 of of lots of different creatures. Pick the best ones and get rid of the worse ones (I know it can be hard :P)

March 9, 2016 2:10 p.m.

Dunadain says... #5

Thanks again Nickick I've slimmed down the variety in the deck and I like the odds alot better!!

I put in Hornet Queen, I had wanted to put her in earlier, but I felt her summoning cost was outrageous.

March 9, 2016 4:57 p.m.

Casey4321 says... #6

March 10, 2016 8:49 a.m.

WombosCombos says... #7

Mh your curve looks a bit off.

I feel like you should cut two Door of Destinies and also go down to two Parallel Lives. Beacuse you'll generally like if you draw the cards later in the game as top decks, but having one in your opening hand isn't ideal. So that you have seven four drops on the top of your curve. For the same reason I'd only run only two Ant Queen and two Overwhelming Stampede. They're good cards, but more than one won't use much. As replacement I'd play Vorapede, it's a solid five drop and needs to be killed two times. You then have three open spots.

Having a good opening is essencial in magic, thats why I'd run four of the Scute Mob, where I'd only run two of the Aspect of Hydra, it's a usefull combat trick, but won't use you much early in the game (you probably won't use it earlyer than turn four or five). To get faster and more consistent to your top end cards I'd run cards like Search for Tomorrow or Kodama's Reach. They'll also synergise with your Scute Mob and thin your deck. The difference is that you can play the Search for Tomorrow as early as turn one and the Kodama's Reach at turn three. The Search will benefit you as early as turn three, beacuse you'll get ramped by one in the third turn -> you have access to four mana. With the Reach you're able to have five mana at turn four. Personally, I'd prefer the Reach because you want to get to five mana as fast as possible. So you should add three of eighter one of these. Now you got all the earlyer opened spots filled with cheaper cards that get you play your more expensive cards faster.

Hope I could help, if you have any more questions feel free to ask or discuss over my suggestions!


-2 Door of Destinies

-1 Parallel Lives

-1 Ant Queen

-1 Overwhelming Stampede

+2 Vorapede

+1 Scute Mob

-1 Aspect of Hydra

+3 Kodama's Reach/Search for Tomorrow

March 10, 2016 9:46 a.m.

Nickick says... #8

As an aside, Nissa's Pilgrimage is flat out better than Kodama's Reach when he only has forests, not to mention easier to get hold of...

March 10, 2016 1:02 p.m.

WombosCombos says... #9

Well sure, didn't think of that.

March 10, 2016 1:24 p.m.

Dunadain says... #10

Thank you WombosCombos I have made the changes.

I think that Vorapede wouldn't have to be killed twice as often as you might think, the wording doesn't say you have to kill it twice it says if it doesn't have any counters on it return it to the battlefield (with a +1/+1 Counter). So If I had a Door of Destinies out then Vorapede would have a counter so would be sent to the graveyard if killed.

March 12, 2016 12:35 p.m.

Dunadain says... #11

I like Casey4321's suggestion of Beacon of Creation, any idea's on what to take out to make Room?

March 12, 2016 12:44 p.m.

WombosCombos says... #12


The Door of Destinies doesn't add +1/+1 counters to the creatures, it is a static effect. So the undying would trigger even with the Door out.What would mean the enemy has to basicly kill it twice. One time to kill it, but it returnes to the battlefield with a +1/+1 counter and then a second time to really kill it.

March 13, 2016 3:10 a.m.

Dunadain says... #13

Thank you WombosCombos for clearing that up.

To anyone, I took out living Hive because it costs a lot of mana, was that wise?
Please share your opinion!

March 13, 2016 11:43 a.m.

Dunadain says... #14

The Loam Larvas aren't as useful as I would like, are there any low mana, similar creatures that put the lands on the battlefield? (or at lest in my hand)

March 14, 2016 2:21 p.m.

WombosCombos says... #15

Sakura-Tribe Elder is probably the best.

March 14, 2016 6:07 p.m.

Dunadain says... #16

Thank you WombosCombos for your suggestion I will add Sakura-Tribe Elder to the Maybe board.

An alternative that I have found is Rampant Growth, While at first glance Sakura-Tribe Elder is obviously superior I am reluctant to add it for three reasons:
1. It is a non-insect creature, while that doesn't matter too, much this deck is just for fun anyways...
2. It is a non-insect creature, since all other creatures are my OCD rebels against it =)
3. In theory Rampant Growth could be better because it could help trigger Nissa's Pilgrimage's Spell Mastery (I might be grasping straws there though)

So, is Sakura-Tribe Elder's superiority significant enough to find a place in my deck?
Everyone, please feel free to share your opinion

March 15, 2016 9:43 a.m.

WombosCombos says... #17

Well yeah Rampant Growth is also good, even though the Sakura-Tribe Elder doesn't fit well into the Insect scheme it possibly can protect you from a few points of damage or can turn itself sideways to deal a few points of damage. The Spell mastery probably won't be active on turn three anyway, so it probably doesn't matter.

But this definitely is test worthy or if somebody can crunch the numbers needs some calculations. I guess that the board state of Sakura-Tribe Elder is more valuable than the spell mastery, but I am no expert.

The obvious best card would be Three Visits, but I guess this card is far beyond most peoples budget, so it's more a fun tip than a suggestion. ;-)

March 15, 2016 10:14 a.m.

Dunadain says... #18

Three Visits is not modern legal...

I agree that Sakura-Tribe Elder's Board state is more valuable then spell mastery but how often will I have Sakura-Tribe Elder on the battlefield?
In the early game I will almost always lay Sakura-Tribe Elder and then sacrifice it immediately for the land.
In the end game I might have enough land already but as long as I have an Ant Queen or Unyaro Bees on the board I will want every land I can get.
Rampant Growth, on the other hand, will stay in my graveyard forever (excluding weird cards that exile cards in the graveyard)
I have expiremented with this deck on and on the tappedout Play test and I use this play more often that you might think:
1. Forest, Scute Mob
2. Forest/Swarmyard, Rampant Growth
3. Forest/Swarmyard, Aspect of Hydra, Nissa's Pilgrimage (I lay Aspect of Hydra solely to trigger Nissa's Pilgrimage's Spell Mastery

and of course there are plenty of games in which for whatever reason I have to lay Nissa's Pilgrimage on turn 4+

Again I am not saying Rampant Growth is better, I'm asking if Sakura-Tribe Elder is significantly better or only slightly

March 15, 2016 11:08 a.m.

Nickick says... #19

Sakura-Tribe Elder lets you play it, wait till the end of their turn, then get a land

If they use removal on it, you sac it and get a land

If they attack with a creature, you block it, then sac it and get a land

Rampant Growth only lets you get a land

March 15, 2016 11:52 a.m.

WombosCombos says... #20

As mentioned I don't know.

It probably even depends on the matchup. Against fast paste decks you'll probably be better with the Sakura-Tribe Elder in grindy matchup the Rampant Growth may be better for triggering spell mastery.

What I am trying to say: You should play a few games with both cards and see what works best for you. Both cards are a few pennys. You could however always try to test with proxys before buying them.

March 16, 2016 3:37 a.m.

Dunadain says... #21

Nickick I did not think about sacing Sakura-Tribe Elder right before it gets killed. While I will definitely try both I will switch them for now...

March 16, 2016 3:09 p.m.

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