Bant Knightfall

Modern Dreadnaught33


Creature heavy board, reflector main —July 30, 2017

Updates: After some testing and talking with some of my fellow knightfall players, I'm going with reflector mages main deck. With so many creature decks around, that card wins games when other times game one would be close to impossible.

The board I've tweaked to be really creature heavy (creatures that can hit off company) with 9 creatures and 4 non creature spells- 4 counters and stony silence. Counters are kind of a given, but I'm never sure exactly which ones are best.

As always, I love comments. I'll make a true update with a tournament report sometime in next month or so.

moonbeee says... #1

Sideboard is always a little meta dependent. I live in a rather aggressive meta with some homebrew combo/fair decks and Blessed Alliance is a need for me. I've considered going up to 3! What is going on with your unified wills? I switched from negate to unified will and was very happy, I was able to counter so much more and always had more creatures. Are you in a abzan/jund heavy meta?

I have been playing a lot of the the Vizier Combo deck lately and don't understand your reflector mage in sideboard. In the best scenario you buy yourself 2 turns if you bounce a turn two Devoted Druid, which in my experience may not be enough time for knightfall. Meddling mage will shut their combo's off though, and the deck doesn't run a tonnes of removal.

June 6, 2017 11:06 p.m.

OOBS says... #2

I see that you put Nissa from the mainboard to the sideboard. What spurred you to change your mind on that? Also, what do you feel Reflector Mage gives you mainboard that makes it better than Courser of Kruphix and Tireless Tracker mainboard? Just want to pick your brain as you appear to be a veteran Knightfall player, at least in comparison to me. I opted to play Reflector Mage out of the sideboard and use the 2 Coursers to help against aggro and the Tracker to work in grindy matchups, but maybe you feel these aren't as necessary or relevant?

July 10, 2017 10:57 p.m.

Dreadnaught33 says... #3

Hey WhisperingBlade- I think it's a meta call on reflector main or not, and honestly I go back and forth to exactly what you said. I'm actually not sure whats right yet, and the rest of the knightfall community isn't either I don't think, we're all still messing with stuff and just going with what feels good to us as players/what we think will perform well at the event we go to. There are definitely times I miss courser and tracker. I am CONSTANTLY shifting my creatures around lol. Only constant for me is knight, voice, ooze, hierarch, some number of birds and mostly queller are the core and the rest you can do as you please.

Nissa you can put in the main or board depending again on your meta- I play her main if theres a lot of scapeshift and other decks that are not fair/grindy/midrange/control. If you have a lot of junk, DS, control etc Nissa has played really well and I've seen lists that cut retreat entirely and play 2-3 Nissa which goes all in on the value strategy since most of the time it's hard to get the combo online against decks with lots of removal.

Check out this forum to stay up to date on peoples thoughts on the deck, this has been great for me:

July 11, 2017 7:31 a.m.