Bant Knightfall

Modern Dreadnaught33


going back traditional —June 6, 2017

In the current meta, I like the streamlined approach, 7 dorks (not 8, they die a lot) with ten 2 drops with the normal cast of characters and then the mvps at the 3 drop. I'd love another tracker but honestly it's just too mana intensive at times.

For the board, negate has been better than unified will, so 3x there. 2 mages and 2 eidolons for a meta call vs decks like eldrazi, DS, vizier combo, storm and others, with support from a bunch of one of creatures that all perform different and wide reaching functions also in the board. bojuka bog is needed with graveyard strategies up. I still like blessed alliance as a one of even though many are dropping it entirely. i always consider cards like stony silence, unified will and rest in peace, but i find them a little clunky or in the RiP case hurtful to our game plan with knight.

I'm still flexible with all these choices and always welcome suggestions!

moonbeee says... #1

We discussed this deck last summer and I am glad to see that you are still sticking with it. Draw well mate!

May 11, 2017 11:52 p.m.

smackjack says... #2

I play Knightfall myself and i like your list. I like the use of Spell Queller, mostly to protect the knight from removal once you combo. Ive considered Spell Pierce for that, but since you build up mana when you combo the Spell Queller seems like a much better option.

I run 2 Elspeth, Knight-Errant in my list. Its really good for breaking stale boardstates :)

May 20, 2017 12:46 p.m.